Good News: World Has Just 9 Years Till Climate Doom

Huh. Al Gore said we only had 10 years left back in 2006. Another prognostication says sometime from 2027-2045 (because Science). UN General Assembly President María Fernanda Espinosa Garcés said we only have 11 years left in 2019, so, we got an extra year! And AOC said, using her extensive science degree, that the world would end in 12 years, back in 2019. Among lots of prognostications. The doomers need to get it together

The world has nine years to prevent climate catastrophe

major paper released on the sidelines of the COP27 climate summit in Egypt has started a countdown. At the current rate of global emissions, the Paris Agreement goal of limiting global temperatures to 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels will likely be permanently out of reach in nine years, the study found.

The paper, published on Nov. 11 and written by dozens of leading climatologists, the paper assesses what scientists call the “carbon budget,” which is a way of predicting the amount of warming that will likely be produced by a given volume of emissions. Run in reverse, the calculation tells us how much more we can afford to emit before a certain warming target becomes impossible—just as a personal budget tells you how much more you can spend before you go broke.

The new study concludes that, starting in 2023, if the world produces more than 380 billion more tons of CO2, the odds of limiting warming to 1.5C will fall below 50%. At current rates, that carbon budget would be exhausted by 2032. The findings buttress a similar UN report last month, which found that annual emissions need to fall 45% by 2030 in order to keep the 1.5C goal viable. The world is currently at about 1.2C, and already experiencing severe global climate impacts. Every additional fraction of degree of warming will exponentially exacerbate the crisis. A separate report published this week by the research group Climate Action Tracker found that liquified natural gas projects currently under development could consume up to 10% of the remaining carbon budget on their own.

Yeah yeah yeah. What if the world continues on this same path and Doom doesn’t happen? Who will be held responsible for all these prognostications of catastrophe? No one has taken the Goracle to task for the BS he’s thrown around, nor any others for their eco-pocalypse prognostications. Remember when they said snowfall would be a thing of the past? Or that the huge 2005 hurricane season would be the new normal? Manhattan underwater by 2018? When they said the glaciers in Montana’s glacier national park would be gone by 2020, and they weren’t? Arctic ice free by 2020? They’re never right, but, they keep using their flawed computer models, and just straight up lies, to push their cult.

But, prognostications like this do entice cultists to do things like this from Friday

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3 Responses to “Good News: World Has Just 9 Years Till Climate Doom”

  1. alanstorm says:

    The world has nine years to prevent climate catastrophe

    Again. And the sheep will learn nothing.

    According to the climate cultists, we’ve already died multiple times.

Pirate's Cove