They really want it to be in person this year, because the lockdowns they put in place, some of the most burdensome in the world, were just so inconvenient for the climate cult. What if COVID is still raging in Europe and many parts of the world as it is now? The Elites keep doomsaying with news of new variants. Why even take the chance?
Britain wants in-person ‘COP26’ climate change summit this year
Britain is working hard to make sure it will host an in-person United Nations’ Climate Change Conference, known as COP26, in November and there is no desire to postpone the summit again, Britain’s COP26 president said on Wednesday.
“We are working very hard to ensure we deliver an in-person COP, which allows all countries to participate on an equal footing,†Alok Sharma told parliament.
“This is incredibly important as many parties feel strongly that negotiations must be in person,†Sharma said.
The November summit in Glasgow, Scotland, was originally due to be held in 2020, but had to be postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Asked if the summit would go ahead, Sharma said: “COP26 has already been postponed by one year and the urgency of the climate crisis has not abated.â€
“I don’t sense any desire amongst parties for a further postponement and we’re working very hard to ensure that we have an in-person physical COP, taking into account of course any COVID-related contingencies,†he said.
Why not use Zoom or some other type of video conference system, just like they’ve made kids and many working adults use? Oh, in person is important? Huh.
Anyhow, will all the parties, including the politicians and high ranking bureaucrats, from Europe take the trains they are so proud of to travel to Scotland? Or will they take fossil fueled vehicles and short airplane trips? France just agreed to ban most short haul domestic flights. Scotland’s not much further. Oh, right, this would only apply to the peons. How will it work with around 7,000 to 10,000 people descending on Scotland with COVID certainly still a danger? How do they do masking and social distancing and stuff? Will it be run 100% on renewables? As normal, the climahypocrisy will be amazing.

Our esteemed host asked:
It’s different for the Patricians; I’m surprised that you didn’t know that!
The Patricians have been ‘working from home’ for a year now, and it’s time to get out for a partay! The plebeians, well they’ve mostly been ‘essential’ workers, ’cause the Patricians still need their coffee and wagyu steaks.
Teach those “doomsayers” looking back they were a lot more accurate than people like you and Trump,weren’t they? Like those doomsayers said, it wasn’t fake news
Teach do you tealky want me to answer your questions about renewable energy in Scotland ?
Well OK
Scotland got 97.4% of its electricity from renewables in 2020 their goal set in 2011 was 100%
And the cost of generation (not transmission) is low
That is really stupid. Did you know that one of the towns actually ran the numbers and then started burning trees as it is the only real renewable.
And why would that be good for Scotland?
Teach asked a question about whether those at that conference would be using 100% renewable energy
I pointed out that in 2020 Scotland got 97.4% of its electricity from renewables
Youbcanbeasily check I encourage ylubto do so
A town that burns wood ? Please tell us more when I googled it all I could find was that Scotland was going to begin regulating wood burning stoves because of pollution. Please explain why that is stupid
The fact is the the hysteria associated with the CO2 religion that you and Jeff are involved is totally and completely a hoax. Your only resolution to the hoax is taxes and restriction despite the fact that those pushing this religion acknowledge that the effort would likely not result in measurable influence. As to the town and it’s using trees, look it up, your life is spent in reading propaganda on the internet.
John-what do you have against trees? Do they scare you like a CO2 molecule does?