P0Rn Industry Comes Out In Favor Of Kamala

This should totally help with Middle America, right? They’ll be totally enthused for Kamala, right? This should help with all the mom’s and dad’s who vote, right

XXX for Kamala: Porn Industry Launches Ads Supporting Harris Campaign

The porn industry has entered the 2024 presidential campaign with a $100,000 ad campaign targeting what it claims are proposals to ban pornography. The “Hands Off My Porn” campaign will run in seven swing states with the hopes of convincing young men to vote for Kamala Harris.

The New York Times reports that the porn industry has brought its sleaze to the 2024 presidential race. Seventeen pornographic film actors announced on Monday that they have launched a $100,000 ad campaign to warn voters about the potential consequences of Project 2025, a conservative policy blueprint that has become a focal point for some Democratic campaigns. The ads, which will run on porn sites in seven crucial swing states — Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, North Carolina, Georgia, Arizona, and Nevada — specifically claim that conservatives want a ban on pornography and the potential imprisonment of those involved in producing adult content.

The “hands off my porn” campaign strategists have carefully considered their target audience and the current polling data. While Vice President Kamala Harris is trailing former President Donald Trump among male voters, the campaign organizers believe that younger men, who are the biggest consumers of porn, could be persuaded to support the Democratic ticket. According to the Survey Center on American Life, 44 percent of men aged 18-29 and 57 percent of men aged 30-49 had watched pornography within the past month, making this demographic a significant potential voting bloc.

Well, thank goodness those ads won’t be running on TV, radio, and streaming. All the ads are bad enough as it is. Anyhow, seriously, do they think that people are going to their p0rn sites to watch ads? To listen to them? And the hilarious part is, at least per the Times, this is all about Trump Derangement Syndrome and the super scary Project 2025. The p0rn stars aren’t actually offering reasons to support Kamala, just that she’s not Trump.

Meanwhile, even more bad from her 60 Minutes interview

In normal times the media would turn on her and she’d get blown out on election day. If not forced to just drop out.

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14 Responses to “P0Rn Industry Comes Out In Favor Of Kamala”

  1. Dana says:

    She got her start by f’ing a much older, married California politician, and then continued that by f’ing a wealthy Jooooo, who was divorced from his first wife after he was f’ing around on her, so yeah, an industry which makes its money by showing people f’ing around would support Mrs Emhoff.

    I would expect the distinguished Mr Dowd to point out that Donald Trump’s sexual history is just as sordid, but there is a real difference: Mr Trump, as much as he liked to f around personally, isn’t promoting policies which encourage f’ing around, while Mrs Emhoff is.

    • CarolAnn says:

      While Trump has been your typical rich guy, no different than most of the democrats (except he’s straight not queer), Kameltoe is just a whore opportunist and a slut. She is “the other woman”, the home wreaker and a feeble minded idiot perfectly in sync with the modern democrat party of perverts. The fag industry supports her as do the dykes and she’s top gun with the child grooming trannies and abortionists. Why not the porn industry. The illegal drug industry supports her too as her catch and release plan and “let them all in” border theme helps them too. She benefits those wo traffic in sex, sex slaves and child porn. The democrats have a lock on all the degenerates in America.

    • Elwood P. Dowd says:


      Donald J “Spackles” Trump, free speech absolutist like Mr Dana and Mr Teach, got his start fucking around with teen girls areound NY and Epstein’s Island, while his brave compatriots were dying in the jungles of Vietnam. “Cadet Bone Spurs” (Thanks! daddy!) diescribed his wild years as his “personal Vietnam” for avoiding condoms and STDs.

      Spackles finally “settled” down with an immigrant “model” fathering at least three children, the daughter who in an interview he said he’d fuck her if she wasn’t his daughter. His then wife, Ivana, caught him fucking an ingenue, Marla Maples, so marriage one ended. They had a daughter, Tiffany, born BEFORE they were married! There is no record of Spackles saying he wanted to fuck this daughter. Ms Maples dumped hem for a bodyguard after a few years.

      Spackles married “nude model” Melania Knavs in 2006. She was home taking care of their infant son, Barron, while he was in CA fucking a buxom nude model and porn star, Stormy Daniels, whom Spackles bribed to stay quiet during his 2016 campaign. He also bribed a Playboy model, Karen McCougal to keep quiet.

      Sonnie “Spackles” Trump likes porn so much he fucked a decorated pornographic film actress!!!

      Over 20 women have claimed Spackles sexually assaulted them. He was close friends with pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, taking several trips on Epstein’s Lolita Express. According to the court, he raped journalist E. Jean Carroll in a NYC department store.

      And all this pales in comparison to him trying to overthrow the government.

      • Jl says:

        Proof that he tried to overthrow the government? You don’t have any. Shocking!
        Oh, wait-I suppose wanting more National Guard troops on Jan. 6th at the Capital would of course be a smart ploy to help him overthrow it, right?

        • James Lewis says:

          Chicken Little Karen Man

          while his brave compatriots were dying in the jungles of Vietnam. “Cadet Bone Spurs” (Thanks! daddy!) diescribed his wild years as his “personal Vietnam” for avoiding condoms and STDs.

          Well, at least they were girls and he didn’t lie about it.

          OTOH We have Blumenthal and he did lie about his service. Big time.

          And we have YOU. You never served at all and yet want to talk about Trump’s lack of service to hide the Porn Industry’s support for Camel Toe.

          Why should we be surprised? After all, your VP candidate lied about his NG service and wasn’t it a Democrat that banged Marilyn and another who used a cigar dildo while getting a BJ in the Oval Office??

          Why yes. Yes it was.

          • drowningpuppies says:

            Rimjob’s just jealous because he wasn’t getting any at all.
            Except maybe the grandson.

          • Elwood P. Dowd says:


            Donnie’s dad “persuaded” a doctor, who rented an office from Fred, to submit that Donnie had debiliating bone spurs. It’s nice to be rich and powerful!

            I volunteered, reluctantly, but they didn’t want me, luckily. I even had the Army physical at Fort Leonard Wood, MO! My girlfriend said, at that time, that they likely didn’t have a helmet to fit my “big head”. We married anyway. Her opinion has not changed over 50 years.

            Spackles has always boasted of fucking girls outside the sacrament of marriage, which used to be frowned upon. Times they are a’changin’, eh?

            The right-wing CLAIMS Goveroor Walz lied about his 24 years as a National Guardsman.

            Donald “Spackles” Trump is a total asshole. You know it, I know it, everyone knows it. The misogynist, racist memes memes expressed by the increasingly desperate Mr Dana, that VP Harris had sexual relations are ridiculous when compared with Spackles’ behaviors and criminal acts.

            A jury verdict in May 2023 found Trump liable for sexually abusing and defaming Carroll, and ordered him to pay US$5 million in damages. In July, Judge Kaplan clarified that the jury had found that Trump had raped Carroll according to the common definition of the word. In August 2023, Kaplan dismissed a countersuit and wrote that Carroll’s accusation of “rape” is “substantially true”. In September 2023, Kaplan issued a partial summary judgment regarding Carroll I, finding Trump liable for defamation via his 2019 statements. The jury verdict from the January 2024 trial was $83.3 million in additional damages.

            To our knowledge VP Harris has not been charged with a sex crime.

      • CarolAnn says:

        Did you just call me the worst person in America? Why?

        You seem to have made a hobby out of Trumps love life. Good for you. We would hate to think you’re the only democrat not involved in the seedy underbelly of politicians. Now do Harris. And since you felt it completed you to degrade Melania maybe do Harris whore hubby too.

        Can you explain how such an ass managed to raise such good kids while the noble liar biden raised a douche?

        • Elwood P. Dowd says:


          I said you may be, based on your previous comment. You’re in good company with all the other MAGAts.

          Kameltoe is just a whore opportunist and a slut. She is “the other woman”, the home wreaker and a feeble minded idiot perfectly in sync with the modern democrat party of perverts.

          The fag industry supports her as do the dykes and she’s top gun with the child grooming trannies and abortionists.

          The illegal drug industry supports her… She benefits those who traffic in sex, sex slaves and child porn.

          The democrats have a lock on all the degenerates in America.

          You believe The Donald raised “good kids”. Ask why they are no longer allowed to be associated with a charity.

          Donald J. Trump was forced to pay more than $2 million in court-ordered damages to eight different charities for illegally misusing charitable funds at the Trump Foundation for political purposes.

          The settlement also included mandatory training requirements for Donald Trump Jr., Ivanka Trump, and Eric Trump, which the three children have already undergone. Finally, the settlement required the Trump Foundation to shutter its doors last December and dissolve under court supervision.

          • CarolAnn says:

            So what you’re saying is that you and the courts or whoever are holding the kids guilty for their father’s sins. Very noble of you all. I thought we didn’t tolerate corruption of blood? Oh, that’s when we were a republic not a communist theocracy run by democrats.

  2. drowningpuppies says:

    Kamala is “The Throat Goat”.

    Bwaha! Lolgf https://www.thepiratescove.us/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_cool.gif

  3. drowningpuppies says:

    Poor Kumala.

    Pity the skank!


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