Kamala Harris Gets Annihilated By Bret Baier

This is literally painful for me to listen to

Remember, Baier is no fan of Trump’s. He virtually a Never Trumper. Let’s see how the NY Times writes this up on their front page blurb

Harris Spars Through Combative Fox News Interview
Kamala Harris Brain SlugVice President Kamala Harris battled with Bret Baier, who repeatedly interrupted her and pressed her on former President Donald Trump’s talking points.

ZOMG, Bret interrupted a public official who was bloviating, not answering, and trying to run out the clock? Who was doing the job of being a journalist? How rude! And the Washington Post

Harris clashes with host in contentious interview on Fox
In the vice president’s interview with Bret Baier, she said more bluntly than before that her presidency would not be a continuation of Joe Biden’s.

And that’s the way the Credentialed Media, which has failed to do the job of asking her tough questions, tended to put it. Like Bret was the problem. Here’s Raw Story (I did not realize they were still around. So many of these leftist sites disappeared when the MSM started doing the same job)

‘Insufferable’: Critics pan ‘obnoxious’ Fox News host who repeatedly talked over Harris

If you were giving horrible answers to your boss or the person interviewing you for a job (or, hey, a police officer, judge, or IRS agent), they’d be cutting you off. Imagine doing this to a customs officer? Can you say cavity search?

(Fox News) Baier began the interview Wednesday by asking Harris how many illegal immigrants were released by the Biden administration into the country.

“Well, I’m glad you raised the issue of immigration, because I agree with you,” Harris responded. “It is a topic of discussion that people want to rightly have. And you know what I’m going to talk about-”

“But just a number,” Baier pressed. “Do you think it’s 1 million? 3 million?”

She never could answer.

The “Special Report” anchor then turned to the high-profile murders of Jocelyn Nungaray, Rachel Morin and Laken Riley, all victims at the hands of violent illegal immigrants who entered the country during the Biden administration.

“This is a specific policy decision by your administration to release these men into the country,” Baier said. “So what I’m saying to you, do you owe those families an apology?”

“Let me just say- first of all, those are tragic cases. There’s no question about that. There’s no question about that,” Harris said. “And I can’t imagine the pain that the families of those victims have experienced for a loss that should not have occurred. So that is true. It is also true that if [the border security bill] had actually been passed nine months ago, it would be nine months that we would have had more border agents at the border, more support for the folks who are working around the clock trying to hold it all together to ensure that no future harm would occur.”

Total deflection. Oh, and the interview was supposed to be around 20-25 minutes, her handlers ended it after 5 1/2. The American People deserve answer from those running for office and in office. This is not an aristocracy. They are supposed to answer to us.

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17 Responses to “Kamala Harris Gets Annihilated By Bret Baier”

  1. Professor Hale says:

    Let’s give credit where due. It was courageous for Harris to consent to a Fox interview and more so to show up. She is used to exclusively using “safe” interviews where her answers are scripted in advance. That she showed up for this at all demonstrates that her campaign is desperate. If she felt it was in the bag, she wouldn’t have bothered.

    • drowningpuppies says:

      According to Baier, Kumala and krew showed up 15 minutes late for the interview. When things started going “south” and the princess started yelling and shit 4 people off camera started waving their arms for the interview to stop.

      Yeah, let’s give credit where credit is due. https://www.thepiratescove.us/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_bye.gif

  2. Dana says:

    If she can’t handle Bret Baier, how the f(ornicate) will she be able to handle Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping, or Benjamin Netanyahu?

    The DEI Vice President proved that yes, she’s an Affirmative Action selection, not an actually qualified or strong person.

    • Professor Hale says:

      For a government run by an unelected committee of unknown people in back rooms and shadows, what difference does it make if the sock puppet president is unqualified, incapable, or even senile?

      • Elwood P. Dowd says:

        Good point. America survived the previous MAGAt administration with only a million or so excess American deaths, burgeoning debt and the rest of thw world laughing at us.

        The system held, even during the reign of Donald the First.

        The current Supreme Court has raised the stakes, granting broad immunities to American presidents!

  3. Dana says:

    Our socialist from St Louis will vote for Mrs Emhoff, because she’d Not Donald Trump, but if he told the truth, even he’s embarrassed by her performance.

    • Elwood P. Dowd says:

      Our fascist from Kentucky will vote for Mr Knauss, because he’d NOT a Black Woman, but if he told the truth, even he’s embarrassed by his performance(s).

      If Mr Knauss can’t handle Mr Gonzalez, how the fuck will he be able to handle Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping, or Benjamin Netanyahu? The DEI ex-president proved that yes, he’s a White Xtian selection, not an actually qualified or strong person.

      And he handles Putin, Xi and Netanyahu by giving them whatever they want. Mr Knauss is a caricature of a strong person – the John Gotti of politics. If John Gotti was a coward.

      Even adult intelligent men and women can be driven by their fears and their prejudices often drilled into them from childhood.

  4. Dana says:

    Even The New York Times is reporting that the interview was “her most contentious meeting with a journalist since becoming the Democratic nominee.” Translation: this media outlet was not fawning over the DEI candidate for President.

  5. Dana says:

    Not every DEI hire is an unqualified person, but Mrs Emhoff went out of her way to prove that she is.

  6. Dana says:

    From Robert Stacy McCain:

    The three deadliest bombs in world history:

    1 – Hiroshima;
    2 – Nagasaki; and
    3 – The Kamala Harris interview with Brett Baier.

    • Elwood P. Dowd says:

      Oh noes, FOX viewers still won’t vote for VP Harris!!

      McCain must have missed Big Donnie’s debate. Or “swaying to the music”.

      BTW, the Donald Trump-Stormy Daniels affair is back in the news! Donnie, convicted of 34 felony charges, is once again seeking to pay Ms Daniels to keep her quiet!

      (NBC) In a case separate from the hush money trial, Daniels was ordered to pay for Trump’s legal fees after she lost a defamation suit she filed against him. About two months after the hush money trial, Trump’s lawyer told Daniels’ representative that the former president would agree to a lower payment if she agreed not to make any disparaging comments about Trump.

  7. Doom and Gloom says:

    The commentary that I saw coming out of this interview is:

    Everything except the DA of San Fran was handed to her on a silver platter. Her VP slot was a DEI hire, as her run for Prez was disastrous and comical. She does not want to, nor has she had to, put in the work for much of anything.

    No one is calling her dumb or stupid. She is just lazy.

    This is the narrative now floating around.

    The second part of that narrative is that she does not want the job if she has to run for it or fight for it, and she takes offense that she has to defend her position to the little man.

  8. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    LOL. Did youse guys even watch her debate with Bret Baier? Pay attention to her boxing Bret’s ears over the cynical video clip he ran.

    Trump clearly called Democrats the “enemy within” which may have to be controlled by the “National Guard or even the military”.

    Bret sat there looking at his hands…

  9. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    Trump’s golfing buddy, Bret Baier, had fallen into disfavor with the ex-president for asking questions of him in an interview.

    Bret’s belligerence toward VP Harris was to get a pat on the head from Big Donnie… “Good boy, Bret, good boy.”

    Big Donnie controls FOX (and cost them some $800 MILLION in a settlement with Dominion Voting Systems).

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