Asset or liability? Biden’s momentum hasn’t led to new invitations on midterm campaign trail
During a trip to Wilkes-Barre, Pa. last week, President Joe Biden lavished praise on Pennsylvania’s Democratic Senate nominee John Fetterman, calling him “a hell of a guy” and “a powerful voice for working people.”
“He’s going to make a great United States senator,” Biden said.
But Fetterman, the state’s lieutenant governor, was not in attendance. The campaign said a pre-scheduled fundraiser forced Fetterman to miss the White House event on public safety.
Biden is a full-contact campaigner, known for hugging supporters, telling stories about life in Scranton, Pa., and giving fiery speeches about the little guy. But even as his once-floundering approval ratings improve, it’s unclear how often the president will be asked to join Democratic candidates in key states and congressional districts.
How many want his gaffes and ability to denigrate voters at their rallies? Him hugging and kissing little girls? Slurring his words, getting angry, losing track of what he’s saying? And, while his approval number has come up a bit, he’s still way underwater. Democrats are just avoiding the notion of him running in 2024, and the Compliant Media is refusing to ask politicians to answer the question on him running in 2024. Notice most pollsters are avoiding question on the economy and Biden’s handling of it
“If this were a couple of months ago, I think most Democratic candidates in a lot of these swing states would have been loath to be seen with him,” said David Cohen, a political science professor at the University of Akron. “Now, he’s not necessarily a huge asset for a lot of these campaigns, but he’s also not a drag on the ticket.”
Less than 70 days before the midterms, Biden is hitting the road with his first traveling blitz of the campaign season. This week, his schedule will collide with the itineraries of three Democratic Senate candidates in crucial races, testing whether they view him as a liability or strength to their campaigns.
Will Fetterman and Wisconsin Democratic Senate nominee Mandela Barnes be available? U.S. Rep. Tim Ryan, Ohio’s Democratic Senate nominee, says he will be at an event at an Intel semiconductor manufacturing plant where Biden will be, but, time will tell. But, he’s also not asking Biden to campaign for him.
Still waiting for any reporter to ask Biden why he’s not traveling in an EV.

Travel arrangements are not made by the POTUS
they are determined by the Secret Service.
I am surprised you were not aware of that
Also why do you know longer post travel costs and comparisons of our presidents.yiu always post them for Obama but stopped during the Trump reign. Likewise with Biden’s approval polls.
Seriously can you blame them?

Bwaha! Lolgf
Adolf tRump kicked off his 2024 Presidential Campaign at a Rally in Wilkes-Barre Pennsylvania. It’s being called the Trump Persecution Tour.
He claimed he is the most persecuted president in American history. John F Kennedy was unavailable for comment. Abraham Lincoln was reportedly spinning in his grave.
Ostensibly to support sinking MAGAt candidates, both TV quack and New Jersey/Turkey resident Dr Oz and white Christian Nationalist (WCN) Doug Mastriano, it quickly degenerated into tRump’s familiar
but peculiar, sing-song whining about the “vicious monsters” in the FBI and DOJ coming for YOU, defending neoNazi and Hitler cosplayer Hale-Cusanelli etc. The FBI even searched his son’s room! His current wife’s closet! No one asked him if crooks ever hide their evidence, LOL.
Of John Fetterman, PA Lt Gov and Oz’s dominating opponent, tRump said Fetterman “supports taxpayer funded drug dens and the complete decriminalization of illegal drugs, including heroin, cocaine, crystal meth and ultra lethal fentanyl, and by the way, he takes them himself” and that he wears “dirty, dirty, dirty sweatsuits and may dress like a teenager getting high in his parents basement.”
When Dr Oz took the stage, shouts of “RINO” were heard. Jan 6 attendee and white WCN Mastriano received a more friendly reception. PA AG Josh Shapiro (not a WCN, LOL) maintains a lead over WCN Mastriano.
As always, these statewide elections will depend on turnout (remember 2020?). The MAGA strategy is to keep the vote totals in Philly and Pittsburgh and surrounding areas down.
Biden could barely be bothered to publicly campaign for himself. Wht would he bother doing it for someone else?
Just remember Rimjob’s not dumb… he just has a command of thoroughly useless information.

Bwaha! Lolgf
All his information is from the internet and he is brain dead from hating Trump and any truly good person.
It’s amazing how with pedo joe and the democommies in charge everything is still TRUMP’S FAULT. The insanity of Dowd continues. He is slowly sinking into a complete breakdown because Trump (and by extension we) are till alive.
“From the Mar-a-Lago raid to denouncing half the country as “semi-fascists” and threatening them with F-15s, Biden is using the rhetoric of civil war to stay in power.” That is certainly what is going on. Jennifer Rubin of The Washington Post even tweeted (and then deleted) “Let the mass arrests begin” after Biden’s Philadelphia harangue. Joseph Robinette “If you don’t support the federal takeover of all elections you’re a supporter of “Bull” Conner” Biden is simply a demagogue. And demagogues having power seldom leads to good outcomes.
But don’t worry. Having a crime family and pedo in charge gives Dowd a woody.
Isn’t it ironic that the most power-hungry politicians in the most power-hungry party constantly accuse their opponents of wanting to destroy our democracy? If projection were an Olympic competition, they would win the gold medal in perpetuity.
To wit: New York Governor Kathy Hochul recently spoke at a rally for Democrat congressional candidate Pat Ryan. Naturally, she seized the opportunity to smear Marc Molinaro, Ryan’s opponent, and Lee Zeldin, her own gubernatorial opponent, as well as Donald J. Trump.
Hochul exclaimed to those in attendance: “We’re here to say that the era of Trump and Zeldin and Molinaro – just jump on a bus and head down to Florida where you belong. OK? Get out of town. Because you don’t represent our values.”
Because nothing screams “democracy” like chasing your political opponents out of town. Yay tolerance! Yay diversity!
It is rich that the party that has routinely contested elections — and lied, cheated, bribed, and stolen in an attempt to win them—is accusing Republicans of being anti-freedom.
It takes a special kind of chutzpah for a political party to dramatically expand the powers of the executive when it is in power, wish to add two new states (Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico) that would be certain to vote for its candidates, and threaten to pack the court and eliminate the filibuster—all while accusing its lone political rival of being anti-democratic.
Biden understands what his base wants. Electric cars, equity, killing babies and free college courses on how electrocuting babies with electric cars can bring about equity matter less than the raw seething hatred that the party’s demented base feels for the other half of the country.
Leftist accusations are always projection. When Biden states that Republicans are full of “anger, violence, hate, and division”, he’s accurately describing his own political movement which will be satisfied with nothing less than locking up or shooting everyone who doesn’t share their beliefs.