Doom Today: The World Is Heating Up Faster Then Ever Before

They were able to compare this to previous Holocene warm periods with direct observation, right?

The planet is heating up faster than predicted, says scientist who sounded climate alarm in the 1980s

The planet is on track to heat up at a much faster rate than scientists have previously predicted, meaning a key global warming threshold could be breached this decade, according to a new study co-authored by James Hansen — the US scientist widely credited with being the first to publicly sound the alarm on the climate crisis in the 1980s.

That would be the same guy who has consistently been wrong with his doommongering

In the paper, published Thursday in the journal Oxford Open Climate Change, Hansen and more than a dozen other scientists used a combination of paleoclimate data, including data from polar ice cores and tree rings, climate models and observational data, to conclude that the Earth is much more sensitive to climate change than previously understood.

“We are in the early phase of a climate emergency,” according to the report, which warns a surge of heat “already in the pipeline” will rapidly push global temperatures beyond what has been predicted, resulting in warming that exceeds 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels in the 2020s, and above 2 degrees Celsius before 2050.

Yada yada yada. Always with the scary prognostications, and never anything about how all Warmists should practice what they preach. It always ends with more government.

Some other scientists, however, have cast doubt on the paper’s conclusions that climate change is accelerating faster than models predict.

I’m sure CNN reached out to those scientists and will give us their thoughts, right?

Crickets. Can’t have people disagreeing with the doomsday cult that has become embedded with the Credentialed Media and politicians.

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8 Responses to “Doom Today: The World Is Heating Up Faster Then Ever Before”

  1. drowningpuppies says:

    The Earth’s Temperature

    Currently: 57.31°F/14.06°C
    Deviation: 0.11°F/0.06°C
    Stations processed last hour: 61394
    Last station processed: Fort St John, Canada
    Update time: 2023-11-04 11:35:49 UTC

  2. Doom and Gloom says:

    Speaking of Doom?

    Countries of the World Health Organization have begun negotiations on a global accord on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response, using the “zero draft” as a basis for negotiating an agreement to protect nations and communities from future pandemic emergencies.

    WHO seeks absolute authority over all countries when it and only IT decides there is a pandemic. You know like Malaria, the FLU, Pnemonia, Colds whatever they choose to define as a pandemic gives them authority to shut down countries, lock them away.

    Remember most of these countries who are members of WHO are not Democratic nations but rather live in the shadows of monarchies, Fascism, and communism as well as socialism which has taught them since birth that it is okay to tell your citizens what they can and cannot do.

    AGW is nothing more than the final whip to browbeat the world into submission.

    Coming soon to a city near you? Already in the USA, we are facing the inability to buy a home. We must rent and even rent is outrageous.

    We are accused of Conspiracy theories while these people continue to throw things like this out there and then pretend their is no slippery slope if we just SHUT up and let them be.

    You know like continuing to fund Ukraine despite the fact it has LOST the war and is in a dying state. Nope the MIC needs the money to make more weapons to kill Yemen and Hamas and Hezbollah and Iran and insurgents. To Defend Taiwan and everybody else on the planet while we go extinct.

    Nothing to see here. Move along and let them lie out their asses to you. Both sides, all sides. Once they taste power they lose their collective fuking minds.

  3. L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon! says:

    You know like Malaria, the FLU, Pnemonia, Colds whatever they choose to define as a pandemic gives them authority to shut down countries, lock them away.

    haven’t we heard more than one leftist start screaming and yamming that firearm deaths are a pandemic? One must wonder why there are no limits on what they can decide as a pandemic. Would whites racism be a pandemic? How about Islamophobia? Asking for a friend.

  4. alanstorm says:

    The World Is Heating Up Faster Then Ever Before


    Doesn’t their tune have ANY other lyrics?

    …according to a new study co-authored by James Hansen — the US scientist widely credited with being the first to publicly sound the alarm on the climate crisis in the 1980s.

    Yeah, Mr. “Hockey Stick Via Top Secret Data” is a credible source.

    • Elwood P. Dowd says:

      Dr Hansen was not Mr Hockey Stick Via Top Secret Data. You should get your lies straight!!

      In 1988, Professor Hansen informed Congress that the Earth was warming due to CO2 added to the atmosphere.

      The term hockey stick graph was popularized by the climatologist Jerry Mahlman, to describe the pattern shown by the Mann, Bradley & Hughes 1999 (MBH99) reconstruction, envisaging a graph that is relatively flat with a downward trend to 1900 as forming an ice hockey stick’s “shaft” followed by a sharp, steady increase corresponding to the “blade” portion.

      Dr Mann was considered the Hockey Stick Guy. All the data are available.

      Much of what Science Deniers believe to be true, is actually false.

  5. Matthew says:

    This utter lie gets trotted out every couple of months to great fanfare. This despite the data establishing that the climate has not only warmed faster many, many times but that temperatures have, for most of geologic history, been much warmer than they are now, having been available for decades.

  6. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    Mr Teach types, again... Always with the scary prognostications, and never anything about how all Warmists should practice what they preach.

    Mr Teach has no idea how others live. And anyway, any policies would apply to all, not just you Science Deniers (SDs).

Pirate's Cove