If All You See…

…is coffee which will soon be too expensive for most people to afford due to carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Real Climate Science, with a post on data being misleading.

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12 Responses to “If All You See…”

  1. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    The Vance/Trump campaign is ringing your bells!! They want you to know they’re on your side. What side is that? White christian nationalism, of course!!

    Trump: She was Indian, then she became b-lack.

    JayDee: Republican vice presidential nominee JD Vance charged that the Biden administration was favoring Black farmers over white farmers in federal policy. That came days after the US Department of Agriculture began distributing more than $2 billion in relief to Black and other marginalized farmers who suffered historic discrimination from the agency.

  2. drowningpuppies says:

    Trump assassination attempt:
    Final breakdown of events!

  3. drowningpuppies says:

    Top. Men.?

    The FBI released Crooks’ body for cremation on July 23, just ten days after the assassination attempt on Trump, and “nobody knew this” until August 5, including the Butler County coroner, law enforcement, and the Butler County sheriff, Higgins said in a Monday report.

    *Nothing fishy here. Move along.*

  4. L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon! says:

    Just keep calling names and pray to your evil god nobody wakes up. I do know that everything wrong in America today was put there by the democommies in power, not us. White Christians have control of nothing in modern America and haven’t for decades.

    Rimjob, who spent the last 4 years telling us biden was “sharp as a tack” is now telling us heels up and the coward are the best.

    • Elwood P. Dowd says:

      The Abortionist strikes back!!

      Caucasian christians have control of nothing in modern America, he says. LOL. Only the government, corporate America, the banks, the media, the churches etc. 70% of Americans ID as christian, and 61% are white.

      Compared to Donnie “Heels Up” Donuts and the Eyeliner Liar, every Dem is sharp as a tack.

      Donnie the Coward’s attacks on the service of Governor Walz rings hollow doesn’t it? Bone Spurs’ daddy had a doc renting office space write Donnie a free pass. Bone Spurs called US soldiers who died “suckers and losers”. He didn’t want to be seen with wounded military. Stupid Donnie said US Navy Captain John McCain (23 yr service, over 5 yr as a POW) was only a hero because he got captured. He said the Presidential Medal of Freedom was superior to the military Medal of Honor since those recipients are usually “shot up”.

      There is no reasonable explanation why any patriotic American would support this despicable man. He has latched onto conservative caucasian christians, terrifying them with his racism, religious bigotry and hatred of “others”.

      All the white christians I know are decent, thoughtful and empathetic. What happened to the decent conservatives?

  5. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    Read this essay by billionaire Nick Hanauer who explains our broken corporate culture.

    Businesses may say they love free markets – but the truth is they HATE competition and competitors. Many of our industries have limited competitors, the easier to collude on prices.

    Corporate profits (not to mention executive pay!) soared while households paid an additional $12,000 each.

    Supply chains have long since healed, and this week’s inflation report shows that the inflation rate has cooled. But even though inflation has nearly returned to normal, high prices are still shocking Americans, making them feel sour about an economy and labor market that are objectively the strongest in the world right now.

  6. drowningpuppies says:

    Ooops! No wonder they wanted her to keep her whole shut.

    CLAIM: Vice President Kamala Harris claimed during a speech on Friday that former President Donald Trump has tried to cut Medicare “every year.”

    VERDICT: False. Trump did not try to cut Medicare during his time in office; the Biden-Harris administration has cut Medicare Advantage, which a majority of Medicare beneficiaries use over traditional Medicare.


  7. Jl says:

    “After two weeks with Kamala, Tim Walz announces he has signed up with the National Guard and requested deployment to Iraq”

  8. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    Interviewer: Mr Trump, it’s been estimated you’ve told almost 2000 lies since you first ran for president. What’s you favorite lie?

    Trump: I don’t lie!

    Interviewer: Mine too!!

Pirate's Cove