Actually, it’s exactly the right time to be concerned with individual rights. Well, all the time is the right time. But, it does show what Liberals really think, per this Peter Baldwin piece
Vaccine passports — A technical, not an ideological issue
Forgive me for thinking that the midst of a global pandemic that cost millions of lives and trillions of dollars in economic loss is not an ideal moment to parse the fine points of individual rights. Covid has already sparked political fires over how to rein it in.
Privacy advocates have undercut contact tracing apps’ use. This technology would have permitted us to go about our business — unless we were unfortunate enough to contract infection. Then we would have been alerted to isolate. That was certainly preferable to the alternative we were left with — most everyone stuck at home in lockdown.
The claims that mask-wearing in public violates civil rights is too ludicrous to discuss — were it not for the many who seem to believe so. In seemingly every western democracy, anti-mask movements, organizations and parties have arisen to protest the affront they consider the requirement to protect themselves and others.
The same libertarians who are resigned to seat belts, cycle helmets and condoms have resisted the single most effective personal protection against a respiratory contagion. That refusal to follow simple protective guidelines has only helped to spread the virus and prolong the pandemic. “No shirt, no shoes, no service,” provokes nary a murmur, but “please wear a mask” is a red flag to the live-free-or-die crowd.
Masks are pretty much worthless, as they let COVID in. The material in most won’t stop a virus, and most have openings that let it in. Regardless, pieces like this expose that Democrats want citizens compliant. They don’t care about freedom, they want citizens to do as they’re told when they’re told and keep their mouths shut. Comply.
Vaccine passports are a temporary measure, useful during the interval while many are vaccinated, but before herd immunity has arrived. A different solution is needed for the few who have medical reasons to avoid vaccination. They must be given the benefits of inclusion in the scheme. For others, passports will distinguish those vaccinated from the rest.
If you continue reading the piece, you start to get an idea that the passports would not be temporary.
Whether we have passports or not, as a society, we will soon need to decide how to treat our fellow citizens who clear-eyed and consciously refuse to participate in the collective project of herd immunity. Anti-vaxxers, as those who oppose vaccines have come to be known, have objected to inoculation ever since the first vaccine against smallpox became a public health mandate in the late nineteenth century. Some raise religious objections, usually a fear of intermixture between human and animal.
And forced vaccination. Baldwin attempts to defend this, but, really, if some people don’t want it and risk getting sick (the percent who die or get it bad is extremely low), let them. If I’m vaccinated, I’m not worried. That’s on you.
Those who reject shots remain a threat to others. They spurn the solidarity of vaccination, which by now has become an expectation of citizenship. Should they be allowed to participate where they pose a threat? If not, how can we know whom to worry about without certification? Vaccine passports do not create that dilemma, the unvaccinated do.
So, forget your civil liberties. Never let a good crisis go to waste. Pieces like this do rather show that all the lockdowns and restrictions and such are less about protecting people from COVID and more about Governmental power.

William Teach: Masks are pretty much worthless, as they let COVID in.
That misrepresents the study. It is correct that masks should fit properly, but you can’t extrapolate the way he did, and the study showed that cloth masks are more effective for larger particles. As the chance of acquiring COVID-19 and the severity of illness depends on viral load, masks are one important measure people can take to lower the overall infectivity of the contagion.
It’s important to note that seasonal influenza has practically disappeared due to social measures taken to combat COVID-19.
Well, we know what the ‘experts’ tell us, but the empirical evidence hasn’t shown it to be true. The states with no mask mandates seem to have lower COVID infection rates than the ones with the mandates, and the stricter the regulations, the worse the infection rates!
Empirically, the mask mandates seem to increase infection rates!
Now, now: pointing out that the data doesn’t support the theory – with this or “climate change” – is considered a “hate crime”.
Dana: The states with no mask mandates seem to have lower COVID infection rates than the ones with the mandates, and the stricter the regulations, the worse the infection rates!
Wow! Turns out that you are more likely to be caught in the rain in countries with more umbrellas.
Sorry, chuckles, “larger particles” DNE “viral load”.
Not the same thing.
There, that’s better.
alanstorm: It’s important to note that seasonal influenza has practically disappeared due to blaming every death on COVID-19.
Turns out that there’s a test for that.
Turns out as usual the Kiddiez are trying to mislead and are flat out wrong again.
Bwaha! Lolgf
You are a grade school kid with zero background in medical issues. Mask are just about worthless and do nothing is reducing attempts to limit a viral infection.
Consider a virus like you would glitter. You have glitter thrown on you but your mask might prevent some from being inhaled. That is until you remove the mask in your home or car and then you get the glitter. In surgery I wore a mask to reduce, not eliminate transmission of mostly staph to the surgical wound. Source of the stahl was my nose. But wearing a mask for a virus did nothing to protect me or patients. Best way to reduce tendency to viral illness is hand washing.
david7134: You have glitter thrown on you but your mask might prevent some from being inhaled.
The primary purpose of the mask is to prevent your exhaled glitter from getting on other people.
david7134: But wearing a mask for a virus did nothing to protect me or patients.
And yet seasonal influenza has effectively disappeared.
Uh, not really.
Bwaha! Lolgfy
Your emotional assessments are incorrect. And the flu has not gone.
david7134: Your emotional assessments are incorrect. And the flu has not gone.
Unusually low compared to previous flu seasons.
They got it exactly backwards.