On Eve Of Hostage Release, Hamas Calls For Supporters To Rise Up

Here’s your change, all you folks who hate Jews and Israel and love Hamas: head to the Middle East. All you rainbow colored hair folks, all you queers for Palestine, see how that goes

Hamas calls for supporters in West Bank and beyond to rise up against Israel

Hamas has called on its supporters in the West Bank and elsewhere to rise up against Israeli forces despite earlier agreeing to a ceasefire and hostage exchange in Gaza.

On Thursday, Hamas officials signed off on a four-day ceasefire with Israel but hours later a spokesman for the terrorist group’s armed wing called for an escalation of “confrontation” outside of Gaza.

“We call for escalation of the confrontation with the occupation throughout the West Bank and all resistance fronts,” Abu Ubaida said.

It was hoped that any pause in fighting between Israel and Hamas in Gaza would also halt skirmishes between the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and the militant group Hezbollah, which is based in Lebanon.

So far, most in the West Bank and other areas have been reticent to get involved beyond some basic minor attacks, possibly seeing that Hamas finally pushed Israel too far, and they do not want to be on the end of an ass whoopin’, especially seeing as how Israel plans for at least two more months of operations, and would be more than happy to decimate other Israel/Jew hating terrorists.


Too bad we’re not doing that here, mostly with those who are here on visas and as refugees. Scoop them up and send them away.

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14 Responses to “On Eve Of Hostage Release, Hamas Calls For Supporters To Rise Up”

  1. Dana says:

    I’m picturing Detective Harry Callahan, telling the last punk, “Go ahead, make my day.” If the Arabs rise up in Judea and Samaria, it will give the Israelis the last excuse they need to expel all of the Arabs from Israeli territory.

  2. Zachriel says:

    Dana: If the Arabs rise up in Judea and Samaria, it will give the Israelis the last excuse they need to expel all of the Arabs from Israeli territory.

    Ethnic cleansing is a crime against humanity.

    • david7134 says:

      Look, the Z showed up to make a statement devoid of any knowledge as to the history of the area and the consistent violations of humanity by the Islams. Kid, go read a book.

      • Zachriel says:

        david7134: the consistent violations of humanity by the Islams

        There is no doubt that there have been crimes against humanity committed by Palestinian groups. That doesn’t address the comment, though, that ethnic cleansing is a crime against humanity.

      • drowningpuppies says:

        Yeah, the kiddieZ did the same over at Maggie’s Farm and had their azzes hañded to them.

      • Elwood P. Dowd says:

        Actually, it’s the D who needs to read about the history of Israel.

        There is no excuse for the barbarism of Hamas on Oct 7. But the Palestinians have legitimate complaints against the extreme right-wing governments of Israel.

        It is not Jew hatred or anti-Semitism to question the treatment of Palestinians by the current extreme right-wing government of Israel.

        • drowningpuppies says:

          Another “yeah but” from the Rimjob.

          Can’t quite recall when the Israelis put Palestinian babies into ovens, raped Palestinian women, and beheaded Palestinian males.

          Remember that, dipshit?


    • L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon! says:

      There are no crimes against humanity. That’s a fake term made-up by leftists to use in ridiculous propaganda against any people they disagree with. You ever notice how crimes against humanity are only against white people? So if the Israelis bomb the hell out of Gaza it’s a crime against humanity but if the Muslims come in and murder and rape children and babies well they were just being held down so long that they were justified.

      It’s just like the only time there’s disinformation or misinformation on the Internet is when Donald Trump or one of us opens our mouths however when the Democrats are lying about Russia Russia Russia, or getting the COVID virus, or peaceful protest burning down cities it’s all OK cause you know those people are oppressed.

      Currently Democrats and their operatives in law enforcement are holding American citizens illegally as political prisoners. They’re holding illegal trials without juries and without defense attorneys. They’re trying to censor conservatives especially Christians online on the Internet everywhere as much as possible. They’re currently trying to figure out ways of taking people’s firearms away. And they’re getting successful at it. Now they’re making the purchase of ammunition impossible. Why do you think they’re doing that stuff all of that’s in the constitution and yet boom they do it anyway.

      They bring on all kinds of filthy disease ridden uneducated communist and Muslim bums into this country and then when we try and get our country back they start screaming and crying ethnic cleansing. White people don’t have a right to keep their country? Since when? If you’re black you have a right to throw out white people but if you’re white you don’t have a right to throw out black people?

      And none of these left wingers will admit that white Christians built this country from sea to shining sea every drop of it. We even died to end slavery cause the blacks couldn’t do it.

      If whites and Christians are not willing to fight for America then whites and Christians are going to lose America to colored and Muslims and communist atheists’.

      • Zachriel says:

        L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon!: There are no crimes against humanity.

        Crimes against humanity have been part of international law since the Nuremberg trials. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other treaties have been ratified by governments around the world. More specifically, the Hamas attacks of October 7 were a crime against humanity.

        L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon!: They’re holding illegal trials without juries and without defense attorneys.

        In the United States, defendants in criminal proceedings have the right to trial by jury and adequate defense. Who is being denied these rights?

  3. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    The Israeli far-right, which now dominates their government, has engineered this entire mess.

    Netanyahu views Hamas as his partner. He sacrificed over 1000 Israeli citizens to enable his war against Muslims. First in Gaza, soon in the West Bank.

    Israelis want Netanyahu out.

  4. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    LGB: There are no crimes against humanity. That’s a fake term made-up by leftists to use in ridiculous propaganda against any people they disagree with.

    Some scholars point to the use of this term (or very similar terms) as early as late eighteenth and early nineteenth century, particularly in the context of slavery and the slave trade, and to describe atrocities associated with European colonialism in Africa and elsewhere such as, for example, the atrocities committed by Leopold II of Belgium in the Congo Free State. Other scholars point to the declaration issued in 1915 by the Allied governments (France, Great Britain and Russia) condemning the mass killing of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire, to be the origin of the use of the term as the label for a category of international crimes.

    Mao, Saddam, Stalin, Hitler, Leopold II, Idi Amin, Genghis Kahn, Kim Jung Whatever, slavery, Holocaust, various genocides, etc…

    LGB: We even died to end slavery cause the blacks couldn’t do it.

    Go fuck yourself, you ignorant moron.

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