Humanity Hangs In The Balance From Hotcoldwetdry Or Something

This again? Sigh. It’s like the climate cult has a spreadsheet that says “don’t forget to bring this up every so often”

Earth’s ‘vital signs’ show humanity’s future in balance, say climate experts

Many of Earth’s “vital signs” have hit record extremes, indicating that “the future of humanity hangs in the balance”, a group of the world’s most senior climate experts have said.

More and more scientists are now looking into the possibility of societal collapse, says the report, which assessed 35 vital signs in 2023 and found that 25 were worse than ever recorded, including carbon dioxide levels and human population. This indicates a “critical and unpredictable new phase of the climate crisis”, it says.

The temperature of Earth’s surface and oceans hit an all-time high, driven by record burning of fossil fuels, the report found. Human population is increasing at a rate of approximately 200,000 people a day and the number of cattle and sheep by 170,000 a day, all adding to record greenhouse gas emissions.

The scientists identified 28 feedback loops, including increasing emissions from melting permafrost, which could help trigger multiple tipping points, such as the collapse of the massive Greenland icecap.

Weirdly, I’m not seeing a time frame for when societal collapse is coming. And “report” itself is completely focused on science

We are on the brink of an irreversible climate disaster. This is a global emergency beyond any doubt. Much of the very fabric of life on Earth is imperiled. We are stepping into a critical and unpredictable new phase of the climate crisis.

Those are the 1st four paragraphs. Totally scientific. The rest isn’t better

For many years, scientists, including a group of more than 15,000, have sounded the alarm about the impending dangers of climate change driven by increasing greenhouse gas emissions and ecosystem change (Ripple et al. 2020). For half a century, global warming has been correctly predicted even before it was observed—and not only by independent academic scientists but also by fossil fuel companies (Supran et al. 2023). Despite these warnings, we are still moving in the wrong direction; fossil fuel emissions have increased to an all-time high, the 3 hottest days ever occurred in July of 2024 (Guterres 2024), and current policies have us on track for approximately 2.7 degrees Celsius (°C) peak warming by 2100 (UNEP 2023). Tragically, we are failing to avoid serious impacts, and we can now only hope to limit the extent of the damage. We are witnessing the grim reality of the forecasts as climate impacts escalate, bringing forth scenes of unprecedented disasters around the world and human and nonhuman suffering. We find ourselves amid an abrupt climate upheaval, a dire situation never before encountered in the annals of human existence. We have now brought the planet into climatic conditions never witnessed by us or our prehistoric relatives within our genus, Homo (supplemental figure S1; CenCO2PIP Consortium et al. 2023).


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9 Responses to “Humanity Hangs In The Balance From Hotcoldwetdry Or Something”

  1. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    Said Republican leader Marjorie Taylor Greene: “Yes they can control the weather. It’s ridiculous for anyone to lie and say it can’t be done.”

    She displayed a figure created by Matt Wallace a conspiracy buff who said, “I created the map showing the path of destruction of Hurricane Helene with an overlay of the 2020 election results… The storm seemed to almost methodically miss the bluest parts of those crucial swing states, while simultaneously ravaging the red parts. What a crazy coincidence!”

    • drowningpuppies says:

      And Rimjob sold stock in his company that peddled a so-called therapeutic cancer drug that the FDA said didn’t work.

    • L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon! says:

      Are you saying she’s wrong and we can’t control the weather? In order to achieve global warming goals we need to control the weather therefore, I guess we can’t do anything about warming so why bother? It’s a waste of money.

      • Jl says:

        Oh, no! Experts warn we have only “x” amount of time left before they change the timeline on gw again….

      • Elwood P. Dowd says:

        Yes, she’s wrong. We cannot create and direct hurricanes. Do you really believe that Dems and Jews are guiding hurricanes to blue states? Don’t be a complete idiot.

        Reducing carbon dioxide emissions is different from targeting hurricanes to Asheville NC. Don’t reveal that you’re a complete idiot.

        I asked President Biden to steer hurricane Milton south of Tampa to spare your neighborhood. You’re welcome.

  2. James Lewis says:

    Chicken Little Karen Man

    Yes, she’s wrong. We cannot create and direct hurricanes


    Everybody knows George Bush created Katrina and directed it to flood New Orleans.

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