Let’s start with the ladies in that atrocious, stomach-churning, eye bleeding color of pink
DAY ONE in Tehran
What an extraordinary day! After arriving at our hotel in the middle of the night, I woke up early raring to go. Our hotel is in a great location downtown, and I took some time before our meetings to buy some beautiful crafts in the nearby stores and chat with the storeowners. After a hearty Iranian breakfast that included delicious tomatoes, cucumbers, fresh eggs, cheese, yoghurt, flat bread and mouth-watering olives, the “work day†began for the three of us—myself, CODEPINK cofounder Jodie Evans and Col. Ann Wright.
The whole thing reads like they were taking a vacation in New Zeland or Hawaii. Everything is oh-so-wonderful in Iran. Not that you have ever heard or read them give the same platitudes to the United States. This isn’t the first time they have pulled this stunt, either.
Then we went to his office, but along the way he stopped to show us the old, abandoned U.S. Embassy. It is now surrounded by murals with anti-American slogans—a stark reminder of the harsh rhetoric emanating from both governments.
Well, gee wiz, Medea, they stormed our embassy, took our people hostage, terrorized them, and held them for 444 days. I think we had reason for harsh rhetoric. Matter of fact, by international law, we could have bombed Iran to hell and back, as the taking of our embassy was an act of war.
Habib also showed us a short docudrama about the 20-year anniversary of the July 3 downing of an Iranian commercial airline by a US navy ship in which over 200 people died—a terrible tragedy for which the U.S. government has never apologized. There are so many sad pieces of our history that most Americans are unaware of, but that make us seem so callous in the eyes of the victims…
So, she wants us to apologize for the downing, and we look so awful to the people who took our people hostage, are major supporters of Middle Eastern terrorism, and were involved in killing our troops in Iraq. Where is the apology from Iran, Medea? Said plane was outside of normal flight lanes and did not respond to challenge from the USS Vincennes. Maybe Medea could ask the Iranians to apologize for the attacking the Vincennes with gunboats and helicopters a mere hour before the shoot down.
Moving on to a different lunatic (make sure to read the comments at the Code Pink site), we go to the HuffPo, John Hallmann: Why America Feels Like it’s Been Ruled by a Foreign Occupier
As Obama takes over the wreckage this country is in, one can’t help but feel like something alien to America has been controlling it these past eight years. The wave of emotion that has erupted with the election of Barack Obama reminds me of the Allied victory in France in WWII. After a long foreign occupation in which foreign German interests occupied the agenda of France, French governance would once again be representing the concerns of it’s populace. That hope seems to pervade America after it’s long neocons occupation. Here are a few of the parallels that I see.
Gotta love the way John makes the comparison that the Bush admin was Hitler’s Germany. Not very original, but, he does it with flair! Or, should that be with insanity?
He goes on to yammer about BushCo ignoring the public opinion. Gee, John, I wonder where you stand on Prop 8, because it seems that the majority of the unhinged Nutroots is against what was the will of the people in California.