Esquire Seems Shocked Over The Top 10 Books Banned In Schools

In the People’s Republik of California and other Democrat states they’ve banned books like “To Kill A Mockingbird”, “Of Mice and Men”, and “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” as being raaacist. Classic books. Books of consequence. But, those are not the ones banned the most

(Esquire) PEN America, which gathers a broader dataset from school districts, school board hearings, and local media outlets, reports that over 10,000 books were removed from public schools (at least temporarily) during the 2023 – 2024 academic year—almost three times as many removals as during the previous school year. About 8,000 of those bans took place in Florida and Iowa alone, where Republican lawmakers have taken shocking measures against school libraries: in Iowa, a new law forbids any material depicting sexual acts from K-12 schools (excluding religious texts), while in Florida, another new law stipulates that any book challenged for “sexual conduct” must be removed from library shelves while administrators review the material.

It’s shocking to remove sexual material from the shelves in schools? Why do Democrats want children, minors, exposed to hardcore sexual material? I cannot remember any book from the school library or as assigned reading having sexual content. I certainly checked out and bought horror books that had some, but, it wasn’t being shoved down my throat by the school. Why can’t liberals just let kids be kids?

In a consequential election year, your right to read is on the ballot. To show you exactly what’s at stake, we’ve compiled a list of the ten most-challenged books of 2023, along with the supposed rationale behind the controversies they’ve sparked. Share these books with the young people in your life, or enjoy them on your own—each one is a moving paean to self-knowledge, inclusivity, and the strength we find in embracing difference, both in ourselves and others. So go ahead and get reading. It’ll make Ted Cruz’s day.

What’s at stake, eh? Here are the top 10

  • Gender Queer, by Maia Kobabe
  • All Boys Aren’t Blue, by George M. Johnson
  • This Book Is Gay, by Juno Dawson
  • The Perks of Being a Wallflower, by Stephen Chbosky
  • Flamer, by Mike Curato
  • The Bluest Eye, by Toni Morrison
  • Tricks, by Ellen Hopkins
  • Me and Earl and the Dying Girl, by Jesse Andrews
  • Let’s Talk About It, by Erika Moen and Matthew Nolan
  • Sold, by Patricia McCormick

Every single one of these is sexually explicit, and all are child pornography. In each case Esquire tries to make a case for them, and it makes it worse, such as

In an interview with Publishers Weekly, Moen said, “Teens are on the internet and they’re coming into contact with all of this and way more. Our philosophy is you can either give them a book that’s been reviewed and approved by multiple professionals in the sex education and health fields, or you can give them a phone and let them figure it out for themselves on PornHub.”

It may be the case that teens are on the Internet, but, should schools, government run institutions of learning, be teaching this stuff to children? Should the teachers be reading this stuff to young children, especially pre-teens, or assigning it as reading? That’s not teaching, that’s grooming. Why is all this necessary? This filth never used to be in schools, which had standards and propriety.

Seriously, “Let’s Talk About It is an illustrated guide to sex designed for teens, featuring comprehensive information about essential topics like orgasms, masturbation, and birth control, but it’s also so much more.” Should this be material pre-teens have? Is this material that should be taught in schools? If the parents want to buy it for their kids, that’s on them. This is not stuff schools should be pushing.

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9 Responses to “Esquire Seems Shocked Over The Top 10 Books Banned In Schools”

  1. Professor Hale says:

    The odd thing is that school libraries are already making daily decisions about what books to keep and what books to discard. There is limited space in every library and for each book that gets added, a different book is “banned” by the librarian. Some group or person is making all those decisions. Someone decided that all those gay and porn books MUST be included and without comment bans other books to make room for them. No one ever defends the books that are banned in this process. Books don’t just magically show up in the mail slot and librarians don’t just put things on teh shelf because they find it on their doorstep. They are intentionally going out and finding these books as a result of LGBTQ activists in the school system putting them on a recommended list. And the library staffs, being good teacher’s union members, always support what the LGBTQ activists recommend.

    Why to Democrats pretend to care about book banning only when it comes to defending LGBTQ titles? Is the whole democratic party all in on pedo grooming in the public schools just because the LGBTQ and the teachers unions all happen to be in the same political party? Do the Democrats really have so little tolerance for differences of opinion in their own party? Or is it just that they really all agree that grooming children for predators in the public schools is a good thing?

  2. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    It’s unlikely that Mr Teach has read any of the listed books.

    Please someone point out the sexual content of “Me and Earl and the Dying Girl”. If nothing else you should watch the movie. Same for “The Perks of Being a Wallflower”.

    Gay and lesbian kids have been reading “straight” literature and watching “straight” video for decades and still turned out gay and lesbian.

    LGBTQ”ism” is a reality and is not “caused” by books or movies. You may not like that fact for either religious or cultural reasons but it’s real.

    Should the Bible be banned? Lot’s daughters got him drunk and raped him on consecutive nights getting both pregnant. Lot was both father and grandfather of the kids! Pretty gross, right? We understand that the Bible is literature and not necessarily true. Lot also offered his daughters to the Sodomites demanding to bumfuk the handsome visiting angels.

  3. L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon! says:

    It’s unlikely that Mr Teach has read any of the listed books.

    I’m sure none of us has including you. What’s your point? Are you saying we can’t take a parents word for it if we don’t read it personally? That’s just stupid.

    As far as the two books you point out again, what’s your point?

    Gay and lesbian kids have been reading straight books for decades and they did turn out queer. Now imagine how many more may have become sexually fuked up had they been subjected to books like these. Just because some people crash head on into the left lane does not mean we should erase the double yellow lines in the middle.

    None of us believe LGBTQ”ism” is “caused” by books or movies. Why would you attribute a foolish idea like that to us? Because you disagree so we must be stupid? You may not like the fact that either religious or cultural education is necessary for a well rounded education but ass fuking is not.

    Really Elwood, don’t kids get exposed to enough filth, perversion and disease without this crap in school? Do you really support increased poisoning of children’s minds by providing what amounts to porn where they should be learning math?

    We really can’t understand you radicals sometimes. Other times we do and it revolts us.

    • Professor Hale says:

      The point about such books is not to expose kids to the LGBTQ point of view. That is at this point inescapable. The point is that such books in the school libraries give Perv teachers a chance to talk to students one on one about what they read. Then they get the chance to ask: So, Billy, ever been kissed by a man? It is a tool for grooming. That is why they defend it so stridently.

      I wonder which ten books got effectively “banned” to make room on the shelves for those ten. No one cares. Only books that help pedophiles in public schools get defended. The banned books were probably about math, or stories about old White guys who lived in Europe.

      I never considered the books I found in the school libraries to be “heterosexual books”. In fact, they didn’t cover anything sexual at all. They covered baseball, history, Greeks, Romans, founders, builders, science and geography, and a great many other things. Sex never came up and it wasn’t missed.

    • Elwood P. Dowd says:

      Do you agree the Bible and Quran need to be banned from schools and libraries.

      It seems most of the “grooming” takes place in churches and home.

      What we need to teach children is how to recognize inapporiate behaviors of adults – teachers, preachers, relatives, neighbors and friends.

      Youse guys are worried that a gay kid will read that being gay isn’t filthy or perverted – that it’s part of their life.

      Do you believe LGBTQ individuals are sinful, perverted, sick, filthy animals??

  4. Michael Schau says:

    Are books with a homosexual position pushed in libraries? Yes. I am a retired librarian who worked in public, academic and special libraries for 34 years. It starts with the materials used to order, sometimes databases from the publishers, some times magazines like Library Journal. I have watched the books pushed there swing to the left over the years, from a small but proportionate number to a flood of books with a gay agenda. For such a small minority of Americans it was grossly disproportionate, I thought. Finally,look at the American Library Association president. A Lesbian Marxist. Sigh. Lots of balance there, coming from the top.

  5. JimS says:

    When I was in High School (around 1970), the most dangerous book in the school library was a little paperback called “Rocket Manual for Amateurs”. If you did the stuff in there and survived, you’d be a prime recruit for the muzzies. I’m sure the librarians never looked at it, if they did, if would have been gone.

  6. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    BTW, most pedophiles are not homosexual. Many more females than males are victims of child sexual abuse. Men are more likely to be the offenders. Most child sexual abuse offenders are relatives, family friends, teachers or church related. The victim knew the offender in 93% of the cases.

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