See, it’s not China releasing the Wuhan flu, intentionally or unintentionally that’s bad, it’s talking about it
Covid lab leak theories ‘have put world at risk of a new pandemic’
Covid lab leak theories have put the world at risk of a new pandemic, claims a leading British scientist who was integral in shutting down debate over the origin of the coronavirus.
Sir Jeremy Farrar, the director of the Wellcome Trust, told a webinar on Thursday the theory meant that people started dishing out blame to Chinese authorities and academics in early 2020.
This, he said, ruined international co-operation, “shut the door” on identifying the possible animal origins of the virus, and left people exposed to zoonotic diseases.
“I think we are now very, very vulnerable to further animal viruses coming across [into people] because we have no international co-operation going on in terms of identifying animal viruses that would be a threat to humanity,” he said during the Royal Society of Medicine discussion.
Or, you know, China could just not f*** around with coronaviruses, with the help of people like Anthony Fauci, putting the world at risk.
“I believe we shut that door in January and February of 2020 [with the lab leak debate]. And, as a result, I’m afraid we’re at greater risk today than we’ve been throughout my professional career.”
We’d be at less risk if China was blamed properly, if this was fully investigated, and China was made to stop messing around with essentially biological weapons. But, the people who are beholden to China and look to curry favor with China want to protect China.
However, recently uncovered, unredacted emails reveal Sir Jeremy himself believed it was a possibility when he signed the now infamous letter.
In emails dated Feb 2, Sir Jeremy told Dr Anthony Fauci, the chief medical adviser to the US president, that “a likely explanation” for Covid’s origin was that it rapidly evolved from a Sars-like virus in human tissues kept in a low-security lab at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
He said this could have “accidentally created a virus primed for rapid transmission between humans”. In the same email, he said he was “70:30 or 60:40” in favour of a lab leak.
What could have possibly changed? Perhaps we need to be investigating his links to China and Wuhan.

Kind of like Speakess of the House Nancy Pelosi telling American athletes at the Winter Olympics not to criticize the Chinese government.
Teach: We’d be at less risk if China was blamed properly, if this was fully investigated, and China was made to stop messing around with essentially biological weapons. But, the people who are beholden to China and look to curry favor with China want to protect China.
Unfortunately, we closed the door on the issue being “fully investigated” early on since China was “blamed” but improperly. That ended any possible cooperation.
How does Teach propose that China be “fully investigated”? How does Teach propose that China be “made to stop messing around with essentially biological weapons”? War? Sanctions?
Should China be able to dictate what research is conducted in the US?
Teach and other trumpists have had such a boner for Dr Fauci, Dems and now China that it precludes any investigation or cooperation. All poltical, all the time.
Now Teach wants Dr Farrar to be investigated for his potential ties to China!! Farrar has said all along that a lab leak was a possibility, although the probability has dropped in his opinion, as more information has been uncovered.
“When the facts change, I change my mind. What do you do, sir?” – attributed to Paul Samuelson
If you really wanted to be more safe, you’d want to understand more about these viruses. Does Teach think he knows all there is to know?
China is a brutal communist dictatorship with significant global economic impact, now cozying up to Russia. The American right wants a new cold war to satisfy their lust for conflict.
Elwood, it pains me to agree with you,again, but your closing statement was correct except that you want to blame the American right, actually it is the ‘Swamp’ that is saber rattling.
This discussion caused a flicker of some old memories, I think it was the summer of 2019, the was a row about a ‘visiting’ chinese researcher at a lab in Calgary working on the Sars viruses. Something to do with smuggling samples out of the country. There had been some previous issues when the research was at UNC – Chapel Hill [I think], again involving chinese smuggling of samples out of the U.S. Prior to Chapel Hill, the research was being done in Belgium [ again, I think it was Belgium ].
All of this has been pulled from the dusty shelves of my memory as I cannot find any of my filed clippings and the was very little news coverage to clip. Anyone else remember any of this?
I actually do remember stories early on regarding Chinese/Canadian scientists and SARS-CoV-2, but my dusty memory has also let it slip.
It may have been this scandal…