Weird: Scotland Misses Its Climate (scam) Target

It’s strange how so many nations who were super thrilled to be part of the Paris climate accord and Do Something seem to be failing to Do Something

Scotland misses another climate change target

climate cowThe Scottish government has missed another of its key annual targets for reducing planet-warming greenhouse gas emissions.

Figures for 2022 show that emissions fell by 50% from its 1990 baseline.

This is slightly down on the previous year’s figures but well short of its target of a 53.8% reduction.

It means ministers have now missed nine of the past 13 annual benchmarks for tackling climate change.

This is likely to be the last time progress will be measured against annual targets with the Scottish government confirming in April that it will scrap all but the 2045 net zero goal.

Still, that 50% means energy has skyrocketed, along with the cost of goods like food. But, hey, if the Scottish people want to keep voting for this, that’s their problem, and they need to keep their complaints to themselves.

Agricultural emissions have fallen by 3.2% while residential emissions are down by a significant 16.3%.

The residential changes are largely down to higher gas prices and relatively mild temperatures during the start of the year.

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5 Responses to “Weird: Scotland Misses Its Climate (scam) Target”

  1. SD says:

    JUST IN: Benjamin Netanyahu calls out the US over withholding military aid: ‘Inconceivable’ – Video

  2. drowningpuppies says:

    Seems the “climatists” are making the world “warmer” not cleaner.
    Science and shit.

    Tianle Yuan, a research scientist at the University of Maryland and the study’s lead author, said via social media that the impact of the clean air regulations could be described as “an inadvertent geoengineering event.”

    Bwaha! Lolgf

  3. H says:

    The average monthly cost for residential electricity is about 80 dollars per month in 2024.
    Over the last 11 years UK residential costs have “skyrocketed” up an average of 3.6% per year.
    Only about 1/3 of the cost of residential electricity is from generation. 2/3s comes from transmission costs and overhead.

    Someone else can if they wish fo the math figures on how much the cost of fossil fuels have gone up in the last 11 years

    • Jl says:

      Sure, Johnny-as soon as you figure out how much more reliable fossil fuels are compared to “renewables”.

  4. Professor Hale says:

    If Scotland were the Biden Administration, they would just claim they exceeded the targets. Like most climate statistics, it is not possible for anyone to independently verify it. All make believe numbers and clever accounting tricks.

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