TDS: Biden Blames Trump For Distracting Him During Debate

The Hill is watching what is meant to be “hard hitting”, unscripted interview of Joe Biden, which is not actually live and they were given time to clean it up, so I don’t have to

Live updates: Biden dodges questions on his mental fitness in Stephanopoulos interview

Biden Brain SlugPresident Biden is sitting with ABC News for an interview airing Friday in response to a poor debate performance that has left Democrats reeling and looking for a new party leader.

The interview, conducted by George Stephanopoulos is airing on ABC.

Calls for Biden to step aside from the 2024 race have reached a fever pitch after a debate with former President Trump left the political world stunned at his performance in which he struggled to finish sentences, looked at times confused and spoke in a raspy voice that his aides blamed on a cold.

What you get at the article are live updates to the interview, which include

Biden in the interview took a shot at The New York Times noting the news outlet had published polling showing him trailing former President Trump. (snip)

Biden brushed off earlier reporting from The Washington Post that Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.) was gathering Democratic senators to consider calling on the president to withdraw from the race. (snip)

Biden said Democratic congressional leaders he spoke to told him to stay in the race. (snip)

Biden avoided directly addressing his mental and physical fitness when pressed by Stephanopoulos, including rejecting the idea that he take an independent medical exam to determine his fitness for office. (snip)

President Biden dodged questioning during his ABC News interview over whether he’d take a cognitive test.

Are you getting the idea that this was meant to make Biden look better? I’m not seeing anything on policy at all. Here’s where it gets fun

Biden blamed his poor debate performance on allowing Trump to distract him during the highly watched event.

“…I was having a bad night when I realized that even when I was answering a question, when they turned his mic off, he was still shouting, and I let it distract me,” Biden said referring to Trump.

“I realized that I just wasn’t in control,” he added.

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Oh, and then there’s this gem

Biden suggested he didn’t watch last week’s performance afterward.

“I don’t think I did,” Biden said when asked by Stephanopoulos if he watched the debate after the fact.

He seriously cannot remember that the debate was a week ago and if he watched it?

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4 Responses to “TDS: Biden Blames Trump For Distracting Him During Debate”

  1. Dana says:

    The President’s handlers will do everything they can to keep him out of the public eye during his less-than-lucid hours. Axios reported that anonymous staffers have said the Joltin’ Joe is “dependably engaged” between 10 AM and 4 PM, so it’s “no live Joe” during other times.

    Of course, there’s no guarantee that a man visibly shown sinking ever-deeper into dementia will even maintain that six-hour window for very long; what will it be come the hard part of the campaign in September and October?

    THis is a guy who has moved the United States closer to nuclear war, yet we’re trusting him through January 20th?

  2. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    Mr Teach suffers from TDS, aka Trump Devotion Syndrome!

    Why once normal Americans are now devotees to an American Hitler is a persuasive argument for a cult.

  3. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    Donald John Trump is unfit to be president. He’s an immature, dishonest, narcissistic, megalomaniacal, cruel, unsympathetic, incurious, ignorant, stupidly overconfident, unteachable, neurotic clown. He knows nothing of economics, trade, the military, justice, the world, the law or our Constitution. The performance in his first term is enough evidence that he does not deserve a do over. A decent person, even if demented is a better choice. Trump’s worst trait is his basal insecurity making him surround himself with sycophants.

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