Hope! Change! A New way of…..ah, forget it
Continuing a tradition among Washington’s power elite, President-elect Barack Obama and his wife have decided to send their kids to Sidwell Friends School. Michelle Obama confirmed yesterday that Malia and Sasha, the incoming first daughters, will enroll at the pricey private school when the family moves into the White House in January.
Although Mrs. Obama has said that public schools were under consideration and consulted with D.C. school officials, the decision narrowed this week after she and the girls visited Sidwell and the private Georgetown Day School. Malia, 10, and Sasha, 7, visited classes and met with students while their mother talked with administration officials and parents. Mrs. Obama also visited both schools last week when she came to Washington with her husband to tour the White House and meet with President and Mrs. Bush.
Despite the early tone, the Post talks about it being an elitist school, about the school having “long been the choice of politically powerful and moneyed families,” and the cost of the school, which is $28,442 for elementary school and $29,442 for the middle school. Hmm, sounds middle class to me, how ’bout you?
I wonder if they even have a teachers union at Sidwell? Most private schools don’t. So, yet another group of Barry supporters thrown under the ever growing bus. But, hey, public school is good for YOUR kids, ya know!
“Mrs. Obama is the product of public education on the South Side of Chicago and she believes strongly in the importance of good public schools for all kids,” Lelyveld said. “The Obama administration intends to work closely with the school systems in the years to come to ensure quality public education is available to all kids.”
As long as her elitist kids don’t have to go there.
Trackposted to Allie is Wired, Faultline USA, The Random Yak, Political Byline, The World According to Carl, Shadowscope, The Pink Flamingo, Leaning Straight Up, Democrat=Socialist, L.O.M.A., and Conservative Cat, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.