Climate Wacko Defaces Monet Painting In Paris

Do these wacko doomsday cultists think they’re actually getting people on their side?

Monet Painting at the Musée d’Orsay Vandalized by Climate Activist

A climate activist affixed an adhesive poster to a Monet painting at the Musée d’Orsay Saturday. The woman, who said she intended to raise awareness for climate change, was arrested.

The stunt was carried out by a member of Riposte Alimentaire (Food Response), a group of environmental activists and defenders of sustainable food production in response to the climate crisis. The group has been targeting museums across Europe for years, including most recently a protest at the Louvre last month. (snip)

The French Impressionist’s work depicts people with umbrellas roaming through a blooming poppy field. Unlike works like Leonardo’s Mona Lisa, which has been the subject of much backlash, it was not protected by glass.

Well, I hope they’re going to prosecute the hell out of this wacko

Everything she’s wearing is made with petroleum.

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6 Responses to “Climate Wacko Defaces Monet Painting In Paris”

  1. wildman says:

    a better example to raise climate awareness would be to staple her poster to her head using fence staples.

  2. Professor Hale says:

    Climate activists must be retarded. They have zero ability to logically link their actions to their goals. How does vandalism “raise awareness”? How does additional awareness result in better outcomes? If they had two brain cells to rub together, they would plot out a strategy that links goals and means. They would measure the amount of awareness that already exists (hint: It is already nearly universal 99% for everyone in Europe above the age of 10), measure how much additional awareness leads to a measurable increase in climate control goals achievement.

    No amount of “increased awareness” can lead to better climate control since man has no current ability to control the climate and everyone is already universally aware. Additional awareness may indeed become counterproductive since it links the moonbat climate activists with the broader goals of mainstream climate activism and causes people to believe perhaps all of them are just nuts.

    If you do reverse analysis on the actions of climate activists to discover their goals, you would discover:
    1. Their primary goal is personal attention seeking. Doing what is socially irresponsible and rejected by the larger community, and pretending it is a virtue. This is a mental illness typically found in older women.
    2. Their primary goal is “raising awareness” of their own group identity so that they can make money from climate activism donations by governments and corporations. In regimes that include carbon taxes, governments will be looking for NGOs to distribute that money to. This group is getting in on the ground floor for that free money.

  3. ruralcounsel says:

    Beat her half to death with clubs. Then toss her off the Eiffel Tower. That should be sufficient punishment.

  4. Professor Hale says:

    Food Response

    All the good names were taken.

  5. James Lewis says:

    Why be surprised?

    We let a ignorant child lecture us.

    We let our governmentS spend millions to do nothing except line the pockets of each other.

    We’re getting what we deserve.

    We shouldn’t whine.

  6. Dana says:

    How long will it be before the left blame the gallery for not having the painting kept behind glass?

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