Is this also “historic”, like when a bunch of rich elites signed a document to force Other People to conform by government fiat?
Countries Back Away from Pledge to Update Climate Goals This Year
One decision that came out of last year’s climate negotiations gained more attention than others for the pressure it puts on nations to cut planet-warming pollution faster.
Rather than wait until 2025 to submit new plans for reducing emissions, each country would need to update their targets this year, according to the final pact sealed in Glasgow, Scotland.
And then they all had their private jets fly from other airports without passengers before getting on and flying home
But in 2021, the first year such updates were due, some countries like Australia and Indonesia submitted targets that did nothing to limit their emissions. Others, like India, didn’t submit new plans at all.
The Glasgow pact requests countries to revisit and strengthen their 2030 targets “as necessary” to align with the Paris Agreement by the end of 2022.
Fransen said she thinks the language is meant to try and eke out as much action as possible, particularly from major emitters that haven’t pledged enough. (snip)
But legislation that is central to the U.S. meeting its goal of halving emissions by 2030 has collapsed.
Australia and Canada are also unlikely to put forward new NDCs. And with natural gas and oil prices rising, as well as tensions between Russia and Ukraine, many countries are trying to balance their climate goals with energy security.
Most countries realize that it’s a Bad Idea to hose their economies as they are slowly coming back from the Chinese coronavirus. Except for idiot U.S. Democrats.

Teach has no problem allowing the globe to depend on countries that are anti America for their fossil fuel energy needs
In fact he has no problem using the American navy to defend those countries most of which are not even close to having democratic governments
While I cannot speak for our distinguished host, I can say that I have “no problem allowing the globe to depend on countries that are anti America for their fossil fuel energy needs,” at least as insofar you mean the rest of the globe, not including the United States.
Nevertheless, that isn’t what our host wrote. He was noting that so many of the other nations, whose leaders mouthed all of the platitudes about
global warmingclimate change, are actually doing little, or nothing, to fulfill their promises.It should be noted that President Biden has failed in that regard as well. President Trump, who actually understood these things, withdrew from the Paris climate agreements, saying, honestly and directly, that the US would not be bound by that silliness. Then, President Biden reaffirmed President Obama’s signature in Paris, reiterated Mr Obama’s promises, and then failed to deliver.
How ’bout that? President Trump, whom the left so hated, was the only honest man in the whole thing.
That comment was even MORE lacking in coherence than usual.
Why do we care who the globe epends on for energy? The US is the only country we need to be concerned with in that respect. Now if only Brandon was aware of that.
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Until I looked at the check which said $5381, I be certain …that my best friend like they say really bringing in money in there spare time from their computer.JHGN . there mums best friend started doing this for under 10 months and just now cleared the morgage on their apartment and purchased a new Alfa Romeo.
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Can everyone see my “shocked” face from there?
More bad weather to begin in 3…2….1…