Aholes Blame ‘Climate Change’ For Western North Carolina Disaster

This will be the one and only post on the subject. I’m just beyond irritated with these monumental asshole climate cultists, who would use a tragedy immediately to push their doomsday cult beliefs, and need to get it out of my system

‘Nowhere is safe’: shattered Asheville shows stunning reach of climate crisis

Nestled in the bucolic Blue Ridge mountains of western North Carolina and far from any coast, Asheville was touted as a climate “haven” from extreme weather. Now the historic city has been devastated and cut off by Hurricane Helene’s catastrophic floodwaters, in a stunning display of the climate crisis’s unlimited reach in the United States.

Helene, which crunched into the western Florida coast as a category 4 hurricane on Thursday, brought darkly familiar carnage to a stretch of that state that has experienced three such storms in the past 13 months, flattening coastal homes and tossing boats inland.

But as the storm, with winds peaking at 140mph (225 km/h), carved a path northwards, it mangled places in multiple states that have never seen such impacts, obliterating small towns, hurling trees on to homes, unmooring houses that then floated in the floodwater, plunging millions of people into power blackouts and turning major roads into rivers.

In all, about 100 people have died across five states, with nearly a third of these deaths occurring in the county containing Asheville, a city of historic architecture where new residents have flocked amid boasts by real estate agents of a place that offers a reprieve from “crazy” extreme weather.

The UK Guardian continues on and on, blamestorming their pet cult, as do many other outlets, such as the NY Times, Washington Post, ABC News, and so many more. They are use the deaths and the tragedy to push for Fascist government. It’s despicable. And they can all go fuck themselves. What are any of them doing to actually help the people in the affected areas? Nothing. Fuck them.

It’s worth clicking the tweet and reading the whole thing

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14 Responses to “Aholes Blame ‘Climate Change’ For Western North Carolina Disaster”

  1. Professor Hale says:

    Professional wolf criers are gonna cry wolf. It’s what they do. Almost as if their personal wealth depends on it.

  2. drowningpuppies says:

    So when you say Aholes can one assume you mean Rimjob? https://www.thepiratescove.us/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_bye.gif

  3. drowningpuppies says:



  4. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    To whom it may concern,

    Let me repeat. Global warming is a reality. No one catastrophe can be blamed on global warming, but it’s clear that catastrophes are on the rise. We’re sorry if Mr Teach takes offense being linked to a movement or cult (MAGAtism) that not only ignores but denies the science of global warming. It’s hardly surprising he is lashing out.

    Mr Teach cites the ridiculous Ahole Steven Milloy, who has made a career as a paid shill for tobacco (Phillip Morris) and oil (Shell, Exxon) companies. While a CATO “scholar” Milloy celebrated the death of climate scientist, saying “scratch one junk scientist”. It’s a shame Milloy is still alive. He brightens a room by leaving.

    Without the Caribbean water being 90F, Hurricane Helene would not have developed as it did. How many hurricanes does Teach recall clobbering the western hills of North Carolina and Eastern Kentucky, killing over 100 Americans.

    The Global warming denier cult Aholes are destroying human civilization. It’s despicable. And they can all go fuck themselves. What are any of them doing to actually help the people in the affected areas? Nothing. Fuck them. If that’s you, so be it.

    Anyone who still denies that global warming is real is an Ahole. If that’s you, so be it.

    • drowningpuppies says:

      Rimjob: it’s clear that catastrophes are on the rise.
      Are they now? https://www.thepiratescove.us/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_bye.gif

    • Jl says:

      No body “denies” it professor, just the alleged effects and cause. But nice try, again.
      ..”cites Milloy, who has made a career as a paid shill for tobacco and oil…”. You do realize that nothing of what you said refuted Milloy’s post, right? The “funding” aspect always comes up as a deflection when refutation isn’t possible.
      “Helen wouldn’t have developed as it did”. There is absolutely no evidence of that. If so, then the bedwetters would be able to tell us what the hurricane would have done absent a 1.5 degree temp rise. Ever notice that’s never done?
      By the way, the remnants of a hurricane in 1916 dumped over 22 inches of rain over western North Carolina including Asheville with CO2 about 120 ppm lower. How could that happen…?

      • Elwood P. Dowd says:


        Much like you, Milloy doesn’t know what he’s talking about when it comes to the climate. And refute what of his?

        The oceans are not warming from global warming. Bullshit.

        Atmospheric vapor is not increased. Bullshit.

        Increased atmospheric water vapor (that isn’t happening) can’t lead to rain. Bullshit.

        Milloy blames El Nino (which causes warming); he blames the undersea Hunga Tonga volcano (8,000 miles away, erupted nearly 3 yrs ago); he blames unknown “other” things. But he “knows” it isn’t global warming! Bullshit.

        Milloy is a lawyer/lobbyist.

        We notice the science denier Aholes didn’t hesitate in blaming Presidents Biden and Harris and FEMA.

        What happened to the states taking care of their own? FL, GA, NC, TN, KY are red states. They all oppose the feds telling them how to treat their women. They all oppose the feds telling them how to control their elections.

  5. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    Did you Aholes restrain your opprobrium when those US troops were killed by a suicide bomber in Kabul?

    Over 10 times more Americans have been killed by Hurricane Helene!! But questioning your unquestioned denial of global warming is beyond the pale. You poor dears!

  6. Jl says:

    If you want uncle Joe to help, just put up an Ukraine flag in the middle of Asheville….

  7. H says:

    I am sure all have been of concerned one way or another about my absence. Well as I have previously stated I am in fact a paid operative of SOROS
    At the end of July I received a much deserved promotion I am not at Commissar (pay grade 4, after friend, citizen, comrade) all commissars get 2 months paid vacation time each year. But September the work load ramped up. SOROS told me to return to college and begin agitating. The CUNY has 15k students with about 2k out of state, I am mostly targeting the 2000 students from next door swing state PA. Super busy! But I had to take some time to laugh at Mr Teach finally being able to acknowledge Helene. His silence on that was deafening.
    Christian Aholes are blaming that on the sins and debauchery of those he so rightchesly afflicted.
    Now those same states are screaming for federal dollars even though NONE of them pay their fair share to DC in taxes. It’s like suddenly they all want SOCIALISM and BIG GOVERNMENT to bail (pun) their asses out of the predicament their GOP governments put on them.
    Gotta go now quiz tomorrow on “Criteria of Fairness” in voting with multiple candidates
    Instant Run Off
    Broda Count (my fav like Olympics)

    Gotta love that socialism my income almost triple from my minimal SS

  8. SR says:

    Watch Live: JD Vance and Tim Walz vice presidential debate, hosted by CBS News


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