Palestinians In Gaza Suddenly Rejecting Hamas And Iran, Want Peace

Oh, sure, now that they’ve seen areas of Gaza destroyed after losing a war Hamas started, with the majority having supported Hamas, they want peace. I bet most in Berlin also wanted peace after the Allies bombed it back to the stone age, too

Gazan Palestinians rejecting Hamas and Iran, want peace, Abbas advisor says

Palestinians did not want October 7 and are now interested more in security than they are in fighting Israel or serving Iran’s interests in the region, Mahmoud Al-Habbash, an advisor to Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, said on Thursday, Palestinian Media Watch reported.

Palestinian Media Watch is an Israeli NGO that says it monitors material in Palestinian media that promotes hatred and terrorism in order to expose and educate on such content.

“The Palestinian people did not want October 7, and it was not consulted with about Oct. 7,” Al-Habbash said. “And now it wants a ceasefire and for the aggression to stop.”

Well, they’re certainly saying that they didn’t want 10/7 because Gaza is decimated and scores have been killed, yet, what did they do for all the years that Hamas was in charge of Gaza? When they were stockpiling arms in hospitals, mosques, and schools? When they were turning pipes for water into rockets? When they were launching random attacks on Israel, and, especially civilians? What were they doing when Hamas was embedding around their homes and such? Not a damned thing, because most did support Hamas. Most are Jew and Israel haters.

While recent polling published by the Palestinian Center for Survey and Policy Research has shown that belief among Palestinians that it was the correct decision for Hamas to launch its October 7 attacks on Israel is down slightly from December and March, two-thirds still believe it was the correct decision.

Further, according to the same poll, nearly two-thirds of Palestinians in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip would prefer to see Hamas in control of Gaza.

Scarecrow played with fire and got burned.

On Thursday, the BBC reported that residents of Gaza have told the British broadcaster that it had become common to hear swearing and cursing against Hamas in the marketplaces of the Strip.

“This is the Palestinian people,” Al-Habbash continued, “And if they [Hamas] want to imagine that there is another people, let them ask the Palestinian people. Let them ask the 2.5 million in the Gaza Strip what they want…. Do they want October 7? Do they want Iran? Do they want the interests of the region? Or do they want to save their children’s lives?”

And what will happen when the war ends and Gaza is rebuilt? If not Hamas, the Gazans will surely back some other Muslim terrorist group, as they’ve done for over 50 years. They’ve been raised as radical Muslims, and will continue to be raised as such. They bow to the extremist leaders, including within the religious community. It originates out of mosques and madrassas. So, really, Gazans will have to prove that they are done with terrorism.

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22 Responses to “Palestinians In Gaza Suddenly Rejecting Hamas And Iran, Want Peace”

  1. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    Those Palestinian kids deserve to die as horribly as those Nazi and Jap kids did in WWII! Burning to death makes a statement! Dismembered dead kids make the grown-ups reconsider their choices. Remember what Jesus said, “An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a child for a child!”

    • grayjohn says:

      You are one sick asshole.

      • bob says:

        he’s exactly correct. just like God told the Jews in the old testament you destroy every living thing fighting your enemy or else they will come back later to try to destroy you. Israel has put up with this crap long enough. time to end it for good.

    • Dana says:

      You do not lock a rabid doggy in the basement and then hope it never gets out. Time to cull a bunch of rabid doggies.

  2. drowningpuppies says:

    When you’re getting the shit kicked out of you in a fight you started of course you want peace.

    • Professor Hale says:

      They don’t want peace. They just want the other side to stop winning. We don’t need to guess at this. The Gaza residents have had plenty of chances at peace and rejected them all. They have also lost plenty of wars that they started and keep doing the same thing after a break to rest and rearm.

  3. SilenceDoGood says:


    These people are Arabs. They are not Palestinians (Philistines).

    • Professor Hale says:

      Syrians, Iraqis, Kuwaitis, Saudis, etc are all also Arabs. I accept you trying to make a distinction, but it is pointless. It is useful to have a label to designate the Arab people who live in Gaza as distinct from those who live in Lebanon, Jordan, and just across the border in Egypt. This discussion is obviously not about ALL Arabs. They have given themselves a name. In most of the civilized world, that is good enough for government work.

  4. Rayfil says:

    Sadly children pay for the sins of their parents as it has always been

  5. Earl Kilcrease says:

    The same people who gave out candy on 9/11, and rejoiced at the rape and burning alive of children on 10/7, have a flag that has now become hated thanks to rag-wearing bridge blockers and sporting event crashers, who beat up Jews on college campuses and the streets of the USA. Now they are the victims of course, except they are seen for what they have always been, trash, that no other Muslim country wants.

  6. bob says:

    fuckem. nuke the whole damn place and start over.

  7. Karl says:

    This site should be shut down due to hate speech.

  8. Martina Vaslovik says:

    Oh sure they wanted Oct 7, they participated in it willingly, and they cheered wildly as Hamas drove the murdered body of Shani Louk through the streets. There are no civilians in Gaza, they are all Hamas. They teach their kids to kill Jews as soon as they can walk, and they have Hamas hiding weapons, explosives, and hostages in their homes, schools, mosques, hospitals, etc. Israel needs to just wipe them out to the very last, or Hamas will just rebuild and do it all over again and again and again… Hamas and Oct 7 is what land for peace has gotten Israel.

  9. geo says:

    Under occupation would be nice to see yo, your family and similar commentators here… to be kicked-out from your home and the properties to be stolen; to have you arrested for nothing, for years… family member killed just because were not leaving the place for foreigners to sit…
    Not stupid, is evil what the article promotes here.
    About Germans – not arrogantly, talmudically named nazis… they did not ask for peace, forget it! Preferred to die instead of giving the country to the Zionists.
    Was military capitulation only, not political..All world mostly Christians were trapped to genocide Christians and mainly the Germans.
    You think Hamburg 1942, Dresda 1945 and hundreds other cities burning civilians alive is the rule of war, is it?
    October 7 was a Jewish trap and Israeli survivors said that the killings were made by the Israeli Defense Forces, … later found as being applied the Hannibal Directive – kill everybody!
    You know nothing but have a bunch of pride to express the stupidity!

    • drowningpuppies says:

      Wondering when to use this again.

      geo, here’s your sign.

      Bwaha! Lolgfy

      • Professor Hale says:

        You understood that garbled mess? You must have taken the Babble course on “drunk foreigners typing in English”. But my favorite is the “Jews killed themselves” argument. I suppose they also followed Hamas members home on their own volition too. Or Hamas was just taking hostages to “Save” them from the ODF. Poor, Poor misunderstood Hamas. They didn’t do nothin wrong. They was just came by to ask the Jews to turn the music down so they could study for their exams. Reminds me when the Arabs said 9-11 was set up by the Jews/CIA tricking Moslems into hijacking 4 planes.

  10. Doom and Gloom says:

    All this is accomplishing for Israel is perhaps 10-15 years of peace.

    After this younger generation of leftover kids, of which there will be millions….It is not as if Israel is Genociding the Palestinians, though the left would have you believe that millions have been killed so far.

    The same held for the Iraq war. The press led by democrats had us believing that Bush/Cheney…aka Hitler/Goebbels, had killed well over 1 million Iraqis.

    But I digress….these children will grow up and grow into even more fierce, Jew-hating savages intent on the destruction of Israel, and the cycle will repeat itself. Had Trump not been cheated out of the 2020 election, there might well be peace in the WORLD today instead of war after war, including a peace where Israel and Hamas coexist side by side as more and more proxy Jew haters fell in line with the Abraham Accords.

    War is rarely a solution to anything. It only serves big egos and corporations that have many toys they want to test. Listen to Joe Biden selling his latest give Ukraine weapons….he says we will provide them with our old toys from our stockpiles and replace them with NEWER AND BETTER WEAPONS…the cat is out of the bag!!!! The 150 billion to Ukraine is a fake way for the MIC to replace its older stockpiles of weapons with newer and better ones… we can turn our attentions to C H I N A!!!!!!!

    Poor Joe, can’t keep a secret if he wanted too….just ask his neighbor kids browsing his top secret government documents sitting in his garage in Delaware!!!

    • Professor Hale says:

      One way for Hamas to become reasonable would be for the USA to stop funding them. If they had to go hat-in-hand to their most prosperous neighbor for assistance, there might be some gratitude and empathy built. But now all they get is free stuff, that Hamas distributes as if it is spoils of war.

  11. Marcel says:

    The USA which shoved it’s counterfeit peace down Israel’s throat and forced them to retreat from Gaza in 2005 for their bogus peace is responsible for this war.
    To this day the evil empire continues to s nd billions to the Palestinian Terrorism Authority knowing full well they don’t want peace only jihad for their false god and false prophet. God repays America for it’s evil scheme hatched in hell now.

  12. Professor Hale says:

    Marcel hasn’t had his coffee yet.

    • L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon! says:

      You may not have heard Marcel but in 1991 the communist flag lowered over the Kremlin and the flag of Russia was raised. That ended the evil empire. It was all broken up into separate countries and they all went their own way. It’s kinda like after election in America. All the evil democrats go their own way, yeah they’re still evil but they’re no longer evil together. Get with the times silly boy.

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