World Economic Forum Has Ideas On How The World Can Cope With Heatwaves

I’m pretty sure that Humanity has dealt with heatwaves all on it’s own without the input and guidance of Elites laying down the law

Climate change is making heatwaves more intense – here are 7 ways the world can cope

July 2023 is set to be the world’s hottest month ever recorded, with the mean global temperature predicted to be at least 0.2°C above the previous warmest month of July 2019.

Across the globe, temperatures have been breaking records. The mercury in Sanbao township, in China’s dry northwest, broke the national record when it hit 52.2°C. In the Mediterranean, firefighters have been battling wildfires from the Greek island of Rhodes to the coast of Algeria.

“The era of global boiling has arrived,” UN Secretary-General António Guterres has warned. “Climate change is here. It is terrifying. And it is just the beginning.”

Yeah, data only going back to 1979. Let’s see those ideas

Urban greening

Shade standards

Cool places

Strange, it’s hotter in urban areas

Traditional architecture

In the Persian Gulf, a study has found traditional architecture – including narrow alleyways that maximize shadows, internal courtyards and moisture-absorbing, reflective building materials like limestone – can help to cool urban areas. Cape Town and Buenos Aires are putting in place light-coloured and other cooling roofs on public housing.

Passive cooling

A US study found strategies like shading and natural ventilation could reduce pressure on air conditioning by up to 80%. Simulations using weather data from 2021 found these techniques kept temperatures in apartments out of the ‘danger zone’, even without using aircon. It’s thought the findings could be used to establish building codes around operable windows and working shades, to protect renters.

I wonder who’s going to force this?

Appointing Chief Heat Officers

Jane Gilbert became the world’s first Chief Heat Officer in May 2021, and as global temperatures rise it’s becoming an increasingly widespread and important role.

In an interview with the Forum, she says the main priority areas to address are: urban heat island mitigation (vegetative cover, cool pavements and roofs), protecting homes (which includes building safer homes and shelters), plus public education.

Ah, more government Authority to force citizens to do things, especially in the urban areas which get hot. Weird, right?

The uber rich folks in the WEF, who are constantly taking lots of private jets all over the world, also want to name heatwaves. Always have to pimp the scaremongering.

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2 Responses to “World Economic Forum Has Ideas On How The World Can Cope With Heatwaves”

  1. wildman says:

    yup. all those air conditioners taking heat out of buildings and dumping it outside had no effect. yup. All that blacktop absorbing ir and reradiating it had no effect. yup. all the concrete absorbing ir and reradiating it had no effect. yup. seems that cities are the greatest cause of heat in the cities.

  2. Quincy L. Adams says:

    Fuck the World Economic Forum ( WEF ) and everyone that is associated with them or supports them. It’s time for a witch hunt and throw them all in jail for life.

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