For legal residents and citizens who’ve lost their businesses due to the over-the-top restrictions that made little difference? Nothing
Cuomo’s New York: Illegal Aliens to Get $15,600 in Taxpayer-Funded Checks
Nearly 200,000 eligible illegal aliens in New York could receive a one-time payment of $15,600 in taxpayer-funded benefits thanks to a budget deal approved by Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D).
This week, as Breitbart News reported, state Democrats and Cuomo struck a budget deal that shifts $2.1 billion in taxpayer-funded benefits to illegal aliens who lost their jobs during the Chinese coronavirus crisis. The aid to illegal aliens is $1.1 billion more than tax credits and grants authorized for small businesses in the state.
Estimates now suggest about 187,000 illegal aliens are eligible for the benefits and each could receive a one-time payment of $15,600 or about $300 a week for the entire year. (snip through the breakdown)
Despite supporting the budget deal, Cuomo has admitted he is concerned about the potential for fraud when illegal aliens begin applying for the one-time payments.
“Cuomo says the [New York State] Comptroller will examine excluded workers fund before it goes online, as well as [Attorney General] Tish James, for potential fraud vulnerabilities,†Zach Williams with City & State NY reported.
Fraud by people who’ve broken U.S. laws? Providing aid violates multiple sections of US code on illegal aliens, including inducing/enticing and aiding/abetting. But, our two tiered justice system won’t prosecute.
Why are taxes high in New York?
So the government can pay illegal immigrants up to $15,600.
In New York, it pays to break the law.
— Tom Cotton (@TomCottonAR) April 8, 2021
You know what? You New Yorkers need to stay there and live under the system you voted for, rather than escaping and bringing your Progressive insanity to other areas. Suck it up.

Stay here ? Nope Soris has ordered us to disperse and turn other States blue kudt like what wecate going in NC
Sending all those new “smart” people
Down to the triangle
As far as immigrants go sorry Teach but the Bible clearly States in no less than 22 times that we should welcome them and treat them just as we treat ourselves
Leviticus 19:34
The alien who resides with you shall be be yo you as the citizen among you and you shall love the alien as yourself
Rev Kye instruct that sinner!!
An individual in PA reportedly was paid $2 million of taxpayer money for his suffering during the pandemic!! We’ve heard he is not grateful for the largesse and is entitled to more!
Undocumented workers, including those that used to work for the former guy, pay taxes. They could not receive jobless benefits or stimulus checks. nuCons conclude this should make them leave America, ignoring that many of them have been here longer than some nuCons. They would rather spend the money on bigger and stronger walls around America!
We need comprehensive immigration reform to tackle the problems of undocumented workers already here. the problems at the borders with illegal entry AND international efforts to address refugees fleeing for economic, violence, corruption and political reasons.
Tom Cotton is a vile idiot, but typical for a nuCon politico.
Why do you constantly lie, Elwood? Do you believe when you fascists hand out “taxpayers money” (bullshit-taxpayers don’t pay half what you fascists spend-you just create money out of thin air) only fellow communists, fascists and corrupt politicians can get it? We all can if we know how and now that you are giving it out we are gonna take it. Fuk you assholes.
Just to burn you further, the inspector is due to visit my property in Ambler on Mon. 4/12 and my guy who did a preliminary walk through for me said I pass. Plus, my son, the Korean lawyer, Dr. Annie and myself are starting a non profit company to purchase properties to rent to the feds for Xiden Bucks. We are looking at several properties already. We are hoping to be able to house 20-30 “refugees” @ a cool 4K each per month. The Xiden Junta will make me a real millionaire. And if we do it like the Xiden’s, Clinton’s etc with off shore banking and non profit status our taxes will be less than Bill Gates’ secretary. Hahahaha. Thanks, Elwood.
Why do you hate Whites?
Why do you hate Christians?
Why do you hate America?
Why do you hate me for taking advantage of your leaders programs?
Good for you! Grifters such as you have no ethical compass – accumulating money by any means necessary is your only moral! Just like your Messiah, LOL.
We expect grifters to grift. Never let a crisis go to waste. If you can get rich off taxpayers why not, right? LOL.
Ab-sol-utly! If Your fake leader is willing to give me your money to house “refugees” why not? It ain’t “grifting” if the I qualify for a government program and NEWS FLASH!, I do. In fact the actual grift, if you will, is that YOU installed this Junta and now they’re giving away your money … me! I love it. I’m just taking advantage of all those “programs” you communists just couldn’t wait to set up because…Orange Man Bad. Now I get to teach other conservatives how to use the leftist policies to fund ourselves and our political party. Cool, in’t it?
So I repeat: Why do you hate me for taking advantage of your leaders programs?
Why do you hate Whites?
Why do you hate Christians?
Why do you hate America?
Why do you hate me for taking advantage of your leaders programs?
Valid elections are limited to the number of registered voters.
It has been shown that fraudulent elections suffer under no such constraint.
“Illegals pay taxes…â€So? Does that absolve them of law-breaking? No. Near where I live there recently was a “youthâ€, as they’re called in France, who was arrested for burglarizing homes at night. But he had a day job and so he paid taxes. So what? Should he be given a pass? The “but they pay taxes†has to be one on the lamest excuses for law-breaking I’ve ever heard..
Uh, Guv? Please explain your theory on spending your way out of Bankruptcy. Not that I’m opposed to you enticing illegal gang members, child molesters, drug dealers, fugitives, terrorists, and other democrats into YOUR state.
Can we “identify” as illegals and collect a check? I mean fascists get away with it all the time why not us?
Bwaha! Lolgf