Is there a vaccine for this? Will we have to stay home and isolate? The CDC just lost it’s few remaining backers
So COVID-19 is no longer working, time to pivot to racism so the Administration can cram more laws down our throats. This is all tiresome
— Redneck Rogue Elf, ???? Whisperer (@TheRogue_Elf) April 9, 2021
From The Hill
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on Thursday declared racism a “serious public health threat,” becoming the largest federal agency to do so.
“A growing body of research shows that centuries of racism in this country has had a profound and negative impact on communities of color,” CDC Director Rochelle Walensky said in a statement published on the agency’s website.
Walensky noted the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has been felt most severely in communities of color, which have experienced disproportionate case counts and deaths.
“To build a healthier America for all, we must confront the systems and policies that have resulted in the generational injustice that has given rise to racial and ethnic health inequities,” the agency said.
So, what are they going to do about it?
The declaration is part of a new agency-wide initiative called Racism and Health, which the CDC said is meant to be a hub for its research into the effects of racism on health, and efforts to achieve health equity.
The initiative is meant to go beyond studying the issue and focus on taking action.
For example, Walensky noted that the agency has new funding to address COVID-19 disparities by making investments in racial and ethnic minority communities, as well as other disproportionately affected communities around the country.
Let’s be honest, this is simply another way for Democrats to divide the nation, to create more strife, and to find more ways to control the citizens. And it’s a good way to deflect from the idiocy and anti-freedom stuff they’ll push over the next four years.
Walensky said “we must confront the systems and policies that have resulted in the generational injustice”. She forgot the phrase “from the Democratic Party”. No group has been more responsible for racism/bigotry than Democrats. They are the party of slavery, Jim Crow, segregation, community covenants that agreed to block blacks, and more. It was baked into their party platforms in the late 1800’s and early mid-1900’s. They were also very anti Asian, especially Chinese. Once the Civil Rights act passed they just corralled blacks into hoods in the Dems big cities. And try to do the same with Latinos. They like their “minorities” controlled and contained. They don’t care about the conditions, they’ll just patronize them with money and free stuff come election time.
Do Democrats care that blacks are shooting themselves at such high rates? The vast majority of shootings in NY, Baltimore, Chicago, Detroit, LA, and so many more, even Seattle and Portland, are black on black. Do Dems care? No. Democrats think blacks are too dumb to get an ID, for goodness sakes. They don’t think blacks and other “people of color” can succeed without government. That’s not racist at all, right?
BTW, is racism also infrastructure?

Some people just don’t know how to stay in their lane.
The CDC has no expertise and no authority when it comes to social issues. This is how you get voters thinking that your agency has way too much funding, because it can’t focus on the things it was created to focus on. The CDC has done a miserable job, a demonstrably incompetent effort, at dealing with the Coronavirus “pandemic.” You’d think they’d know enough to shut up and keep a low profile for a while, and concentrate on diseases.
This is totally in their lane. Democrats believe that every part of government should be turned to supporting their agenda on every issue. The entirety of the federal bureaucracy will be controlled by political appointees who naturally will set policy to their liking. Their stated goals on paper mean nothing. So it is fine for CDC to proclaim racism is a health issue, for DoD to claim racism and climate are national security issues and for NASA to claim climate science is “settled”. It’s what they do. The only incredible part is why anyone would take them seriously when they are obviously just political hacks making political policy statements. This is the natural consequence of voting for democrats and why they should never be trusted with power at any level.
Apparently racism pays well. Who knew?
Bwaha! Lolgf
Aw, com’on man, we all knew that. Every “civil rights leader” since the death of MLK was/is a race hustling grifter (Rush’s befitting terminology), con artist and himself a racist liar and corruptocrat. Just think about all the “good” the “Reverends Without Congregations” , Sharpton and J.J. Jackson have done in their careers. Hell, Sharpton even got a few people killed and walked away like he was a Capitol cop killing a White girl scot free!
Take Al “kill the Jews” Sharpton. Net worth (that he admits to) around $2 million. That does not include his many properties, his off-shore accounts, his “flow through” charities or his under-the-table dealings. Now “The Reverend JJ Jackson shows around $9 million in net worth and he too partakes in the graft and corruption so well associated with the former Democrat Party. They are all grifters and shake-down artists and they are the crooks who laid the ground work for the Marxist BLM organization to follow albeit to a far, far more profitable shakedown. BLM even gets our tax money and federal grants. That’s what my asst’s and I are working on, grabbing as much money as we can off the leftist Junta before everything collapses.
Hell, why should we not partake of the corruption the fascists bring. I advise all you guys to explore the ways the feds are handing out money.. There is something there for you. I didn’t think it possible but man, if you’re willing to identify as a black or a tranny (and all you need do is check the boxes nobody can say you’re lying because it’s a “construct”) you can qualify for millions. These Marxists are suckers for their own propaganda.
Look how pissed off The Elwood is that we qualified for PPP loans. Just loans (until we have them “forgiven” next month). He went crazy accusing me of all kinds of grifting and stuff. But it’s okay for someone else to do it as long as they’re not me. Wait till you hear his cursing as my “refugees” start paying off (June or July) he’ll go bonkers. But he and 65 million other people voted for this Junta, not me. They stole the election and I intend to take full advantage.
Maybe thats why Elwood
Hates White people
Hates Christians
Hates America
Hates Patriots
Commenter asks: WHAT IS ELWOOD HIDING???
Besides ten inches of pink steel, nothing.
Fact: 81 million Americans voted for President Biden and Vice-President Harris. That’s some 7 million more than voted for the former president and vice-president.
Fact: A few thousand violent sheeple believed the former president’s lie about the election and stormed the US Capitol in an effort to overturn the election. This was just one part of the former president’s efforts to subvert our democratic processes. He failed, bigly, and is self-exiled in a compound in FL, no doubt still plotting against the US with his supporters.
As you can see from the commenter, America will always have grifters, both liberals and conservatives, who utilize the gov’t to enrich themselves. They always make excuses for their specialness. The former president is criticized for his use of campaign finance laws to fleece his own donors by drawing down their bank accounts without permission. In general, our laws support the wealthy at the expense of the working class. So we see millionaires getting millions in “Covid Bucks” but complaining about people who actually work for a living receiving $1400. This is America.
Lickenbrock Technologies …
Woman owned.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Is Brock your new boytoy??
Commenter claims he’s hiding nothing yet refuses to answer a few honest question about his beliefs and motives. All while accusing others of every nasty thing his pea brain can think up in a vain attempt to be superior. But I’ll tell ya, immorality, hate and anti Godliness are not moral nor are they in the American spirit.
Fact: 30,000 Patriotic Americans went to DC to protest what they and 100 million more see as a stolen election. The “former President” had nothing to do with it other than being on their side. He asked them to protest peacefully and if you had one bit of honesty (fat chance) you would watch the speech and see I’m correct. No one was trying to “subvert” our democratic process in fact they were exercising their Constitutional rights to demand a free and fair election which we did not get. You know it and we know it. If you were sure you would have investigated the election instead you waved us off and told us we are “insurrectionists” for even asking. That’s not the way America is supposed to work. You treated us and are still treating us like we don’t count and are non-citizens. In fact you treat illegals better than we Americans. Even if the election turns out to be honest (which I doubt) in America after an election we are all still countrymen….supposedly. You act like we’re second class citizens unworthy to speak or be heard.
The Red commenter once again compares me to grifters because his illegal Junta decided to hand out money. Well guess what, fuk him. Stolen elections have consequences and he isn’t the only one who can live off of government handouts.
If our laws “support the wealthy” then whose fault is it? Certainly not mine. I am and always have been what thr Red Commentator calls th “working class”. I was not born rich. My father was an artist but to make money spent most of his life as a carpenter. My mother spent years working for Western Union. we were never rich but we never lacked for anything. In fact I was the poorest kid in school.
But I knew my duty as an American, as a Christian and as a man and I did my duty regardless of the consequences or danger to myself. God, America and Family came first.
The Red commentator conversely thinks only of himself and his fascist desires to control everyone. All he sees he wants. His is a life of envy avarice and a driving need to be superior even while knowing he’s not.
Why do you fear White People?
Why do you fear Christians?
Why do you fear Patriots.
Why do you fear me?
One hundred million Americans are wrong if they believe the election was stolen. Patriots do not try to tear down America. Patriots do not storm the US Capitol. tRumpatriots maybe, but not American patriots.
Our laws support the wealthy because America is effectively a plutocracy – rule by the wealthy. For a few decades post WWII America became an actual middle class society, but for the past 40 years or so has gradually descended back to a more feudal system. The working/middle class has regressed in earnings and wealth compared to the wealthy – that damaging wealth inequality one hears much about. The Republicans are worse in constructing these laws but the Democrats are also a working arm of the plutocracy.
Billionaires can bankrupt half a dozen companies and still be billionaires. Tax evasion by the wealthy is a billion dollar industry. Congress continually reduces taxes paid by the wealthy, including inheritance taxes, capital gains taxes and taxes on other unearned income. At the same time Republicans are always looking for ways to cut benefits to working class Americans – Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, infrastructure, schools, worker safety…
Republicans support the plutocracy but need the votes of working class whites to keep power – and that’s why the GOP uses scare tactics – frightening their voters with threats from Blacks, Muslims and immigrants.
“One hundred million Americans are wrong if they believe the election was stolen. Patriots do not try to tear down America. Patriots do not storm the US Capitol. tRumpatriots maybe, but not American patriots.”
Maybe they are and maybe they aren’t but ignoring their plea and calling them names just makes America worse. No Patriots are trying to tear down anything. The US Capitol is a fuking building Red commenter, and nobody tried to burn it down or blow it up since the last time YOUR TEAM set off a bomb. Certainly our Republic is strong enough to tolerate a protest at the Capitol without shitting itself! My son was there no “tRumpatriots” (stupid name) stormed anything. There were a couple dozen out of control stormers and they were from YOUR TEAM infiltrated to cause trouble.
“Our laws support the wealthy because America is effectively a plutocracy – rule by the wealthy.”
Our laws apply equally to everyone except the laws designed by fascist leftists to benefit their friends. If you look at the top 20 billionaires in America 18 are Democrats. If you look at the top 100 millionaires they are 90% Democrat. Just like if you look at the top 10 high crime cities 9 are Democrat run. You cry and moan all the time and you keep running your commie mouth about things YOUR PARTY CAUSED.
“Billionaires can bankrupt half a dozen companies and still be billionaires. Tax evasion by the wealthy is a billion dollar industry. ”
Anybody can bankrupt half a dozen companies one needn’t be a billionaire. And tax evasion is illegal so that isn’t a good point since no one is supposed to do it. Tax avoidance is legal. Are you against tax avoidance?
“Congress continually reduces taxes paid by the wealthy, including inheritance taxes, capital gains taxes and taxes on other unearned income.”
If they’ve continually been reduced how come they’re so fukin high?
“At the same time Republicans are always looking for ways to cut benefits to working class Americans – Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, infrastructure, schools, worker safety”
That’s just flat out Blueanon propaganda and shit. I don’t know one Republican trying to cut benefits. Not one. And infrastructure, schools and “worker safety” have nothing to do with it. They are all separate issues and most of the problems are not Republican they are joint R’s and D’s.
“Republicans support the plutocracy but need the votes of working class whites to keep power – and that’s why the GOP uses scare tactics – frightening their voters with threats from Blacks, Muslims and immigrants.”
Again, we don’t need a fascist/communist telling us what we believe just like we don’t need a lecture on God by an atheist. But if you believe we support plutocracy then why are all the billionaires Democrat? But if you believe that then we believe Democrats support kleptocracy and donly need toi steal enough votes to install a senile dickhead like Xiden and his Junta.
What is it with you preferring mooslems and immigrants to natural born Americans? Why are you determined to give our inheritance away to foreigners. The only people who should be afraid of blacks are leftists like you because some day when they realize what you’ve done to them from slavery to ghettos they will slit throats.
Why do you hate Whites?
Why do you hate Christians?
Why do you hate Americans?
Why do you hate me?
The Red commenter blames everyone but himself and here is the plutocracy he supports in action!!!!!
“Investors were waiting for the Biden Administration to go ahead with its push for 500,000 EV charging stations, and they were not disappointed. Biden’s so-called ‘American Jobs Plan’, despite its name, a series of hyperspending giveaways to China and special interests, called for those 500,000 charging stations, and ChargePoint’s stock, as expected, shot up on the news.
ChargePoint already controls as much as 70% of the EV charging market and is the likeliest beneficiary from Biden’s push to have taxpayers, many of them working-class and middle-class, subsidize wealthy Tesla and luxury electric SUV owners, with convenient charging stations for their urban and suburban lifestyles.
When Biden picked Jennifer Granholm to be the Secretary of Energy, she, like many public officials, had a complex history of radical advocacy and special interest involvements.
But one part of her career has received very little attention even in light of today’s announcement. And that may be inevitable because asking the media to report on conflicts of interest involving Biden officials, instead of on his dogs, may be asking too much of journalism.
In 2016, Granholm was picked to serve on ChargePoint’s board of directors.
The lasting effects of racism permeate America. It’s not serendipity or genetics that have kept minorities impoverished.
And of course poverty correlates with poorer health outcomes. Wealth begets health.
Teach types: Let’s be honest, this is simply another way for Democrats to divide the nation, to create more strife, and to find more ways to control the citizens.
Let’s be honest, this is simply another issue for conservatives to deny and ignore. Rather than address an issue, Teach always falls back on his standard demcommiefacists want more “control”. White Americans feel under attack and are understandably defensive. This is always the case when a dominant sect is asked to give up some of their power.
The fraud is gradually being uncovered . Slowed by liberal/ communist such as yourself. If the election was legitimate thenyou would be working as hard as possible to bring it to light.
You are gaslighting racism again. Everyone here identifies you as the worst of racist. Clean up your own backyard.