Warmists are super excited about “clean, green energy” right up to the point it moves from theory to practice
Lawsuit seeks to block 2 geothermal power plants in Nevada
Conservationists and tribal leaders are suing the U.S. government to try to block construction of two geothermal plants in northern Nevada’s high desert that they say will destroy a sacred hot springs and could push a rare toad to the brink of extinction.
The lawsuit filed by the Center for Biological Diversity and Fallon Paiute-Shoshone Tribe says the project would turn a “pristine and unique location of ecological value and spiritual significance” into an industrial site.
It’s the latest public lands conflict pitting green energy production against potential harm to wildlife habitat or cultural resources in the biggest U.S. gold producing state, where legal challenges traditionally target things like hard-rock mining.
Environmentalists nationally have rallied around President Joe Biden’s ambitious renewable energy agenda, which embraces solar, wind and geothermal production.
Wait, what was that part about being an “industrial site”? Anyhow, did anyone consider the impact of building it there, where it would mess with hot springs sacred to Indians and the toads? Why are most of these things built far, far away from where Warmists can see them? How about we build them right there in the big cities?
The Biden administration approved the project last month even though the center’s petition to list the toad as a U.S. endangered species is still pending before the Fish and Wildlife Service. (snip)
“We strongly support renewable energy when it’s in the right place, but a project like this that threatens sacred sites and endangered species is definitely the wrong place,” Patrick Donnelly, the center’s Nevada state director, said about the geothermal plants.
It rarely ever seems to be “the right place” in practice.
Tribal Chairperson Cathi Tuni said the Fallon Paiute-Shoshone’s ancestors have lived in the Dixie Valley region for thousands of years and long recognized the hot springs as “a sacred place of healing and reflection.”
“The United States has repeatedly promised to honor and protect Indigenous sacred sites, but then the BLM approved a major construction project nearly on top of our most sacred hot springs. It just feels like more empty words,” she said.
Way to turn on the Indians, Brandon!
Our esteemed host wrote:
Well, of course not!
Geothermal is actually a good system for residential heat pumps, but they are much more expensive than the traditional in the air heat pumps. Not being subject to the extremes of air temperature, but drawing, or releasing, heat energy from the nearly constant underground, they can be far more efficient. Of course, they still require sparktricity to run!
A case could be made that geothermal based heat pumps would be the real future of HVAC in the United States, but these are systems primarily for single family homes, not the densely populated apartments into which the warmunists think we should be crammed. Not only do the systems need to be buried, meaning some reasonable yard space, but they need to be buried in a location where, if they fail, workers can dig down to them; burying them under people’s basements would be a bad, bad idea.
When it comes to industrial scale, problems mount.
Let’s face it: the only historical sites which can be disturbed now are Confederate cemeteries and monuments. Of course, most of them aren’t built in hot springs!
This may be a little off topic, never the less it’s the reason these type of government abuses keep occouring and will. Until we take it back and re-establish a righteous governance based on Natural Law, God’s Law, morality. That’s the simple answer. It takes action.
The founders of the United States, knew this and founded the country accordingly.
After freeing themselves from the tyranny (theft) of the English King, through the act of saying NO and actions of fighting a bloody revolutionary war. The founders were faced with the huge delema of establishing a government that would prevent any one man, group or political party from ever taking complete power and control over the sovereignty of the people.
They knew that all men are potentially corruptible! It didn’t matter which political party. Given enough money or power some immoral men will be corrupted into evil and the founders knew that.
Therefore they established a government by, for and of a sovereign people. The individual citizen was to be free and sovereign above all government. Person 1st, each state 2nd,
fedral central state 3rd. This in fact, was and still is the Law of US. The only reason it doesn’t seem to be, is because it has been corrupted by men with power, influence and lots and lots of money! So they can afford to corrupt a lot of other immoral men & women.
Most people falsely believe our rights come from the constitution but they don’t. That’s why the founders wrote: “We believe these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal with certian inalienable rights”. This only means they were acknowledging the obvious. Our rights don’t come from man or a document signed by men. They are birth rights that come from the creator or God.
Most folks know, is the founders in their attempt to prevent corruption, separated government power into 3 branchs:
1) Legislative: Congress & Senate; make laws.
2) Executive: President Cabinet; executes laws
3) Judicial: Supreme Court; evaluates the laws
What most folks don’t know, (never taught or toldl) & (if you were in power and control, why would you tell the people) is that the founders also made huge distiction between: a Public Person! and/or/vs. A Private Person! A very BIG difference.
A Private Person, working in the private sector, per the 4th ammendment (search & seizure laws) was to be completely private in all their affairs, papers, dealings effects/belongings etc… Meaning government had no right to know anything about you unless you were breaking a law. Stealing!
Murder, Rape, Trespass, Assualt, Coercion, Fraud, Theft! All forms of Stealing against another person.
In other words, there had to be an injured party. Regulation infractions like forgetting to put on your seat belt or going 5 mph over the speed limit, or pissing in a national forest etc. don’t count because there is no injured party!
Contraraly, the founders new a Person in public office had certain powers & privileges the private person did not. Therefore, everything in public office was to be full disclosure, open book, no secrets and congressional oversight.
If it now seems inverted, 180 degrees out of wack, where the state wants to know everything about you while they are doing everything secret in back room private dealings. Well that’s because it has been corrupted.
Don’t expect it to change until private people take back their sovereign. They wont hand it back to the people because it’s the right thing to do. They stole it and are benefiting at our expense.
The reason the Green peoples throw up their hands and scream Not in my back yard is that they are no different than the John Kerry’s of the world jet setting around the world in fossil-fueled jets, owning several homes and their carbon footprint is like that of a small town.
They know AGW IS A SCAM, that they themselves are a part of in order to reap the whirlwind of profits.
Sensible people know it too. That is why there is no rush to destroy fossil fuels. There is only a rush to take power.
Think about this for a moment. So many countries have oil and natural gas and coal.
About 170 countries in the world DO NOT. Why do you think that even the billionaires are rushing to take power from Fossil fuels and put it into alternatives? Elon Musk anyone. Do you really think he cares about fossil fuels. Or how about anyone loving them some Saudia’s, Russians.
Yet they love Chinamen who have almost NO fossil fuels other than coal which is why China is so actively attempting to strip the world of fossil fuels so their insane ability to make GREEN ENERGY will dominate the world while they tell the world to piss off and keep fueling their own little world with Natural Gas, Oil, and Coal.
The AGW movement has been so duped by a communist country funding research all over the globe, stealing the tech invented and the research produced. Going from tribes with pitchforks to Nukes, the largest army in the world, and preparing to land a man on the moon in just a few decades.
Yet the AGW group keeps marching to the beat of communist China, oblivious to the fact that they are being duped into a big lie that will ultimately turn this planet into 1984×1000.
Not surprising at all if you’ve been paying attention.
All Democrats are enemies of the American people.
All Republicans are enemas of the American people.