Let’s take a look at the headline Milky Loads uses
Now part of the email
I just wanted to say thank you so much for being the only blogger (aside from Al Giordano) who gets it. While the rest of the blogosphere (especially the liberal bloggers) lose their heads you are an island of common sense. Patience and Steel. Yes, yes. yes.
It also occurs to me that in a way McCain and Rove have actually simply taken over the liberal blogosphere in some way. They are being played.
Yes, that evil Karl Rove. All purpose boogeyman. Freakin’ nutjob conspiracy tools on the left don’t understand that those one the Left are going to concentrate on McCain, and now Palin, as Excitable Andy does, while those on the Right are focusing on Barry.
The problem is not Obama, is that no one wants to follow his lead. Instead they are following McCain-Rove and they don’t even know it.
Doesn’t make Barry sound much of a leader, eh? He can’t even get his hardcore supporters to follow him. How is he going to “unite” and lead a country?
Anyhow, the post was nutballs in the echo chamber. He had an earlier post with the same theme, in which he writes
We have a chance now to defeat the forces of evil that Obama has smoked out of their cubicles.
There is the complete and utter Leftard mantra: Conservatives are evil, and must be destroyed. If only they care half as much about destroying America’s enemies, like Al Qaeda and other radical Islamists, but, they think the only enemy to America is the Right.
But, hey, buy Andy’s book on Conservatives. Snicker.
PS: Dan Riehl wonders if Sullivan is writing emails to himself. Maybe Andy and Glenn Greenwald have something going on?