Insane: Minneapolis Caliphate Hires First Non-Citizen To Be A Police Officer

Is this what they meant by defunding the police? Replacing Americans with foreigners? Oh, and it gets truly better

Minneapolis Swears In First Non-U.S. Citizen as Police Officer

Minneapolis, Minnesota, has sworn in its first police officer who is not a U.S. citizen, according to reports.

The Minnesota Police Dept. has reported that Lesly Vera, a native of Somalia, was sworn in on Thursday as the department’s first non-citizen officer.

Vera was seen at the swearing-in ceremony wearing a hijab over her head as she took the oath of office and received her badge.

Vera moved to Minneapolis with her parents from their arrival point in Mexico when she was four. She is a legal resident alien and authorized to work, but is not a U.S. citizen.

Oh, this should go well. Start off with a diminutive woman, and, all due respect, we’ve seen the video of how that has worked out with other police departments in the 1st World. Second, you have a Somali, and a goodly chunk of them are Islamic extremists, as we’ve seen in Minneapolis as they demonstrate against Jews, against Israel, and for Islamic terrorist groups, and are the main reason why Islamic extremist and Jew hater Ilhan Omar was elected and keeps getting elected.

You’d think the 1st World, and, especially America, would have learned our lesson about Islamists on 9/11/2001, and wouldn’t want people pushing Sharia law

Should be interesting when she tries to engage a perp (Minneapolis is a 1, meaning only a 0 is worse for crime. Violent and property crime are off the chain) and they rip her hijab off.

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3 Responses to “Insane: Minneapolis Caliphate Hires First Non-Citizen To Be A Police Officer”

  1. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    Krazy Teach: Should be interesting when she tries to engage a perp and they rip her hijab off.

    She can shoot them if they attack her.

    Anyway Krazy Breitbart and by extension Krazy Teach got the facts all friggin’ wrong.

    from Minneapolis KSTP: Now part of the rank-and-file are 11 recruits and 12 lateral officers who are joining from other agencies, some with more than a decade of experience. Of the recruits is the first-ever Somali woman, Ikran Mohamed, and permanent resident, Lesly Vera, for the department.

    A permanent resident who is a non-citizen can be part of the department now due to a recent law change, Chief O’Hara said. Officer Vera said she moved to Minneapolis from Mexico when she was 4 and has called it home since.

    OK… Officer Ikran Mohamed (23) is a Somali-American whose family fled the Somali civil war to Kenya and who immigrated to the US in 2010. She grew up in Faribault MN, south of Minneapolis.

    Lesly Vera is a Mexican immigrant (i.e., Green Card) who local law now allows to become an officer.

    Jeez, Breitbart and Teach, what a hash you guys made of this story…

  2. L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon! says:

    Admittedly it is much better for the anti US radical left to paint this theocrat (you only hate religion if it’s Christian) public servant as the sweet wonderful moslem we all know them to be. Elwood fools like you bring down great nations.

    • Elwood P. Dowd says:


      One lie at a time, please. Breitbart and Teach got the story all wrong. They need to correct their errors – but they won’t.

      Lucky of you guys, that I correct their errors, so youse guys know the truth!!

      First Amendment

      Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; …

      James Madison put freedom of religion as the first sentence of the first amendment!!

      We understand that fundamentalist christians such as you hate Muslims, but you need to refer back to the first sentence of the first amendment!!

      Ms Ikran Mohamed is a Somali-American and a Muslim. We understand that that scares you. Relax, she’s all the way up in Mogadishu MN!! You’re safe in your gated community. Be careful if you ever go to Minnesota, she might try to slit your throat!!

      Speaking of threats, any damage from Cat 4 Hurricane Helene?

      Was that a Muslim woman who ended your fireman career?

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