From the Seattle Times (hat tip to Michele Malkin)
Scores of convicted felons voted illegally in the state’s 2004 general election, and officials never noticed because of serious flaws in the system for tracking them, The Seattle Times has found.
The Times, reviewing felony convictions as far back as 1997, identified 129 felons in King and Pierce counties who were recorded as having voted in the Nov. 2 election. Another 23 likely voted. Several methods were used to confirm the findings.
And, as Michele points out, Gregoire won by exactly 129 votes. This, of course, after multiple Democratically pushed recounts, ballots appearing out of thin air, ballots appearing from Alaska, of all places, ballots that look faked, and more votes then registered voters. But, according to the dems, it doesn’t mean anything at all. People waiting in line to long in Democratically run precints in Ohio is more more important.
You know, President Bush did make a mistake: he let Democrats run election precincts. He should have known, after Florida 2000, that they weren’t competent enough, and just not up to the challenge.
But it’s all over now, so she will remain governor, despite any actual proof that shows she wasn’t elected. Of course, if it were the other way around…
Christine Gregoire should not be in office. How can we let this vote stand? If she was completely honest she would call for a revote.