We are seeing more of this, Gen Z Republicans who are thrilled to Do Something about ‘climate change’, but, failing to explain why the current warm period is mostly/solely caused by Mankind
I’m a Young Conservative, and I Want My Party to Lead the Fight Against Climate Change
Conservatives were once America’s environmental champions. Not that long ago, Republican presidents were carrying out the Clean Air and Water Acts, creating the Environmental Protection Agency, expanding the National Park System and even initiating the country’s most authoritative report on climate change, the National Climate Assessment.
But times have changed.
Many of today’s Republican leaders stoke fear and anger by mocking the most divisive climate activists while claiming that every environmental solution is a radical one. If they’re not doing that, Republicans can often be found on the sidelines and disengaged from the issue completely.
And therein is the issue: ‘climate change’ is a political issue, and mostly separate from actual environmental issue
Instead of continuing the environmental legacy they were once known for, they have ceded the fight against climate change to Democrats, putting themselves on the wrong side of history. Not a single Republican voted in 2022 for the Inflation Reduction Act, a bill that is funneling hundreds of billions of dollars in federal funds to red states and blue states alike for climate mitigation and resilience projects. And it has cost them: A recent working paper from the University of Colorado, Boulder, found that opinion on climate change was one of the strongest predictors of whom independents voted for in 2020, probably giving President Biden enough of an edge to tip the election in his favor. In other words, Donald Trump’s denial of climate change probably cost him the White House.
Once you’ve gone and defended the horrendous IRA, which hasn’t helped reduce inflation and is, instead, increasing the cost of living for Americans via ‘climate change’ mambo pambo, you’ve moved more to the Democrats position of Big Government. And citing a paper from an uber-leftist group which is also part of the climate cult to say this is why Trump lost is deluded.
The fact of the matter is this: We cannot address climate change or solve any other environmental issue without the buy-in and leadership of conservative America. And there are clear opportunities for climate action that conservatives can champion without sacrificing core values, from sustainable agriculture to nuclear energy and the onshoring of clean energy production.
So, basically we must listen to the Elites, who will tell the peasants what to do. Does that sound like American conservatism?
As a member of Gen Z, I believe it’s time for my generation to mobilize around climate solutions that bring both sides to the table — and demand our leaders do the same. Liberals must stop denigrating and abandoning key communities they need to solve the problem, and conservatives must stop denying the problem and take ownership of climate solutions. If the Republican Party wants to expand its coalition, it will need to recruit young voters with a far more pragmatic message.
Which is? I’m still waiting for actual ideas
This environmental movement will look slightly different from what the Democrats have built. We firmly believe fossil fuels must be part of our transition to cleaner energy sources for years to come. So our movement will aim to improve the environmental impact of all energy sources, not just wind and solar. We’ll also focus on ecosystem restoration and other conservation measures that lower emissions. And we’ll call on policymakers to prioritize permitting reform, reducing government overreach and making it easier to build clean energy projects in the United States more quickly.
Scam. No matter how you slice it, “solving” global boiling requires government dictates and decrees, forcing citizens to act in a certain way, limit what they can buy and drive, controlling their lives. That’s not American Conservatism. You want to talk real environmental issues, great! The climate scam? No.

[…] NY Times Excited To Give “Conservative” Warmists Platform […]
There is no “conservative” fight against climate change. It’s not a thing. It’s not a problem that needs solved, especially not by government, and there will be no better result with one party doing it or the other. This is just another fraudulent push to co-opt the opposition, such as it is.
Commenter: There is no “conservative” fight against climate change.
Well, of course there is. Global warming is a thing. The Earth is warming, a result of we humans increasing atmospheric CO2. That said, we humans haven’t stomach to make changes to significantly reduce CO2 emissions, so we’ll just have to buckle up and accept the consequences, regardless.
Global warming in the ’50s, Depopulation and mass starvation in 1968, global cooling and a coming ice age in 1975, back to warming in the ’80s and ’90s.
Now it’s just “climate change” because that means anything.
Absolutely none of these predictions have been the slightest bit accurate. Religion masquerading as science.
CO2 is not a pollutant and anyone who thinks it is needs to repeat 3rd grade science. It also does not cause warming; its rise follows warming periods and is good for plant life which in turn is good for human life.
There is no problem, just one of an ever increasing excuses to loot the treasury and limit your life. You are as usual either repeating religious nonsense or just lying through your ass.
Commenter made several misstatements and misinterpretations.
Yes, CO2 is a normal and natural component of Earth’s atmosphere. Without it we would have no humans!! The Earth would be covered in ice.
CO2 comes from the internal combustion of carbohydrates by animals (yes, we know, plants also metabolize carbs)! Most simply, glucose (C6H12O6) is metabolized to CO2 and H20 using oxygen as the final electron acceptor. Electrons are life!! The oxidative combustion of glucose (pyruvate in the mitochondria) turns simple carbohydrates into useful energy, CO2 and water. The energy is dissipated as work (and heat!) the CO2 (mostly as HCO3-) is transported in the blood, converted back to CO2 in the lungs and exhaled. 3.7 billion years of evolution can’t be wrong!!
In the same way, the burning of fossil fuels converts carbon polymers (and monomers, i.e., methane) into … energy, CO2 and water! Over the past century, we humans have combusted oil, gas, wood and coal as energy sources. This ingenuity built the world we now live in! At the same time converting complex carbon polymers, locked away underground for millions of years, into CO2 resulted in the accumulation of the long-lived CO2 in the atmosphere. Atmospheric CO2 is a greenhouse gas. BTW, wood is not a fossil fuel, and its burning, although smoggy is not significant contributor to global warming.
Yes, plants need CO2 for making complex carbohydrates via the Calvin Cycle. Fortunately, the “fixing” of CO2 results in the production of oxygen as a waste product! All animals need plant “shit” to live!! Arguably the most important catalyst evuh, ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase-oxygenase, “fixes” CO2 as a 3 carbon molecule. Sunlight is needed to drive the production of ATP and NADPH used by the Calvin Cycle – a waste product of the splitting of water needed to produce energy is oxygen!!
Anti-science religious cults always accuse the scientists of witchcraft, magic, skullduggery and lying. The anti-science types are always frustrated and angry driven by their ignorance. Cult.
Instead, use reason. Open your minds to new observations rather than rely on proclamations.
Modern religion has been replaced with a seism and the cult of climatology. When the commies infiltrated the schools and destroyed religion they forgot that nature abhors a vacuum so they didn’t teach anything to replace it fast enough and now we got this nonsense with this cult of climate. And they are so brainwashed they can repeat everything line and verse just like a dedicated religious fanatic. And that’s what they are they’re fanatics. They can’t just leave everybody alone they gotta proselytize to everybody they run across and then on top of it they try and force everybody to be on there cult team. It’s all silly. They’re playing like a bunch of which is running around in circles cast and spells and when the spells don’t work out they just ignore them and move on to the next spell.
Hi CarolAnn,”
We’ve mentioned before that the truth sounds the same every time.
“Truth has a well-known liberal bias.”
You’re repeating the conspiracy tale that a cabal of global communists have infiltrated America and American life and institutions – our schools, government, churches, media, colleges and universities, science and scientists. They are spreading the communist messages promoting homosexuality, abortion, transgenderism, anti-Semitism, diversity/equity/inclusion, grooming, socialism, atheism, CONTROL and eventual GULAG and MURDERs.
Let’s point out once again that only the failed North Korea (and the failed Cuba to some extent) practice the old Stalinism. Although China, Cuba, Laos and Vietnam are technically communist states they are not your dad’s Communists!! A dozen nations in Africa and the Middle East are more oppressive than the communists. Communism is a failed movement. Viva la capitalism!! But totalitarianism is still with us (see totalitarianism – Russia).
Sure, sure… we get it… the nuRight will argue that the U.S. is a totalitarian system because 1) Democracy doesn’t work (see 2020 Election) 2) unelected bureaucrats are making law telling patriots what the can and cannot do and buy 3) nuRightists are being oppressed!! (peaceful Jan 6 tourists are being locked up; rightful President Trump, who was unConstitutionally removed from office is now being prosecuted in multiple kangaroo courts) 4) socialism is being rammed down our throats (ACA, Social Security, Medicare, welfare) 5) guns! 6) they are systematically replacing white Christians with brown Catholics and Muslims!
And I think it was Brandon yelling, “Jews Won’t Replace Us!”
A little learning is a dangerous thing ;
Drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring :
There shallow draughts intoxicate the brain,
And drinking largely sobers us again. -Alexander Pope (1711)
The climate maybe changing. Has absolutely nothing to do with carbon or humans. It is part of the normal life of the earth. There is no data to say the warming, if any, is accelerated. The trace of CO2 in the atmosphere is actually low, we need more.
Watch Climate, the Movie.
You can’t disengage from a non-issue.