Biden-Harris Admin Threatens Israel With Arms Embargo

What, exactly, is the point of this threat against an ally who is fighting against Islamic terrorists who also hate America? Is this an attempt to sway the Islamists here in America to vote for Harris, why also blowing off Jews?

US threatens Israel with arms embargo over Gaza aid

The United States has warned Israel that military aid could be restricted unless it takes steps to improve the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, in one of the more serious disputes between the two arch-allies since the October 7 massacre attack.

The State Department, the White House, and the Pentagon confirmed that US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin sent a letter on the issue to Defense Minister Yoav Gallant and Minister of Strategic Affairs Ron Dermer.

State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller said that the private correspondence made “clear our concerns about the levels of humanitarian assistance that have been making it into Gaza.”

US National Security Communications adviser John Kirby said the letter “follows a marked decrease in humanitarian assistance, which has us concerned and which prompted the expression of the of those concerns in writing. We want that situation turned around now as soon as possible.”

Well, gee wiz, perhaps if Hamas wasn’t taking all that aid, including as the terrorist supporters at UNRWA work with Hamas. The solution is very simple: Hamas stands down and disarms, releases the hostages, and the normal Gazans need to stop helping Hamas.

But, really, this was leaked in order to show Islamists in places like Dearborn and Minneapolis that the Biden-Harris admin is on their side, and screw those Jews. Notice the Biden-Harris regime has zero demands for Hamas.

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7 Responses to “Biden-Harris Admin Threatens Israel With Arms Embargo”

  1. Doom and Gloom says:

    Israel long ago became so tired of the USA constantly changing regimes and going from an I LOVE YOU to I HATE YOU state as in Carter vs Reagan and Bush vs Clinton, vs Bush, Obama vs Biden vs ?????

    So in 1999 there was a war between Pakistan and India in which Israel funded and provide vast weapons and arms to INDIA which turned the tide and helped India win against Pakistan.

    As a result. India and Israel are far greater bosom buddies now than is the USA and Israel.

    As a result of this right now Israel is getting most of its arms from India because Israel went to India and collectively they built several manufacturing plants in India to then return arms to Israel.

    So when the world, led by France and the USA turns against Israel it will be India and by Default……CHINA leading the way in providing assistance to the Israel.

    Our foreign policy is so fuked up that no one trusts the USA anymore. Especially Israel.

  2. H says:

    By “Israel” don’t you actually mean the current government in control of Israel?
    That current government has a wafer thin mandate to rule with a large percentage of its population ( including 20% Arabs) who oppose it. The opposition also includes many in the Israeli military who realize that they are creating more new Hamas than they are eliminating. Just as the USA did in Afghanistan and Iraq, which is now aligned with Iran

    • L'Roy White says:

      Gee H, every time you post you come off as a West Point grad and expert on military and geopolitical theory. What is your degree in? Or are you like Elwood and just fantastic at Googling?

      • Elwood P. Dowd says:

        Mr White,

        We can teach you how to conduct research and separate fact from fiction, and evidence from opinion.

        It’s not easy, but it’s not impossible.

        Mr H makes a good point. What people call Israel’s policies, are really the wishes of the current right-wing regime.

  3. Dana says:

    The first thing I noticed was that the the 30-day threat puts the deadline after the election, ’cause they don’t want to lose any more votes from Jews than necessary.

  4. Wilson says:

    Didn’t the communists go after Trump for allegedly threatening to withhold money from Ukraine?

    • Professor Hale says:

      No. they went after him for noticing that the Biden family was corrupt and running scams in Ukraine. Democrats likely had a lot more people also profiting from the Ukraine and didn’t want anyone looking too deeply there.

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