Biden Is Supposedly Coming Up With A Border Clampdown

Why couldn’t he have done this years ago? Is this something mean to be permanent, or, simply an election year stunt?

Biden is said to be finalizing plans for migrant limits as part of a US-Mexico border clampdown

Americans before illegalsThe White House is finalizing plans for a U.S.-Mexico border clampdown that would shut off asylum requests and automatically deny entrance to migrants once the number of people encountered by American border officials exceeded a new daily threshold, with President Joe Biden expected to sign an executive order as early as Tuesday, according to four people familiar with the matter.

The president has been weighing additional executive action since the collapse of a bipartisan border bill earlier this year. The number of illegal crossings at the U.S.-Mexico border has declined for months, partly because of a stepped-up effort by Mexico. Still, immigration remains a top concern heading into the U.S. presidential election in November and Republicans are eager to hammer Biden on the issue.

The Democratic administration’s effort would aim to head off any potential spike in crossings that could occur later in the year, as the fall election draws closer, when the weather cools and numbers tend to rise, two of the people. They were not authorized to speak publicly about the ongoing discussions and spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity.

So, this is purely an election year stunt, which will most likely end immediately if Biden wins re-election in November

The move would allow Biden, whose administration has taken smaller steps in recent weeks to discourage migration and speed up asylum processing, to say he has done all he can do to control the border numbers without help from Congress.

I love how the AP is putting this so matter-of-factly, when they would be blasting a Republican for such a blatant election year stunt.

The restrictions being considered are an aggressive attempt to ease the nation’s overwhelmed asylum system, along with a new effort to speed up the cases of migrants already in America and another meant to quicken processing for migrants with criminal records or those who would otherwise be eventually deemed ineligible for asylum in the United States.

This means people are already in the US, and, they should be allowed to deport criminals immediately already.

The people told the AP that the administration was weighing some of the policies directly from a stalled bipartisan Senate border deal, including capping the number of encounters at an average of 4,000 per day over a week and whether that limit would include asylum-seekers coming to the border with appointments through U.S. Customs and Border Protection’s CBP One app. Right now, there are roughly 1,450 such appointments per day.

That would be 1,460,000 illegals per year. Is that supposed to make Americans feel better?

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6 Responses to “Biden Is Supposedly Coming Up With A Border Clampdown”

  1. SD says:

    LIVE: Donald Trump news conference on guilty conviction at 11AM ET

  2. Professor Hale says:

    … he has done all he can do to control the border numbers without help from Congress.

    So which is it? He has done all he can do? Or he can do all this extra executive orders that he so far has failed to do? If he could do this himself, why didn’t he do it sooner? Might have something to do with the upcoming election.

    Meanwhile, European NATO members are getting ready for the next Trump administration.

    he Democratic administration’s effort would aim to head off any potential spike in crossings that could occur later in the year, as the fall election draws closer, when the weather cools and numbers tend to rise, two of the people.

    Nothing to do with the weather. Everything to do with foreign invaders knowing that Trump is about to be the next president and shut the door in their faces.

    The White House is finalizing plans for a U.S.-Mexico border clampdown that would shut off asylum requests

    I thought the USA had an obligation under international law to take everyone claiming asylum. Now it seems that the President can unilaterally just declare an arbitrary number as the limit. If you are fleeing tyranny in your home nation but get here late in the day, too bad. Go home to your torturer. This makes no sense. Not as policy. Not as moral obligation. Not as law. Just crass political calculation. It doesn’t matter. The American people know that the current immigration crisis was caused by the Biden administration and if he wins re-election, the bad policies will return and be amplified. No one trusts the Biden administration, not even democrats. After all, how trustworthy is a government that tries to jail their political opponents for make-believe crimes?

  3. Andrew says:

    The barn door has been open too long, now he wants to shut it and say he closed the border that he said wasn’t even open

  4. H says:

    Let’s see 480000 more per year would be an increase of how many per cent? Would that number be significant? Would those me mostly those much feared “military aged men”

    • Jl says:

      Why yes, Johnny. All these military aged men wanting “asylum”. One would think it’d mostly be women and children wanting asylum, correct? Johnny-are your heroes really big pussies?

    • Brother John says:

      How many young Chinese men — from a militarized culture with a surplus of such men who do not leave the country without the permission of their government — milling about undetected in the USA is enough for you?

      You and Rimmy are both a couple of shitsucking assholes. Fuck both of you.

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