If All You See…

…is metal corroding from too much carbon pollution driven humidity, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Moonbattery, with a post Joy being redefined.

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20 Responses to “If All You See…”

  1. drowningpuppies says:

    Didn’t watch anyway.

    But it’s like he was never there.

    • L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon! says:

      Joe Showers With Daughter (his Indian name) like all his obedient followers I’ve come across in the last two years, has turned into a nasty asshole. He’s miserable which my MD sister claims is caused by his dementia. I keep telling her he has always been a miserable commie dick but she won’t listen. We do know that Kamalia Sucks Willie’s Willie (her Indian name) has now reached the acme of constant drunkenness’ and will continue until she loses the election and returns to her chosen profession of cock sucking until her death.

      My question is if he has dementia and she is drunk who the hell is running this country?
      Since we are circling the drain the answer may be Hunter and the dem media.

      • drowningpuppies says:

        Biden took the opportunity to repeat the Foundational Lie of his entire 2020 fake candidacy, that Trump called Nazis and White Supremacists “very fine people.”

        Even Snopes admits this is a lie — four years later.

        • L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon! says:

          We all know it was a lie. All you have to do is go on DuckDuckGo and look it up. Thing is nowadays we gotta get to the facts before the communists erase it and turn it into fake history. Somebody at last week was claiming that there were five cops killed in January 6. It took two days for the dust to settle and for them to admit that zero cops were killed. The left is relentless with their lies we have to be just as relentless making sure we get the truth out there.

      • Elwood P. Dowd says:

        Donald Rapes Girl (Iroquis name) and JD Fucks Couch (Shawnee name) are two of the worst men (if not THE worst) to run. Donald’s horrible sins are two numerous to list – rape, assault, fraud, tax evasion, treason, possession of classified documents, election interference – cheating on all his wives, draft dodging, cheating employees and constractors, bankrupting (looting) several companies… And now clearly suffering from dementia… he is likely to die in prison. Boy Squaw (Lenape name for Vance) aka Three Names (Cherokee name of Vance) will quietly change his name. Again.

        Why isn’t Mike Pence the Republicun VP candidate? Oh, I forgot, Donald Rapes Girl tried to have Pence assassinated.

      • Elwood P. Dowd says:

        The Abortionist obsessed with cock sucking type: will continue until she loses the election and returns to her chosen profession of cock sucking until her death

        Maybe you wouldn’t have been forced to kill those two babies if you had settled for getting your cock sucked.

        Does your mommy suck cock? I bet she does.

  2. drowningpuppies says:

    Speaking of cowardly Democrats: Kamala Harris refuses to debate on Fox.

    Vice President Kamala Harris has declined an invitation to participate in a Fox News debate with former President Donald Trump, according to a recent post by Trump on Truth Social. The debate was scheduled to take place on September 4th, and Trump was quick to share the news of Harris’s refusal, framing it as an expected move due to her challenges in defending her political record.

    Such a pussy. https://www.thepiratescove.us/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_bye.gif

  3. drowningpuppies says:

    Great. That’s just great.

    The interim report warns that over the past five years, more than 32,000 unaccompanied migrant children [UCs] are no longer accounted for by ICE.


    “There is no border crisis!” https://www.thepiratescove.us/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_bye.gif

    • Professor Hale says:

      Not “lost”. “Trafficked”. The whole point of the Biden administration policy of encouraging unaccompanied minors was to increase the human trafficking of children into the USA. Democrats are the party of modern day slavery. I understand why the pedo network would support this. I understand why the LGBTQ network would support this. I don’t understand why the rank and file of the democratic party are totally in the tank in support of child sex trafficking and defend those policies and the politicians who created them with such forcefulness. Are there really so many pedos that they make up a majority of the Democratic party?

  4. drowningpuppies says:

    Attaboy Joey.

    In the same speech in which Biden said he ran because of Trump’s “very fine people” remark after Charlottesville (debunked), he says of the openly pro-Hamas demonstrations outside the DNC: “Those protesters out in the street. They’ve got a point.”

    Appeasing the terrorists threatening the convention. That’s pure Democratic policy in crystalized form right there.


  5. drowningpuppies says:

    Put it this way: If it was your job to convince America the party can be trusted to find a new leader who is ready to guide the nation for four more years, would you want Biden’s dreary performance to be seen by as many as 40 millions voters?

    Even worse, would you want to take a chance that the same Joe who delivered the June debate debacle would show up and destroy the fiction that he and the party are even modestly competent and honest?


  6. Professor Hale says:

    A few days ago, I questioned what the protestors hoped to gain by protesting their own event going on inside the Democratic party convention. The answer to that has become evident: They are getting paid.

    Hours after a few of them were arrested for various violations including tearing down barricades, multiple lawsuits were filed in Chicago agains the city, state and police for various civil rights violations. Since the state and city are on their side, we know that all of these suits will be settled out of court with no one defending the interests of the taxpayers of Illinois or Chicago. It is a massive transfer of taxpayer funds to activist groups.

  7. Jl says:

    “Sad-black people turned away in droves as Democrats require photo ID to enter convention…”

  8. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    Best line of the night…

    Michelle Obama on Donnie: “Who’s going to tell him that the job he’s currently seeking might just be one of those Black jobs?”

    Barack Obama: “that 78 yr old billionaire who hasn’t stopped griping since he rode down that golden escalator”

    More Barack: “and what about Donald’s obsession with crowd sizes” (while holding his hands about 4 inches apart!!)

    America has given Donnie so much more than he ever deserved, that he has greedily taken, but all he does is complain about how unfair America and her people have been to him.

    Will Americans ever tire of his grievances and pledges of retribution?

    • L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon! says:

      As usual rimjob fails to understand who and what President Trump is griping about. President trump is not griping about the American people rather the lying cheating Democrats turned communist on us. He loves the American people it’s people like you he pisses on. Not only can you not tell the truth from lies but you believe the lies and then go on and spread them.

      Similarly what you call an obsession with crowd sizes is just the president’s attempt to adjust the lies of the Democrat supporting media that gives cover to all the crap coming from you people. Trump has an arena full of 25,000 people and you show just the front row. On the other hand Biden has an arena full of 200 people and you didn’t show it. That’s the difference that’s why he has to put out the crowd size is because the wires in the media covering you people won’t. That just once again proves that you’re all a bunch of liars and grifters.

      You’re always talking about how trump caters to millionaires and billionaires but every time I see crowds of millionaires and billionaires there was some sort of a shindig with the Democrat party. Were there bundling donations for the Democrats or they’re having celebrity shows for the Democrats were there handing out awards to the Democrats I don’t know where you’ve been for the last 20 years but all the rich people left the Republican Party and join you because you pay better.

      America has done more for trump than he ever deserved? Name a person that you know of that has built this much for this country and has given as much of his self for this country that is not a warrior. During his career trump has supplied hundreds of thousands of jobs taking 10s of thousands off of poverty as president the United states kept our troops out of war and built our economy strong. What have you done lately?

      I found it amazing that you constantly degrade trump when he’s the only guy that went into the presidency and lost money! You’re a grifter just like the rest of your commie friends. The only retribution he pledges against people who hurt the American country and the American people and I hope we get everyone of you filthy bums. I noticed so far you’re behaving yourself at the convention because you know we’re not gonna put up with it anymore.

      • Professor Hale says:

        It’s not his fault. The Democratic party, which is full of pedophiles and slave traffickers, gave him his marching orders. He is just being a good Party member. His moral compass always point true D.

        At least during the the old Soviet Union, most Soviet citizens knew Pravda was all lies. It turned into a game for them trying to guess what the real truth was and this has led to their modern obsession with conspiracy theories. America is still learning that their government and media lies to them every day on every subject. Jeff merely repeats the lies, over and over again, hoping the Party prevails again and will reward him by killing him last.

      • Elwood P. Dowd says:

        Said the fascist: you constantly degrade trump when he’s the only guy that went into the presidency and lost money!

        Lost money? The hell you say. Ask Jimmy Carter, who gave up his little peanut farm, about that.

        Despite seeing a major dropoff in hospitality related revenue in 2020 due to the pandemic, in total Trump disclosed at least $1,613,583,013 in revenue from the Trump Organization and other outside income. Trump disclosed a high end of $1,790,614,202, but it is impossible to know exactly how much.

        The Kushner’s reported some $640 million in income during the presidency, and Jared received a $2 billion investment from the Saudis.

        Trump is a crook, a thief, a rapist and a mobster who has harmed America much more than helped.

        We’ll see how the election turns out.

        • drowningpuppies says:

          So comments the crook and thief, Rimjob.
          Over $50M was it?

        • L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon! says:

          Despite seeing a major dropoff in hospitality related revenue in 2020 due to the pandemic, in total Trump disclosed at least $1,613,583,013 in revenue from the Trump Organization and other outside income. Trump disclosed a high end of $1,790,614,202, but it is impossible to know exactly how much.

          revenue is not profit you moron, no wonder all you’re investors lost money. I’m not talking about what his businesses are doing I’m talking about how much money Donald J trump made and he made zero he lost money. Why it’s almost as if he invested in you.

          The Kushner’s reported some $640 million in income during the presidency, and Jared received a $2 billion investment from the Saudis.

          So now you’re gonna gaslight about the Kushners and Jared? That has nothing to do with how much net income Trump had.
          You can never tell the truth can you? You can never stick to the subject can you? Well not if it proves you’re wrong!
          An investment from the Saudis? What has that got to do with Trump’s net income?

          You really are a piss poor businessman and a rotten human being. I’m so glad you left Christianity because you destroyed the name.

    • drowningpuppies says:

      Rimjob please stop.
      I can only vote once for the man.

Pirate's Cove