As FEMA Does A Half-Assed Job In Western NC, They Worry About DEI

Our government is completely out of touch with Americans

As Americans Suffer, Biden’s FEMA Focuses on LGBTQ and DEI

spite houseThe Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is taking heavy criticism for its massive failures in response to Hurricane Helene, but it appears the agency was spending a lot of time worrying over LGBTQ issues and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) policies during the Biden era.

As FEMA takes wave after wave of criticism, video of some of the agency’s training sessions and policy discussions have begun filtering onto social media.

In one such video, FEMA’s Director of Education/Training of the agency’s “Pride Federal Employee Resource Group,” Reilly Hirst, is seen celebrating the agency’s efforts to have “conversations with migrant trans women.”

Hirst noted that FEMA was working to make sure “migrant trans women” would be able to “trust” the shelters that FEMA was providing for migrants. Hirst added that FEMA needed to continue making sure shelters don’t “misgender” migrant trans women and that they have access to the bathrooms and bedrooms that they want to use.

In another video of a disaster preparedness meeting, FEMA managers are seeing talking about how they should focus on “LGBTQIA people” and that the agency needs to ensure there is “disaster equity” in its efforts.

This is what the federal government is worried about. Prioritizing some people over other people. Not simply doing their job to help all Americans when they are in need of the job each administration was created for.

FYI, I’m seeing something going around which is false

No, the $750 FEMA grant for disaster victims is not a loan

Misinformation about the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and confusion over what the agency provides has spread in the midst of these disasters. A viral social media post viewed over 5 million times claims FEMA’s $750 Serious Needs Assistance is a loan and has to be paid back. Several VERIFY readers sent us questions to ask if this is true. (snip)

FEMA’s Serious Needs Assistance, which is a program that quickly gives disaster victims $750 for immediate supplies like food and medicine, is not a loan and does not have to be paid back.

Disaster victims get $750 from FEMA’s Serious Needs Assistance grant if the disaster has displaced them from their home and they establish they have critical needs they’d like funding to help cover. The critical needs that the $750 is meant to cover include emergency supplies such as food and water, first aid, childcare items, personal hygiene items and fuel for transportation.

Of course, do we really trust the government and the Credentialed Media to be truthful? Regardless, there are reports that most are being denied the assistance grant. It’s also rather tough for people to apply when they have no electricity, no cell service, no Internet, and many do not even have home phone service, and FEMA personnel are few and far between. They might see that $750 in 6 months.

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12 Responses to “As FEMA Does A Half-Assed Job In Western NC, They Worry About DEI”

  1. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    Teach typed: FYI, I’m seeing something going around which is false

    LOL. Yeah, me too…

    • L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon! says:

      LOL? You find your fellow citizens facing ruin a LOL moment? Billions of dollars lost, thousands of people homeless and hundreds dead and missing LOL?

      FEMA managers are seeing talking about how they should focus on “LGBTQIA people” and that the agency needs to ensure there is “disaster equity” in its efforts.

      The FEMA administrators in my area questioned whether they should even “bother” with us in “million dollar homes”. Like we don’t count because we aren’t poor. Or colored? Or queer?

      I’m already doing battle with my insurance company and I surely don’t need shit from the government to hold me up.

      • Elwood P. Dowd says:


        The LOL was about Teach’s concern about something false going around. Teach is part of the right-wing system whose objective is to spread “something false”. LOL.

        I wonder why all those people in Western NC didn’t take private jets out of harm’s way. Poor planning, I guess…

        Should FEMA prioritize the rich over the poor, the “colored”, the queer?

  2. Dana says:

    Hirst noted that FEMA was working to make sure “migrant trans women” would be able to “trust” the shelters that FEMA was providing for migrants. Hirst added that FEMA needed to continue making sure shelters don’t “misgender” migrant trans women and that they have access to the bathrooms and bedrooms that they want to use.

    The people who get stuck in shelters, especially normal people who have seen or are fearing that their homes might be destroyed by Himicane Milton Burle might just be a bit agitated, and might not be willing to put up with the foolishness of men males following their younger daughters into the bathroom.

    One thing is clear: there are way, way, way too many federal government employees, if there are employees who have the time to consider this foolishness and try to come up with ‘solutions’ to the problems of abnormal and mentally ill people.

    Elon Musk cut 90% of Twitter’s workforce, and it still works, and has actually been improved. Incoming President Trump — from my keyboard to God’s monitor screen! — ought to take a hard look at how much the federal workforce can be downsized, to get rid of the deadwood and the useless functions. The entire Department of Education could be eliminated, as well as could much of the Departments of Commerce, Labor, Housing and Urban Development, and Transportation.

    • Elwood P. Dowd says:

      Mr Dana types: Elon Musk cut 90% of Twitter’s workforce, and it still works, and has actually been improved.


      Mr Dana doesn’t recognize trans humans as humans, but that’s his personal issue, not America’s. So yes, we need to make certain that trans persons are not unduly discriminated against. I betcha Mr Dana favored racially segregated drinking fountains at one time in his life. I betcha he believed in discrimination in hiring of homosexuals at some time. He might maybe even still believe that letting only white men vote would be a good idea.

      The National Partnership for Reinventing Government (NPR) was a U.S. government reform initiative. During its five years, it catalyzed significant changes in the way the federal government operates, including the elimination of over 100 programs, the elimination of over 250,000 federal jobs, and the consolidation of over 800 agencies. NPR introduced the use of performance measurements and customer satisfaction surveys, and encouraged the use of technology.

      I forget who ran that initiative, probably some Republicuns…

  3. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    There’s a list going around with tne names of the Republicun Senators and Representatives who voted against funding FEMA.

    All the Dems supported the funding.

    Here’s a few of the 100 naysayers… (82 Reps + 18 Senators)
    Representative Jim Jordan of Ohio
    Representative Matt Gaetz of Florida
    Representative Nancy Mace of South Carolina
    Representative Thomas Massie of Kentucky
    Representative Aaron Bean of Florida
    Representative Cory Mills of Florida
    Representative Gus Bilirakis of Florida
    Representative Dan Bishop of North Carolina
    Representative Tim Burchett of Tennessee
    Representative Kat Cammack of Florida
    Representative Andrew Clyde of Georgia
    Representative Mike Collins of Georgia
    Representative Byron Donalds of Florida
    Representative Jeff Duncan of South Carolina
    Representative Bill Posey of Florida
    Representative Mike Waltz of Florida
    Representative Daniel Webster of Florida
    Representative Russell Fry of South Carolina
    Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia
    Representative Morgan Griffith of Virginia
    Representative Laurel Lee of Florida
    Representative Anna Paulina Luna of Florida
    Senator Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee
    Senator Ted Budd of North Carolina
    Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky

    Florida sucks up a lot of FEMA resources each year.

    Trump’s Project 2025 calls for severe cuts to FEMA, off-loading the responsibilities to the states and local communities who suffer the losses. I agree. Let Florida pay for Florida! Let Hillsborough County take care of Hillsborough County! If you want to live on the coast, YOU should pay for damages, not the American taxpayers. By far, hurricanes are the most expensive natural disasters in the US.

    • L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon! says:

      LOL. I bet Elwood supports not giving aid to any non democrats. Mr. Elwood doesn’t recognize whites, Christians and conservatives as humans anyway. He’s always hated Christians and I bet he’d be feeding them to the lions if he could. He just loves all the illegals going around raping children and other people’s wives, daughters and sons.

      There is no good reason to vote against more funding for FEMA as they have shown they can hand it out to NGO’s and such at a fantastic rate to buy illegals votes. Money well spent. All FEMA money should go to illegals those red state citizens shouldn’t get a dime from other states. We all know nothing counts but blue states and no people count but radical commie leftists. Ask H.

      • drowningpuppies says:

        The comfort and well-being of queermos and trannies is priority number one with FEMA.

      • Elwood P. Dowd says:


        We understand your frustration with being clobbered by back-to-back hurricanes disrupting your lifesyle. We recognize your good fortune in being able to be evacuated.

        BTW, my friends are white, mostly Christian, mostly straight, and many are conservative! One good friend is a conservative atheist! One is a moderate Buddhist (he was a conservative until his daughter married a black man… who passed away, she adopted all 3 of his kids, and my conservative friend is grandpa to 3 black kids, and great grandpa to 2)! Another conservative Christian also became a moderate when his college professor daughter married an African! I don’t hate Christians but do recognize the damage some do. Immigrants commit crimes at a lower rate than do native-borne Americans.

        Illegals cannot vote in America. We hope you’re grateful to the blue state taxpayers for FEMA and the transfer of billions of blue state dollars to the less productive red states. You’re welcome, but no thanks necessary.

        You should relax there in Palm Beach, have the maid bring you a cognac and a cigar. The socialists you hate will take care of you.

  4. H says:

    They are eating dogs and cats in western NC and WV!! What kind of people are they? Why weren’t those self sufficient country folk better prepared? Why they don’t even seem any better able to take care of themselves than those city slickers and coastal elites Mr teach is always chattering about.

    X has lost 80% of its stock value under Musk Maybe it is doing performing better because it has lost 20% of its daily users? X depends on ad revenue, and that has dropped by 60% under Musk.

    Dana how do you feel about getting rid of the Department of Agriculture?

  5. h says:

    we need more socialism ! and we need faster socialism. We want Los Federales to do more for us.

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