Trans Lunatics At U Of Pittsburg Have Demands

There’s a very interesting part in this

University of Pittsburgh’s LGBTQ task force makes demands, including trans-inclusive health care, housing

The University of Pittsburgh’s LGTBQ task force posted several demands for the university to implement, including expanding housing and health care to transgender students.

The task force published its list of demands on Instagram alongside a call to organize a “walkout” on Tuesday.

“These centers need to not be buried deep in an org chart. LGBTQIA+ staff hired NEED to have some level of autonomy over collaboration, programming, and resource sharing. No more of this BS departmental/division gate keeping,” the task force posted on the caption.

The task force demanded that the University of Pittsburgh provide three fully staffed, in-person resource centers dedicated to the LGTQIA+, disability and BIPOC communities, expand trans-inclusive health care and housing, including additional medical leave for trans-related health care, and de-escalate crises on campus through trained mental health providers.

That’s interesting. Why do they need all this mental health help? It couldn’t be due to the trans folks having terrible mental health, could it? And that they are way more likely to have suicidal thoughts, and attempted suicides than people who are not gender confused? It’s also very interesting that these people always want special accommodations.

“No more cops for mental health crises!” they added.

Should be people in white coats who are going to take them to mental hospitals for psychiatric treatment. 5150 holds, because they are danger to themselves.

Crazy people

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6 Responses to “Trans Lunatics At U Of Pittsburg Have Demands”

  1. Dana says:

    “No more cops for mental health crises!” they added.

    When mentally disturbed Walter Wallace charged at police with a raised knife, the two officers who responded to the call sent him to Valhalla. If Philly were sending ‘mental health professionals’ to the call about Mr Wallace, a call from his family, the third or fourth that day, Mr Wallace would still be alive today . . . but the ‘mental health professionals’ would be stone-cold graveyard dead.

  2. drowningpuppies says:

    Face masks are recommended for this event (which was held yesterday).

    Wonder how it turned out?
    Hope no one was murdered.

    Bwaha! Lolgf

  3. H says:

    Transgenderism is a BIG issue for some people.

    • L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon! says:

      “Transgenderism” like every other lie the radical left comes up with isn’t real. Nobody can cross gender. There are only two human sexes: male and female and regardless of what you do you will remain forever whatever you were born as. The left has converted a sexual perversion into a civil rights issue. They are trying to make us live a lie.

  4. James Lewis says:

    It is past time for these tax payer supported schools to just say:

    “PISS OFF!

    You can have the same as everybody else. No more, no less.”

  5. Jl says:

    Ban assault trannies…

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