If All You See…

…are horrible rubber tires made with petroleum, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Irons In The Fire, with a post on nothing to worry about after what the DHS did.

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5 Responses to “If All You See…”

  1. drowningpuppies says:

    Just think folks, when Trump was President we were prosperous, did not have inflation , border was secure and crime was lower. The illegal crossings were down by 87%. Businesses were expanding, hiring, giving out raises and BONUSES due to the tax cuts. NATO paid their fair share. Peace accord in the Middle East, Better trade deals. Iran was broke and could not fund terrorism. We were safe. The military was rebuilt. VA was overhauled and improved. He will do it again. NO taxes on tips, Overtime or Social Security earnings for senior citizens.


  2. Dana says:

    At least she’s posing with a Ford, though that color is super-ugly.

    • Professor Hale says:

      though that color is super-ugly.

      RACIST! She looks pretty normal colored to me.

      Toyota 4runners come in two colors, pumpkin orange and day-glow green and every time I see one on the road I think either, he had to take it because it was the last one on the lot or he got a steep discount on it and thought the color would grow on him.

  3. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    Officials found the body of Joseph Couch, the KY highway shooter who peppered drivers on I-75 wih his AR-15. Fortunaely, although several were injured, none were killed.

    Couch headed off into the woods and appears to have taken his own life. His body was found by two troopers and two searchers.

    • CarolAnn says:

      Sad but it could have read:

      Officials found the body of Joseph Couch, the KY highway shooter who peppered drivers on I-75 wih his Marlin Camp Carbine. Fortunaely, although several were injured, none were killed.

      Makes no difference. As I pointed out a thousand times the gun shot at nobody, the man did. He was apparently a bit crazy too. Quelle suprise!

      Why don’t they ever put his party registration, religion, the ACTUAL name of the weapon?

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