…are train tracks for a wonderful low carbon train, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Cold Fury, with a post on a dangerous manifesto on the loose.

…are train tracks for a wonderful low carbon train, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Cold Fury, with a post on a dangerous manifesto on the loose.
Cold Fury’s “Dangerous Manifesto” is nothing more than a factoid. I don’t think many of the next 12 months of 15000+ murders are going to be done by anyone who has even read that manifesto, let alone has been guided by it.
“Dangerous”… LOL. And motives? The murderer hated wealthy kids, white privilege and “faggots”.
The murderer asked for God’s help.
We should ban testosterone!! Murders would decrease by 80%.
Another example of Rimjob making light of a mass murdering tranny terrorist.
Pretty funny, hey kid?

We should ban testosterone for delusional women, most definitely.
Why are the pages of the murderer’s notebook “dangerous”? And if they are dangerous, why did Red State and Mr Teach promote them???
Why do you boys feel that men, drunk on testosterone, commit almost all murders, including mass murders?
While almost all murderers are men, not all men are murderers, so it must be more than just hormones. Perhaps a combination of genes in addition to testicles lead to a murderous phenotype. Likely nurture (or lack of) plays a role.
None of that makes any fucking sense or is contextual in any serious way so there’s no point in further dignifying it.
Perhaps you ought to ask the Nashville Police Department, the FBI, and the Department of Justice why the pages are ‘dangerous,’ dangerous enough that they’ve resisted the calls for Miss Hale’s writings for seven months now.
From what I understand, Miss Hale had several notebooks filled with her ‘writings,’ but we’ve only seen three pages. This increases the pressure on the government to release the rest, but the Nashville Police have said it could take a year to go through all of her writings to figure out a motive.
That picture is of a qualified Republican House candidate.
Gun! Check.
White! Check.
Trashy! Check.
She could kick your fat ass! Check.

You wouldn’t know an actual woman — or an American, for that matter — if she came up and kicked you in the ass.
And she should.
I wouldn’t waste my money on her.
Humjob tracked down where I live. Why doesn’t he come here and kick my ass? Not woman enough?
I’ll wait and let the investors you fucked over at Galera Therapeutics take care of your sorry ass.
GRTX is back up to 14¢ a share; it had been down to a dime.
I was actually prepared to buy 1,000 shares a couple of weeks ago, when it was at 17¢, but didn’t. I figured that even if it collapsed completely, I could afford to urinate away $170, and I’d be Jeffery’s boss!
I’d rather make money, of course, and I didn’t like the news that some Galera workers lost their jobs, but companies do fail, all the time.
Only took 4 years since you took your company public.
HeckuvaRimjob, chubby.

Bwaha! Lolgf
We can tell when Dana P and Rodney L get frustrated! They change the subject!
Beshear won in Kentucky. Conservative Ohio enshrined abortion rights!
I like her look, but maybe work boots rather than cowboy boots for that pic?
I always wonder if they are wearing socks with those boots. A lot of women do not wear socks. With cowboy boots, the environment inside those boots could get tropical.
She’s probably wearing shorter socks or ‘footies’ because the inside of cowboy boots can be rough.
Cowboy boots are part of the costume.
The marketers know their audience.
Dems took Virginia House and Senate…
Which proves what I have been saying all along: the Framers’ generation had it right when they restricted the franchise to white male property owners.
Noted… This is why Ameri-Cons pull out all stops to suppress the votes of women, non-whites and the poor. Ameri-Cons are a minority but feel entitled to rule.
Republicans are cruel and vile, but not stupid! Might is right!
Rich white men forevuh!!
I was hoping to get the communist out of the Virginia legislature but alas the brainwashing has been too powerful. I guess there’s only one way to get him out now since voting harder doesn’t seem to work.
Abortion-banning Governor Glenn Youngkin (R-VA) was expecting a Republican sweep of the VA Senate and House, yet Dems took both chambers.
It’s not brqain-washing. It is partisanship. People vote for their own parties, always. Very very few people ever change their vote to another group. The point of political advertising is to energize the people who are already on your side so that they get off the couch and go vote. Messages that make you angry are the most effective at doing that. So no one tries or expects to change any minds. This is how modern politics works.
In Virginia, there has been a demographic shift as about a million people from other states and countries settled in Northern Virginia and simply overpowered the natives. That will continue to go in the same direction for the next decade at least. Billions of dollars of donations from out of state PACS feeds the marketing spam network to make democratic party voters angry so that they get out and vote. If we assume that both parties equally were effective in being angry, the democratic party voters simply outnumber the Republican ones. This is a permanent shift. Republicans will never win state wide office again in Virginia. Youngkin was a fluke, not a pattern.
Here in virginia, the ads I saw the most were for candidate Russet Perry. She won by 4,500 votes and all her ads were that her opponent wanted to criminalize abortion and pollute drinking water. Both patently false claims. It didn’t matter. It made democrats in her area angry enough to get off the couch so they were successful.
All future elections will be like this. Blatantly false attack ads aimed at making their base angry.
David Brody on the Ohio abortion vote (~ 57% Ohioans voted in favor of abortion rights):
President Trump ended Roe v Wade, handing the decisions to the states. Trump won Ohio by 8% points in 2020.
CarolAnn typed: I guess there’s only one way to get him out now since voting harder doesn’t seem to work.
Were you talking about a specific Virginia communist? Do you think he cheated to win? I guess you have no choice but to advocate he be assassinated. Anyone, we surmise you believe the American experiment with democracy has failed.
Violence is a knee-jerk reflex for the Ameri-Cons.
Republicans and abortion are like the dog who caught the car: now what.
Keep up the “good” work, Republicans… keep up the “good” work.
Good people don’t murder their babies in the womb that is immoral. With that in mind if I could wave a magic wand and run the Republican Party I would make a party policy that all abortions at anytime are not only legal but free. And not only free but the would be mother would receive $1000 a month for three months after the procedure.
Let’s face it most abortions are by lower class people who are generally Democrats so why does it bother us? Let them kill their babies frankly. In fact we should encourage it and yeah let them kill their children up to the age of 18 and just call it after birth abortion.
The Democrats like AOC have already stated that morality doesn’t matter only facts too and if the facts don’t comport with morality then screw morality. That’s why they’re such wonderful people to be around. That’s why they’re so happy and they’re so kind to each other. That’s why they’re so honest and loyal to themselves and to their spouses and to their country. Morality means nothing to a leftist right and wrong means nothing to a leftist only winning means anything to a leftist as they said “at all costs”.
Brandon! Good people don’t murder (sic) their babies (sic) in the womb that is immoral
That’s your belief. No one is forcing you to have an abortion, are they? If you’re a male, don’t go spreading your sperm around willy-nilly. Only lower class men ejaculate their sperm into women who then go on to have an abortion. How low class is some man who screws a woman who would abort their child? Any man who “accidentally” impregnates a woman should be castrated.
Abortion stats:
Guttmacher’s national total for 2020 was 930,160, a 1.5% increase from 916,460 in 2019.
2020 marked the first time that a majority of legal abortions in the U.S. involved pills: 53%, according to both the CDC and Guttmacher.
About 10% of abortions are performed outside the woman’s home state.
In the 46 states that reported data to the CDC in 2020, the majority of women who had abortions (57%) were in their 20s, while about three-in-ten (31%) were in their 30s. Teens ages 13 to 19 accounted for 8% of those who had abortions, while women in their 40s accounted for 4%.
In 2020, 86% of the women obtaining abortions were married, 14% were not.
In 2020, 93% of abortions occurred during the first trimester – that is, at or before 13 weeks of gestation.
In 2019, the last year for which the CDC has information, four women in the U.S. died due to complications from induced abortions.
In the states that reported racial and ethnic data on abortion to the CDC, 39% of all women who had abortions in 2020 were non-Hispanic Black, while 33% were non-Hispanic White, 21% were Hispanic, and 7% were of other races or ethnicities.
According to the most recent Guttmacher Institute data, in 2014:
17% of abortion patients identified as mainline Protestant;
13% as evangelical Protestant;
24% as Catholic;
38% reported no religious affiliation; and
8% reported some other affiliation.
54% of women “murdering” their “babies” are low class Christians
The Brandon! jokes (we hope) that he approves of Democrats “murdering” their “babies” since it makes it more likely that people like him and Trump can take control! How moral.
Who defines “morality”? You? The Southern Baptist Church? The Catholic Church? Fat Donnie?
Is making excess profits moral?
Is gay sex moral?
Is anal sex between a husband and wife moral?
Is watching porn moral?
Is capital punishment moral?
Calling little black kids “niggers” moral?
Is lying moral?
Is exaggerating moral?
Is having sex outside of marriage moral?
Is talking senior citizens into new windows they don’t need moral?
Is punching someone who insults you moral?
Is cheating on your taxes moral?
Is dumping oil in a river moral?
Is pedophilia moral?
Is torture moral?
Obviously, there are many thousands of questions to be judged.
Morality is defined in different ways. Does the action harm another? Does an action break an arbitrary rule? Is an action unjust? Does an action disrespect authority?
Yeah, for every black baby that isn’t born there’s a racist democrat like Rimjob cheering in the background.

God, you commie dog. Go read the Book.
All the rest of that ridiculous comment is nothing but jibber jabber trying to gaslight the subject. Fact is you and all the Nazis and commies like you are nothing but murderous thugs.
You have already shown your support for Nazis, communist, and now you support the murderous and treacherous terrorist Muslims. You are completely without morality and have no standing at this blog to even discuss it. In fact when I read the crappy write I laugh no one can be that full of shit and live and yet there you are.
Whose “god”? Yours or one of the other dozens of “gods” of the universe.
If you were to impregnate an underage girl wouldn’t YOU have SOME responsibility? Would you insist on her carrying your spawn to term? Would you PAY for upbringing of the child?
Does the “book” forbid sex outside of marriage or is it just a suggestion?
When challenged, you immediately degenerate to calling others “murderous thugs, “Nazis” and “Muslims”, rather than to offer a response.
We fully understand how frustrating it is that not everyone accedes to your bullying.
Should every US regulation, policy and law be determined by your “book”? Of does your “god” speak to you directly?
Now there’s the pot calling the kettle black.
Being a devout communist an atheist at best I don’t expect you to believe in God. I find it amusing that you start talking about all of the dozens of gods in the universe knowing full well that has nothing to do with this discussion.
If I were to “impregnate” an underage girl I would be arrested for statutory rape. Other than that, I would have some responsibility I would say 50% responsibility wouldn’t you? According to people like you I don’t have any right to insist upon bringing the the child or “spawn” as you call them to term because people like you believe that there are only my “spawn” when my money is involved and then of course I’m supposed to take care of it until it’s 142 years old. That’s the way liberals think the child belongs to the woman. It’s hers to allow to live or die and the man’s job is to strictly pay for everything. That’s your idea of 50/50.