Elected Democrats Meeting Sunday To Discuss Keeping Or Dumping Biden

First you have this

‘In denial’: Democrats livid that Biden is digging in

Biden Brain SuckerPresident Joe Biden’s first televised interview since last week’s debate meltdown did little to stop the bleeding.

Members of Congress and top Democratic operatives told POLITICO shortly after Biden’s sit down with ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos aired that the president was more energetic and forceful than he was on stage during last week’s showdown with Donald Trump — but it likely won’t be enough to tame the panic.

And many were shocked by the president’s blatant denial about his standing in the race, and his repeated dismissal of his party’s widespread concerns. It’s an approach some Democrats described as “dangerous.”

Did they watch the same softball interview everyone else did?

“He was more animated and made a strong case for what he has done. But the question the debate raised is about his fitness for the next four years, not his performance in the past four years,” said David Axelrod, the longtime Democratic operative who helped lead Barack Obama’s presidential campaigns. “And he simply doesn’t acknowledge that concern. He also is in denial about where he is in this race.”

A House Democrat, granted anonymity to speak candidly, said: “Denial of the problem is not a solution or a path forward to convincing our constituents that he has the capacity or the vision for four more years.”

Could Biden even make it through the next four years if he manages to win? You aren’t better off than you were even during COVID, and you’d darned sure be worse off with a president who’s brain addled and the White House is run by people who weren’t elected. Then we get this

Congressional Democrats plan meetings to discuss Biden’s 2024 prospects

Some key House and Senate Democrats are planning meetings next week where they’re expected to discuss the path forward for President Joe Biden.

House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, D-N.Y., will convene a virtual meeting with Democratic committee ranking members on Sunday, three sources told NBC News. The meeting is expected to focus on President Biden, one of the sources said, as he faces calls to step aside as the party’s nominee.

Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va., meanwhile, is organizing a group of Democratic senators to meet next week to discuss what to do amid concerns about Biden’s electability and the potential for a drag on down-ballot races for the House and Senate, four sources familiar with the outreach told NBC News on Friday. (snip)

The House committee leaders’ meeting, set for 2 p.m. Sunday., is not part of any regularly scheduled gathering of ranking members. It comes a day before House lawmakers are slated to return to Washington following the Fourth of July recess.

You have to know this is going to be an ugly, ugly, nasty meeting, with those who are scared to keep Biden running and those who will back him no matter what. Will anything leak from this meeting? Regardless of the outcome, it sure looks like Biden will refuse to step down. Could they replace him at the convention? That would get ugly, too. If he sticks around, lots of Democrats in competitive races will have to avoid Biden, to even run against him. Not that their policies are any different.

More: You can’t hate the media more for absurd pieces like this, which is by AFP and published all over

US President Joe Biden heads back out on the campaign trail Sunday, desperate to salvage his re-election bid as senior Democrats meet to discuss growing calls that he quit the White House race.

The 81-year-old Democrat kicks off a grueling week with two campaign rallies in the battleground state of Pennsylvania, before hosting the NATO leaders’ summit in Washington. (which is on Tuesday) (big snip)

The campaign has unveiled an intense battle plan for July, including an avalanche of TV spots and trips to all the key states.

That includes a visit to the southwest of the country during the Republican convention from July 15-18, at which Trump is set to be anointed the party’s official presidential nominee.

This is what they call “grueling.” Two campaign spots today, and he doesn’t even travel that far from his house in Delaware. He could drive faster than he could fly…yeah, flying from freaking Delaware to Philly. It takes 30 minutes to drive. Then flying to Harrisburg. What else will he do this week? If it’s grueling to do two short campaign events, which only allow per-credentialed media, meaning they are being vetted to give Joe the best coverage, and meeting with NATO members and he doesn’t even have to leave D.C., then he’s too frail to be president.

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15 Responses to “Elected Democrats Meeting Sunday To Discuss Keeping Or Dumping Biden”

  1. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    The Repubicuns are only concerned about reinstalling Trump. Biden could die in Feb and the ship of state would cruise along. If the authoritarians succeed in “electing” Trump, they’ll attempt to dismantle America and reassemble in the Project 2025 image.

    • L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon! says:

      If the authoritarians succeed in “electing” Trump, they’ll attempt to dismantle America and reassemble in the Project 2025 image.

      You radical leftists can’t even see how stupid your comments look on paper. It was Obama who said he was gonna fundamentally change America but in your mind Trump will attempt to dismantle and reassemble the country under project 2025 which is and was ludicrous. Your constant projection is frightening. You really do have something wrong with your brains you really do. No wonder you’re one of those useful idiots that commies talk about all the time.

    • Brother John says:

      Your endless idiocy is soooooo fuuuuuuucking TEEEEEEDIOUUUUSSSs……

    • Brother John says:

      None of you idiots have read a single page of “Project 2025” and you couldn’t explain what’s wrong with it if you had a gun to your head.

      It’s just another shiny object you fixate on and point at and hoot like a bunch of apes.

  2. drowningpuppies says:

    Run Joe, Run.

    Bwaha! Lolgf https://www.thepiratescove.us/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_cool.gif

  3. Flexo says:

    Spare us, Elwood. You have no right to complain about “authoritarians” while your own people are prosecuting political opponents and tossing reporters into jail. We know you have no principles but power, stop pretending otherwise.

  4. Flexo says:

    Also LOL at anyone who thinks project 2025 is real.

    • Professor hale says:

      Never heard of it. Dont care enough to google it. Sounds like something democrats invented to stir up their base. The fact is, we dont need to guess what a second trump administration would be like since he had a very visible record of what he actually did the first time. No political opponents arrested. Obeyed all court rulings. Left office on time. No rounding up “enemies”, or abusing his authority in any way. Didn’t even drone strike any Americans (obama did) (Hillery wanted to drone strike assange because he released some of her emails).

      • Elwood P. Dowd says:


        Project2025 is how the Heritage Foundation (with substantial input from Trump aides) proposed filling the void of Trump’s “policy plans”. Trump and his VP hopefuls are now lying, saying they’ve never heard of it, LOL.

        Project 2025 proposes that the entire federal bureaucracy, including independent agencies such as the Department of Justice, be placed under direct presidential control – a controversial idea known as “unitary executive theory”.

        The DOJ and FBI would be under direct control of the president.

        See also https://www.donaldjtrump.com/agenda47

        • drowningpuppies says:

          And they’re coming after “The View” and Ricky Maddow too!

        • fp says:

          From Wikipedia:

          The United States Department of Justice (DOJ), also known as the Justice Department, is a federal executive department of the United States government tasked with the enforcement of federal law and administration of justice in the United States. It is equivalent to the justice or interior ministries of other countries. The department is headed by the U.S. attorney general, who reports directly to the president of the United States and is a member of the president’s Cabinet.

          The DOJ is the parent agency of the FBI.

          Yep, executive agencies reporting to the executive is truly horrific.

          • L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon! says:

            Yep, executive agencies reporting to the executive is truly horrific.

            Unless the exec is corrupt. But that can’t happen here.

          • Elwood P. Dowd says:

            Mr L.G. (aka Abortion Boy) makes a good point!

            A commenter typed, tongue in cheek: executive agencies reporting to the executive is truly horrific

            Abortion Boy typed: Unless the exec is corrupt. But that can’t happen here.

            Our Founding Fathers recognized we could have a corrupt chief exec who would threaten the republic, thought it would be rare, but easily recognized and the scoundrel impeached and expelled from office according to the Constitution.

            Remember, “A republic, if you can keep it.”?

            Benjamin Franklin was telling us it was up to us to maintain this democratic republic. Us. Not the president, not congress, not the judges. Each and every American voter and protester. “WE the People”, have the power to shape the direction of this nation. This nation belongs to us, not the GOP, DNC, Wall Street, Congress, CNN, FOX, the Supreme Court, or the President. It’s time we grow up.

            I did not believe that enough Americans would be persuaded to vote for someone like Donald Trump, easily the worst president in history. Please don’t bother to deny it. And now after multiple felony convictions, rulings against him for business fraud, sexual assault and slander (with even more serious charges pending) we have the same man on the verge of having even more power. He manipulated the courts in his favor. He bullied the once great GOP into abject fear of him. He has promised to be a dictator and to seek revenge and retribution to those who held him accountable for his crimes.

            Trump the Demagogue has appealed to the very worst of American nature, promoting the hatred (and eliciting the fear of) “some” Americans – Blacks, foreigners, Muslims, Mexicans, Africans, Arabs, immigrants, LGBTQs, liberals, Democrats, scientists and on and on…

            This leaves conservative, Caucasian, Christian, straight males in charge, which many MAGAts support.

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