I though masks were meant to control COVID19? No? All they’ve been telling us is that we need herd immunity to beat Bat Soup Virus, now “experts” are starting to say something different. Is this real, based on actual science, or is this more of the goal post shifting to keep the government controlling citizens?
For almost a year, Americans have been looking forward to herd immunity, when enough people are protected through vaccination or past infection to stop the spread of COVID-19.
Once there, public officials have said, masks won’t be necessary and hugging and handshakes – not to mention gyms, bars and indoor dining – can return.
But even as more than half of Americans have received at least one dose of vaccine and many others are protected by recent infections, health experts are moving away from the idea of reaching some magic number.
Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation’s top infectious disease doctor, doesn’t want to talk about herd immunity anymore.
“Rather than concentrating on an elusive number, let’s get as many people vaccinated as quickly as we possibly can,†he said at a White House briefing last week, a sentiment he’s since repeated.
What Fauci doesn’t explicitly state, but others do, is that with about a quarter of Americans saying they might not want to be immunized, herd immunity is simply not an attainable goal.
“It’s theoretically possible but we as a society have rejected that,” said Dr. Gregory Poland, director of the Mayo Clinic’s Vaccine Research Group. “There is no eradication at this point, it’s off the table. The only thing we can talk about is control.â€
Well, huh. They’re trying to Blamestorm people being vaccine resistant for one thing, even though the same Experts have been saying that the vaccine might not mean the end of masks and stuff (I’m still fine with mostly social distancing and no touching. Keep the flu and colds away!). And saying all the above will make people even more resistant, not seeing the point in taking the quickly developed vaccines. Nor does it help that they’ve shifted the goal posts on what percent is considered herd immunity.
Israel, which at 62% has the world’s highest vaccination rate so far, gives a preview of what can happen.
“As soon as vaccination rates hit 50%, you saw cases and deaths just start to plummet,†said Christina Ramirez, a professor of biostatistics at UCLA.
Data from Israel shows that the vaccinated not only are much less likely to get severely ill or die, but if they do get COVID-19, it’s almost always a mild case.
Then you know what? Stop telling people all the things they still can’t do when vaccinated, because they then so zero point in getting the vaccine.
???? Breaking: @gretchenwhitmer traveled to Florida during the spring outbreak in Michigan, despite telling Michiganders to stay put. ????
Lockdown for thee, open Florida waters for Whitmer. pic.twitter.com/nsuik7WzmN
— Chris Gustafson (@chris_gustafson) April 19, 2021
Well, things you can’t do, but, the Elites can, despite their Excuses.
And, yet, Florida and Texas are still doing pretty well despite doing away with most COVID measures.

One of the most interesting trends of the pandemic will surprise many.
Working from home. Using the internet. Google Docs. Microsoft word. Facebook and Instagram. Twitter. Zoom. Skype.
Ordering your groceries and STUFF from AMAZON, WALMART.
The big Video companies such as Apple, Netflix and Prime MAKING THEIR OWN MOVIES and then streaming them on their own PLATFORMS. Again. Online.
DISNEY telling the theatres to go FF themselves as they are going to stream all their movies on their Disney Plus Channel….subscription based.
Showtime, Cinemax, HBO all making movies and showing them on their OWN SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE.
I could go on and on. Is there any wonder the Social Media and Silicone Valley is trying to KEEP YOU MASKED UP? Terrified? Afraid to go out?
Is there any wonder that teachers want to use ZOOM and SKYPE to teach class from home?
Fear mongering 101. Create a crisis and then offer to fix that crisis. Covid-19 while real hardly requires the world to hide indoors from now until the comet hits in 2041 or the UFO’s are finally discovered hiding in the White House Basement.
Create a crisis and then never let it go to waste. Conservatives need to stop using these major players and give mom and pop a chance. Give mom and pop a chance. That has been my message for a decade and its never more relevant than today.
It’s another giant conspiracy!!
You must not know many teachers.
But the Faucists insist you still need to wear a mask. Why is never explained.