French President Suggests Fighting Hamas The Same As ISIS

Macron already seems to be taking a tougher line on Islamic terrorism than most, including Biden. He’s called for deporting all immigrants with ties to Islamic extremism, though, I’ll believe it when I see it in action, considering France has been overrun with them for decades, mostly in the big cities, and they like to have riots and set cars on fire quite a bit. And now

In Israel, Macron proposes using anti-ISIS coalition against Hamas

French President Emmanuel Macron proposed Tuesday that the existing international coalition battling the remnants of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria could be widened to include the fight against Hamas.

The proposal, made after a meeting in Jerusalem with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, reflected the urgency among Western leaders and allies to use any tools available in attempts to keep the war between Hamas and Israel from igniting a wider conflict.

As Macron stood beside Netanyahu at a brief appearance in Jerusalem, the Israeli leader described Hamas as “the new Nazis” and said Jewish children trying to escape Hamas gunmen attacking their communities earlier this month were forced to “hide in attics” just “like Anne Frank” did in Amsterdam during World War II.

Macron pledged that Israel was not alone and that “France is ready for the coalition, which is fighting in Iraq and Syria against ISIS, to also fight against Hamas.”

What would this look like? Would it include fighting on the ground? Killing the leaders? Eroding their weapons caches? He might be seeing the huge amount of Islamic extremism and Jew hatred in France. Perhaps he’s looking to take on a bit of the world leadership since Biden is not scary to our enemies at all.

Later Tuesday, Macron traveled to the West Bank to meet with Mahmoud Abbas, president of the Palestinian Authority, a rival of Hamas. Abbas blamed Israel and said that “the countries that support it are responsible for the conflict,” according to France 24.

Macron told reporters that “Hamas does not represent the Palestinian people.” He posted on X, formerly known as Twitter, that the war was “a tragedy for Israelis but also for Palestinians.”

Yeah, well, most of the Palestinians do support Hamas, so, if they didn’t want a tragedy they should have booted Hamas. But, without Hamas, they’re still Islamic extremists who hate Jews, Israel, the US, and the West.

Later in the article

Palestinian and Israeli foreign ministers traded graphic descriptions of indiscriminate brutality and slain children. One of the most outraged responses came from Israel, after U.N. Secretary General António Guterres opened the session by condemning the Oct. 7 Hamas attack on Israel but then called for recognition that “the attacks by Hamas did not happen in a vacuum. The Palestinian people have been subjected to 56 years of suffocating occupation.”

His remarks infuriated Israeli diplomats — the country’s United Nations ambassador called on Guterres to “resign immediately.”

Obviously, the Marxists at the UN are happy to show their Jew hatred, starting with Guterres.

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4 Responses to “French President Suggests Fighting Hamas The Same As ISIS”

  1. Doom and Gloom says:

    The former president attacked Mr Emmer as a “Globalist RINO” in a Truth Social post

    The real reason that Emmer lost was because the deep state wanted war. Lindsey Graham was on TV Sunday telling the world that if Iran gets involved in Israel they will BOMB, BOMB, BOMB, BOMB-BOMB IRAN.

    Even the news anchor was YEAH… let’s kill people. IT IS FUN, AND IT MAKES US MONEY. I GET TO KEEP MY JOB. DE JA VUE ALL OVER AGAIN….I SAW THE EVIDENCE WE MUST ATTACK IRAQ proclaims Teddy Kennedy.

    So the real reason is that the deep state standing in the way of a speaker means NO FUNDING FOR WAR.

    If we bomb Iran…the USA Navy will get smashed as the EU and the USA have sent all their war materials to UKRAINE and have nothing left to defend against thousands of hypersonic missiles that would rain down on Israel and USA forces.

    In turn, China just wanders into Taiwan and takes over 80 percent of the world’s semiconductor manufacturing because even if the US resists they will have no AMMO to shoot back with and people are saying it will take 5-7 years to replace what we have given Ukraine cause this shit is highly technical. It is not just a bunch of dumb bullets.

    The Navy would only be safe in operating North of Sicily which would mean it would take hours to support anything Israel does in their theatre of operations.

    These stupid deep staters are S T U P I D. They have never seen the USA fight a war in which there are bombs and missiles and artillery raining down on USA troops.

    Iran has 1000’s of hypersonic missiles, not to mention 10’s of thousands of mortars and artillery pieces that would leave Israel looking like GAZA STRIP.

    THAT IS WHY THE RINOS voted to put a MAGA in the CHAIR. THEY WANT WAR or at least their puppets do.

  2. Dana says:

    Our esteemed host put it exactly correctly:

    (Monsieur Macron has) called for deporting all immigrants with ties to Islamic extremism, though, I’ll believe it when I see it.

    Yup, same here: to borrow from Mr Dowd’s home state, don’t tell me, show me!

  3. H says:

    Yes the EuroBiden coalition is unified in their support for Israel
    However, Trump’s friends, the Russians, the Gulf oil producers, North Korea are all backing Hamas.
    The rightwing of both parties has always hated immigrants, Irish, Italian, Chinese, Jews. In the 30s they refused to allow Jews escaping Nazism because they might be leftwing bolshevists. Now the fear is “radical islam”
    Not sure why red states fear Islam so much, it not like their sky high murder rates (AL’s rate is 400% higher than NY!!) can be blamed on Islam.

  4. Jl says:

    Johnny-not sure why blue states fear CO2 so much. Are they pussies..?

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