Another One Bites The Dust: Israel Gets Sinwar’s Right Hand Man

Hamas big wigs keep being sent off to see if they get their 72 virgins

Sinwar’s right-hand man: Hamas leader Rawhi Mushtaha announced killed

The IDF announced the death of Rawhi Mushtaha, head of the Hamas government in the Gaza Strip, on Thursday.

“Mushtaha, alongside Yahya Sinwar, established Hamas’s General Security Mechanism,” the military stated. They served a prison sentence together in an Israeli jail. Mushtaha was considered to be the most senior figure in the Hamas political bureau in the Gaza Strip and, during the war, maintained civil control of the Hamas regime while simultaneously engaging in terrorist activity against Israel. Mushtaha was Sinwar’s right-hand man and one of his closest associates.”

The IDF also noted that Mushtaha had been one of Hamas’s most senior operatives and was a key decision-maker in how the terror organization deployed its fighters and assets.

Sameh al-Siraj, who held the security portfolio on Hamas’s political bureau and Labor Committee, and Sami Oudeh, the commander of Hamas’s General Security Mechanism, were killed alongside Mushtaha, the military reported.

This will make the United Nations head Antonio Guterres and others upset, since they see Hamas as a government, rather than a terrorist group controlling Gaza. Remember, Hamas was elected, then never held elections again.


‘They were right’: France would defend itself like Israel does, former president says

Former French president Nicolas Sarkozy said that France would have acted like Israel in an interview with French media regarding Israel’s war on Hamas and Hezbollah.

“I can never rejoice at someone’s death,” Sarkozy said about Nasrallah’s assassination. “But Israel was attacked. It’s the tragedy of October 7 by Hamas, and it’s Hezbollah that led to a massive displacement of the population from northern Israel.”

He continued, saying “Israel has the right to defend itself. It has the duty to defend itself. If we, the French, were in the same situation, we would need to defend ourselves. A country must stand tall, and Israel has the right to live standing tall, to live, period, and to live standing tall. From this perspective, I say they were right.”

Exactly. He also said “I say they were right, and perhaps the worst risk of escalation would be inaction and cowardice.” No one has ever said Israel was cowardly, but, refusing to respond would simply lead to more terrorist attacks.

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2 Responses to “Another One Bites The Dust: Israel Gets Sinwar’s Right Hand Man”

  1. drowningpuppies says:

    Do not fuck with the Israelis.

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