New Zealand Looks To Lab Grown Fruit Due To Climate Crisis (scam)

Well, this is a new one

In the face of climate change and food insecurity, New Zealand considers lab-grown fruit

In the face of growing food security concerns due to climate change, scientists in New Zealand are attempting to grow fruit tissue in labs.

While work on lab-grown meat has made headlines in recent years, similar work on fruit is less common. Scientists at Plant & Food Research in the southern city of Christchurch are aiming to change that by growing fruit tissue from plant cells that they hope will one day taste, smell and feel like real fruit. Researchers hope that the program will help safeguard the country’s food security.

“Here in New Zealand, we’re good at growing conventional horticultural crops,” said Dr Ben Schon, the lead scientist for the Food by Design program at the government-backed Plant & Food Research, “but looking into the future, there’s a lot of change coming in the world with population growth, increasing urbanisation and climate change.”

It’s always something with these people. Just crazy stuff

The program aims to grow fruit tissue without the parts that are usually discarded like the core of the apple or the rind of an orange. Providing consumers with only the tissue of fruit will help reduce food waste, said Schon.

See? Fruit is now Evil for ‘climate change’.


Large Herbivores Can Help Prevent Massive Wildfires

Ecosystem engineering to reintroduce large herbivores into fire-prone regions in Australia has shown some promise, yet conservationists and media outlets often portray these animals as helpless victims. As a relatively inexpensive part of any fire prevention strategy, we must prioritize the reintroduction of either wild or domestic large herbivores into fire-prone areas to help prevent these disasters.

Wait, you mean clearing out all the brush can do wonders to reduce wildfires, which are set around 80% of the time by humans, either intentionally or unintentionally? Huh.

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One Response to “New Zealand Looks To Lab Grown Fruit Due To Climate Crisis (scam)”

  1. JimS says:

    It doesn’t sound like they’re claiming growing fruit is bad for the climate. It seems like they think that climate change is going to make those traditional methods more difficult. Sounds like BS either way though. What they don’t seem to realize that most of the parts of the plant are used for something. Those “greedy capitalists” don’t like to throw away anything they can make a buck on. :-)

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