I’m going to position this as how it might. The UK Daily Mail, and those who are linking to it, is saying this is what will happen
How will Biden’s climate plan affect everyday Americans
(Alternate headline is “How Biden’s climate plan could limit you to eat just one burger a MONTH, cost $3.5K a year per person in taxes, force you to spend $55K on an electric car and ‘crush’ American jobs”)
President Joe Biden’s ambitious plan to slash greenhouse emissions by 50 to 52 percent over the next decade could prompt sweeping changes that could affect how Americans eat, drive and heat their homes. (snip)
While Biden hasn’t released details on what life could look like for Americans, experts and recent studies have laid out what would need to change by 2030 to reach the goal.
Here’s how it could affect every day Americans:
Cutting red meat consumption by 90% and animal products by 50%
Americans may have to cut their red meat consumption by a whopping 90 percent and cut their consumption of other animal based foods in half.
Gradually making those changes by 2030 could see diet-related greenhouse gas emissions reduced by 50 percent, according to a study by Michigan University’s Center for Sustainable Systems.
To do that, it would require Americans to only consume about four pounds of red meat per year, or 0.18 ounces per day.
It equates to consuming roughly one average sized burger per month.
Piss off. I’d like to see the federal government attempt to force this on citizens. You think taking guns away will cause problems? Try this.
I’ve written enough about EVs, I’ll leave you to read it.
Nearly 25 percent of homes would need to be heated by electricity, rather than natural gas or oil, to help reach Biden’s emissions goal by 2030.
The average cost to install an electric heat pump, which an all-in-one heating and cooling unit, is about $5,613, according to figures home HomeAdvisor.
Taxpayers could fork out trillions of dollars
Industry leaders say Biden’s climate plan, while there are no cost specifics yet, could end up costing American taxpayers trillions of dollars. Nearly 25 percent of homes would need to be heated by electricity, rather than natural gas or oil, to help reach Biden’s emissions goal by 2030.
The average cost to install an electric heat pump, which an all-in-one heating and cooling unit, is about $5,613, according to figures home HomeAdvisor.
Taxpayers could fork out trillions of dollars
Industry leaders say Biden’s climate plan, while there are no cost specifics yet, could end up costing American taxpayers trillions of dollars.
And, let’s not forget things like forcing you to replaced you natural gas fired stove, hot water heater, fireplace, etc. Having to replace your fridge with one with the new, and as of yet barely available, type with a new refrigerant. How about a new washer and dryer to conform? New dishwasher? These climate cultists think everything will be rosy. Can’t wait for their bitching and moaning once they get the bill.
A few hundred ppm CO2 isn't in any way risky to anyone's health, but an old guy trying to prevent bad weather by riding a scooter in traffic without a helmet *is* risking his health.
— Tom Nelson (@TomANelson) April 23, 2021
Not shown are certainly the SUVs which followed him for a brief period.

The UK Daily Mail says “may” and “could” a lot.
Teach posted a table headed: WHAT WILL BE REUIRED (sic) TO MEET JOE’s GREEN TARGETS
Neither President Biden nor the U of Michigan (not Michigan University as the Daily Mail said) article said a 90% cut in red meat consumptions would be required (or reuired).
The Daily Mail didn’t always say from where they obtained the information but regarding cutting red meat by 90% see http://css.umich.edu/publication/implications-future-us-diet-scenarios-greenhouse-gas-emissions.
The article did not say that it would be required, it was one of 4 potential scenarios DEALING ONLY WITH DIET, no other measure. It’s almost as if the Daily Mail was not being honest. Teach and right-wing-o-sphere fell for it!
The article the Daily Mail alludes to says: In 2030, over 65% of new cars and SUV sales will be electric (pure EV or PHEV), and 10% of new truck sales will be electric. Daily Mail claims the average cost a new EV is $55,000! All Teach’s table shares is the avg price of a new EV. How did they calculate the “average”? What’s the average cost of a full size pickup truck these days? https://spp.umd.edu/research-impact/publications/fact-sheet-how-can-us-achieve-50-52-emissions-reduction-2030-and-what
The Mail claims 25% of homes need to convert to electric heating (but Teach’s table doesn’t share that). The mail claims the cost of a new heat pump (installed) is $5613.
The rest of article quotes Republicans and deniers such as Bjorn Lomborg with “estimates” of job losses and $3500 per household in taxes, and costing trillions of dollars.
The Daily Mail WAS honest in saying plan details had not been announced.
So glad to have the pedantic Rimjob explain what was written.
And he makes so much sense too.
Bwaha! Lolgfy
The esteemed Mr Dowd wrote:
That price is pretty close to what I paid when our HVAC system was trashed in the flood. But it doesn’t tell the whole story. My ductwork was just fine, and only one line needed to be replaced. If this had been in my previous home, in the Poconos, which was heated by steam radiators, the forced air ducts would have had to have been added, in an 1890 Victorian not designed in any way for such an installation. The duct work would have been several thousand more, not to mention the drywall, painting and finish carpentry costs to enclose those new ducts.
The honorable Mr Dowd asked:
A 2021 F-150 super cab starts at $33,025, but options can push it significantly higher.
Car and Driver, people who we’d expect to actually know stuff, guesstimates that the lowest end all-electric 2023 F-150 will start at $70,000.
But let’s go with Rimjob.
He’s so smart.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Heckuva job Presidunce ShortBus!

Bwaha! Lolgf
Heat pumps and electric cars are the wave of the future? The grid can’t support what we currently have with rolling brown outs and outright outages.
A timely article…. https://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2021/04/why-wind-and-solar-energy-are-doomed-to-failure.php
As John Kerry rides his rechargeable electric scooter the 0.6 miles between the White House and Foggy Bottom, he would have had a couple of SUVs of security following him. Thing is, if he’d ridden in one of the SUVs with the security personnel, he would have saved the electricity used to charge the scooter. He added a tiny bit more CO2 to the atmosphere.
Unless, of course, he would have otherwise taken a separate limousine, which, in his case, is quite possible.
Did he learn nothing from Pete Buttigieg’s idiotic bicycle photo op?
Having a gas heater and water heater kept part of my house warm when the power went out during the February freeze. Many people in the neighborhood had their pipes freeze and burst when the power went out.
Biden – stupid, corrupt, racist and ugly all wrapped up in one package.
FOX “News” corrected their misleading story about President Biden’s alleged plot to take away your beef.