NASCAR Unveils EV Race Car Or Something

Do they actually think this will excite fans? From the link

Part of the experience of a NASCAR race is hearing the engine roar, the rumble of each car’s approach and the zip when it whizzes past at more than 150 mph.

NASCAR unveiled its first electric racecar Saturday in downtown Chicago, but it doesn’t thunder when the grand marshal says “drivers, start your engines.”

It hums.

The top motorsports series in North America partnered with Chevrolet, Ford, Toyota and electrification company ABB to demonstrate a high-performance electric vehicle and gauge fan interest in electric racing.

They want to represent electric vehicles, and more broadly electrification, in racing as cool, fun and accessible, said Riley Nelson, NASCAR’s head of sustainability.

Is this what the fans want?

It accelerates almost twice as fast as top gas-powered racecars and can stop almost immediately. But its lap time at Martinsville Speedway in Virginia was two-tenths of a second slower because it takes the corners slower due to being heavier. Ragan said it may go even faster; he wasn’t pushing the one-of-a-kind vehicle to its limits. Risk-taking is for racing, not testing, he said.

Here’s a question I’m not seeing being asked: EVs are much heavier, so, what happens when they crash? What happens if they go over the wall or wipe out in the infield? Or, into the pit?

Burning gas pollutes the air and produces carbon dioxide, which warms the atmosphere and leads to more extreme weather. Burning one gallon produces about 19 pounds of carbon dioxide, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration. Racing events consume thousands of gallons in a weekend.

And almost no NASCAR fans give a damn.

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18 Responses to “NASCAR Unveils EV Race Car Or Something”

  1. Bob says:

    Regular gasoline: At 59°F, regular gasoline weighs about 6.073 lbs per gallon. So I wonder, how can 1 gallon of gasoline produce 19 pounds of carbon dioxide?

    • Professor Hale says:

      During the process of combustion, the weight of the oxygen in the air is added to the carbon atoms in the fuel. Gasoline is mostly molecules of C8H18 hydrocarbon clusters that when burned combine with 32 Oxygens just for the carbons atoms to produce 8 molecules of CO2 and 9 molecules of H2O.

      It’s the air.

      • Professor Hale says:

        Sorry, had a Biden moment. The 8 Carbons in typical gasoline molecule combines with 16 Oxygen atoms from the air, at an atomic weight of 16 each. Thus a single molecule of gasoline has atomic weight of 114 produces CO2 molecules of total weight 608. So, overly simplified, a pound of gasoline produces 5 pounds of CO2. Your milage may vary and actual gasoline, let alone racing fuels are not “typical gasoline” molecules and contain a wide variety of hydrocarbon chains with even larger numbers of available carbon atoms.

        • Elwood P. Dowd says:

          Correct. Closer to 3 fold increase instead of 5, but the concept is correct.

    • Elwood P. Dowd says:

      Only a conservative would “hate” cars for how they’re propelled. LOL.

      It’s time to boycott Goodyear!! Maybe Kid Rock will video a companion shooting up an EV with a AR-15!

      • L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon! says:

        Says the guy who hates cars propelled by gasoline and diesel. It’s not conservatives who are trying to ban cars it’s you communists and Nazis on the left.

  2. Professor Hale says:

    EV race cars are not a problem. The Racing community has long embraced the inventiveness of making things go fast. They now include model RV cars, racing lawnmowers, racing diesel trucks, racing snowmobiles, Formula 1, stock cars, funny cars, drag racers, street racers, etc. If it has wheels and you can somehow attach a motor to it, people will race it, and other people will gather to pay money to watch it.

  3. Doom and Gloom says:

    Honestly, if Formula One and NASCAR get involved in racing EVs, the manufacturers and the battery manufacturers might just figure out how to make them work.

    The problem for the world is WHY do we have world wide inflation?

    We have it because everyone started overspending and now they have debt to repay. IT IS SO MUCH EASIER TO REPAY a fixed debt with INFLATED MONEY then it is to pay a rising debt with deflated money.

    Hence…the powers that be are content with paying 50 bucks for a big Mac in a few years because that means WAGES and T A X E S have to rise to pay a DEBT that hopefully is NOT RISING as dramatically.

    Consequences of rising world wide inflation is MORE TAX REVENUE because of higher wages.

    EV’s are just a distraction from whats really going on in the world. Hell it would not surprise me if both RUSSIA and the EU are working together to rise all boats.

    • Professor Hale says:

      If NASCAR gets into EV racing, expect to see hot swappable battery packs. Reduce the weight of carrying enough battery to do the whole race. Imagine like changing a battery pack on your cordless tools, but with your car.

  4. Dana says:

    How long does a pit stop to recharge the batteries take?

    • Professor Hale says:

      Thus my idea of swappable battery packs. Each car would need to show up with enough pack to finish a race, pre-charged up, with spares in case of failures. Tesla should have done this. Instead of charging stations, they should have established battery swapping stations. Car owners don’t own teh batteries, they just buy the energy in them. Like swapping out a 5 gallon bottle of propane at the quicky mart or gas station. Then the car company still owns the batteries and is responsible for long tern battery live and battery health and removes them from the inventory at a cost that is built into the price of each swap.

      • JimS says:

        There is (was?) a Chinese EV maker that uses the battery swapping model. I read about them being adopted by Sweden, I believe. The Idea is that when time comes for a recharge, you drive into an automated kiosk and robots replace your depleted battery with a fully charged one.

  5. L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon! says:

    Says the guy who hates cars propelled by gasoline and diesel. It’s not conservatives who are trying to ban cars it’s you communists and Nazis on the left.

  6. Matthew says:

    Beyond the basic facts regarding the nonexistent environmental advantages of the current EV and battery technologies…

    “It accelerates almost twice as fast as top gas-powered racecars and can stop almost immediately.”

    Differences in torque curves between gas & electric motors and the gas racecar gearboxes make the acceleration claim a vast oversimplification at best. The “almost twice as fast” part occurs only from a standing start, something that happens during a NASCAR race, hmmm, let’s see, NEVER!

    And the stopping almost immediately claim is not only nonsense, it has nothing to do with what fuel was used to get moving in the first place.

    So, nice try but no sale.

  7. Mad Celt says:

    And it will run great until the extension cord pulls out of the socket.

  8. wildman says:

    just electric? what no pride flag?

  9. Dachs_Dude says:

    So which “stock” car is this supposed to represent?

    It used to be that the cars were basically the hallowed out shells of cars you could buy in the showrooms. Now, it’s sticker car racing with different decals to represent the different headlight/taillight combos.

    It’s no longer enjoyable to watch.

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