Another interesting story found at the DU – because when one goes there, can’t stop with reading just one insane thread. From SFGate: Court says lukewarm food hot enough for prison
State prison rules say inmates are entitled to two hot meals a day – but it’s up to prison officials to decide how hot is hot enough, a state appeals court ruled Tuesday.
Observing that prisoners have no right to be served food at “the most aesthetically pleasing temperature,” the First District Court of Appeal in San Francisco overturned a judge’s ruling that would have required Pelican Bay State Prison in Del Norte County to turn up the heat on meals to inmates in the security housing unit.
About 1,100 inmates are held in security housing because of their crimes, prison conduct or gang affiliations. Two of them filed suit over the food service, saying their breakfast and dinner were usually lukewarm at best, despite a Corrections Department regulation saying all prisoners are entitled to three meals a day, “two of which shall be served hot.”
The inmates aren’t allowed in the prison cafeteria but get their meals in trays through a port in their cell doors. By that time, said J. Frank McCabe, a lawyer for the inmates, “the evidence was uncontradicted that (the food) was not hot.”
And let’s highlight the difference between thoughts on criminal justice from the left and right. Here’s a DUmmy
last1standing Our penal system was designed to rehabilitate prisoners, not poison them. It’s a sad indictment on our society when even the ‘bleeding heart liberals’ think nothing of human life and dignity.
Remember, many of the guards at Abu Ghraib were prison guards here in the U.S. There’s a long history of inhumane treatment toward prisoners in this country. That is why petty criminals tend to come out as hardened ones.
 No, the reason they come out hardened criminals is because the penal system was designed to punish bad behavior, not coddle and rehabilitate. And many penal systems in this country, and around the world, have forgotten that these people are being punished for their crimes. And the people in Pelican Bay prison are not exactly low level criminals. Part of it is a Supermax prison, to house the worst of the worst. Maybe if they weren’t the scum of the earth, their food wouldn’t cool down a bit by the time they got served it in their cells, due to the fact they are too dangerous to feed in a cafeteria.
To continue, give it up to this commenter
Dirigo Let ’em eat cake Our servicemen and women eat slop in Baghdad served up by the most unpatriotic corporation in the U.S. – Halliburton and Halliburton even overcharges the poor soldier or marine. They eat rations in foxholes out in the desert and we have prisoners in Pelican Bay complaining about lunch which they don’t even pay for but deserve nothing more than bread and water. I think they should eat what they’re served and they should be grateful they got that. Prison isn’t supposed to be some culinary experience to educate the palate by dregs of society, social misfits, murderers, and the like.
Huzzah! But, you do not want to go there in DUmmie World
jrockford Typical conservative thinking – wow, haha our servicemen blah blah blah
Hope you end up in prison one day. Oh wait, was that vindictive and unbecoming sounding? Funny how that works…