Strange: EVs Are Twice As Expensive As Gas Cars To Run

Of course, since the majority who buy EVs make $150k to $300K a year, it doesn’t really bother them. The real rich folks buy super expensive EVs for street cred. The working and middle classes? Yeah, it’ll

Running an electric car is twice as expensive as a petrol one

st greta carElectric cars are up to twice as expensive as petrol or diesel vehicles to run, new figures have suggested.

Running an electric vehicle (EV) can cost more than 24p per mile, while a diesel vehicle is 12.5p.

It costs as much as 80p per kilowatt hour to charge an EV using a rapid or ultra-rapid device on the roadside, according to data from the app ZapMap.

A typical electric car will travel 3.3 miles for every kWh of electricity used, meaning rapid and ultra-rapid chargers currently cost the equivalent of 24.1p per mile, calculations by The Times suggest.

Slower chargers cost 16.4p per mile.

This is around double the average diesel car, which will do 43 miles per gallon, resulting in a cost of 12.5p per mile at current prices. A typical petrol car costs 14.5p per mile, according to the analysis.

Huh. Yet, the Elites in the UK are working to force all the peasants into EVs, while, can you find the aristocracy traveling in EVs in photos or video, other than for photo-ops? Anyhow, the article does point out that charging at home is less expensive than gas, which is true. But, a generous study says 43% of Brits would not be able to charge at home, and, that percent could be much higher. And many of those would could charge at home do not have the ability to do more than Level 1, which can take days to charge

ZapMap found that prices at rapid chargers have increased 5 per cent over the past year, despite a 30 per cent decrease in the wholesale cost of electricity.

Huh. That’s weird.

Thom Groot, founder of the Electric Car Scheme, said: “We need to keep stimulating demand with incentives and supporting consumers in making the switch. The fact that people who charge at home pay less VAT than those who use public chargers is unfair.”

In other words, they really cannot survive without massive government help. So, scheme is a good word.

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6 Responses to “Strange: EVs Are Twice As Expensive As Gas Cars To Run”

  1. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    The comparison was with EVs using ultra-rapid roadside chargers vs diesel autos.

    Not stacking the deck were they, LOL?

    Mr Teach counts on you just reading just the “headline”.

  2. Hans W Littooy says:

    Total lie. I have three EVs and I can guarantee assure you that my operating maintenance costs have been ZERO with the exception of the one set of replacement tires at 35,000 miles.


    • Professor Hale says:

      Replacement tires are not “ZERO”.

      Ever see the fine print “Your mileage may vary”? It means that your particular experience may not reflect the average or the general community. I am guessing, because you didn’t say, but if you have three cars, logically, you split the miles driven between them so naturally, some would experience more wear than others.

      Obviously, people should just be plugging their cars in at work and places where the electricity is free.

  3. Dave Brown says:

    The negatives associated with an EV far outweigh a very few pluses. I could list them all, there are dozens, but why? The EV crazies will do what they want to do no matter the evidence to the contrary. However, I pray that billions and billions of dollars are lost by the automotive industry making these environmental disasters!

  4. ST says:

    *BOOM* Trump gets amazing Virginia poll, is it a swing state?? – Video

  5. EV Bee Vee You'll See says:

    As usual, facts carefully cherrypicked to fit a narrative.
    When will we ever get the adults to the table to discuss this realistically with REAL numbers that are more standard and not fringes to throw one side or another at you?

    Your diesel is twice as much if you goto a full service station too, or one near an airport, or or or. but no let’s just manip the numbers to say what you need them to say.

    Your beer and cigarettes are cheaper at the volume store too, they are VERY expensive at the CONVENIENCE STORE !!! So, don’t you think that a ‘convenience charger’ is going to be more expensive too? Oh wait, that doesn’t fit the narrative, this post will be pulled.

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