“Scientific” American Endorses Kamala Over Climate Crisis (scam)

Well, they blew all credibility

From the link

In the November election, the U.S. faces two futures. In one, the new president offers the country better prospects, relying on science, solid evidence and the willingness to learn from experience. She pushes policies that boost good jobs nationwide by embracing technology and clean energy. She supports education, public health and reproductive rights. She treats the climate crisis as the emergency it is and seeks to mitigate its catastrophic storms, fires and droughts.

Good jobs, eh?

Michigan union members blame Biden electric-vehicle mandates for auto-industry layoffs: ‘Want to slit our throats’

Good stuff. Nice that SA approves of unfettered abortion on demand

Harris said pointedly during the September debate that climate change was real. She would continue the responsible leadership shown by Biden, who has undertaken the most substantial climate action of any president. The Biden-Harris administration restored U.S. membership in the Paris Agreement on coping with climate change. Harris’s election would continue IRA tax credits for clean energy, as well as regulations to reduce power-plant emissions and coal use. This approach puts the country on course to spend the authorized billions of dollars for renewable energy that should cut U.S. carbon emissions in half by 2030. The IRA also includes a commitment to broadening electric vehicle technology.

Weird that SA failed to note that Harris fails to travel in an EV herself. Not even a hybrid. Just a big, fossil fueled SUV and big fossil fueled jets. She has a massive carbon footprint, and it would only get bigger if she is elected.

Anyhow, SA is also enthused by her gun grabbing beliefs, so, yeah, SA is a joke.

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5 Responses to ““Scientific” American Endorses Kamala Over Climate Crisis (scam)”

  1. alanstorm says:

    In the November election, the U.S. faces two futures. In one, the new president offers the country better prospects, relying on science, solid evidence and the willingness to learn from experience. She pushes policies that boost good jobs nationwide by embracing technology and clean energy. She supports education, public health and reproductive rights. She treats the climate crisis as the emergency it is and seeks to mitigate its catastrophic storms, fires and droughts.

    I was already aware that SA had become a fiction magazine.

  2. DCE says:

    Scientific American ceased being a magazine about science decades ago. It became politically correct and that’s when I cancelled my subscription after have been a subscriber for 25 years.

    Checking a recent issue shows me it is now so woke that it has little, if anything to do with real science anymore.

    The woke destroy everything they touch, hence the “Get woke, go broke” describes how they have damaged or destroyed so many businesses.

  3. ruralcounsel says:

    Scientific American has been a useless rag for over a quarter of a century now. Fifty or sixty years ago it was a respected source of science reporting. No longer. It was captured and ruined by quasi-ignorant journalists and woke editorial staff. Nothing that it publishes should ever be treated with serious consideration. Not one article. Not one word.

  4. Professor Hale says:

    Based on their statement, they are just another corrupted institution run by Democrats who use the corpse of what they didn’t build as a sock puppet for the Party.

    In other news, The Teamsters union for the second time in their history has decided to not endorse any candidate for president. What does that tell you when the Teamsters are less politically partisan than Scientific American mag?

  5. Dana says:

    Translation: the lovely Mrs Emhoff plans on raising taxes and lowering American lifestyles for middle and working class Americans, and Scientific American heartily approves.

    Everything has a cost, and adding regulations and restricting choices have costs. The left will not tell you, but, in the end, those costs are paid by the consumers and taxpayers.

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