52% Say They Are Worse Off Under Biden-Harris Than Trump

The question is, how many of them will vote their wallets, rather than their Trump Derangement Syndrome?

Poll finds majority of Americans say they’re worse off than four years ago, similar to 1992 election

With Election Day inching closer, a recent survey suggested that a majority of Americans believe they are worse off than they were four years ago.

The Gallup poll, released Friday, found that 52 percent of Americans said they and their family are worse off today than they were four years ago. The Gallup poll was conducted Sept. 16-28 among 1,023 Americans and has a margin of error of 4 percentage points.

Another 39 percent said they were better off, while 9 percent said they felt the same now as they did back then.

Gallup noted that these results are most similar to their 1992 survey – when then-Gov. Bill Clinton defeated incumbent Republican President George H.W. Bush.

Who are these 39% who say they are better off? Are they the government employees who can just demand raises? Rich folks loving the BidenHarrisflation?

About 72% of Democrats say they were better off in 2024 than 2020, according to the survey. The numbers were much lower for independents, 35%, and Republicans, just 7%.

Under what measurement do those Dems feel better? Simply because Trump isn’t president? Because there are plenty who have complained about how expensive things are, how they cannot afford a house or apartment? The big one is the Independents: can they overcome loathing Trump (not that Kamala is particularly likable) and vote for policies that are better for their lives?

And then there is this

Gallup’s monthly Economic Confidence Index (ECI), which ranges from -100 to +100, was currently at -26, with 39 percent saying they were better off financially four years ago.

The organization has been tracking ECI’s since 1992. Since the start, the highest ECI score was +56 in January 2000, and the lowest was -72 in October 2008.

Gallup noted that former President Trump’s 2020 loss to now-President Biden was a “sign that noneconomic factors were paramount to voters that year.”

Which way will it show up at the ballot box? Say what you will, Biden was somewhat likeable, especially since he was kept in the basement as much as possible. Kamala is a whole different ballgame. I don’t know about you, though, I’ve talked to people in real life, and they’re all TDS, despite whining about things like the economy. They blame Trump for Afghanistan, Ukraine, and Israel, going through pretzels in their TDS logic.

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5 Responses to “52% Say They Are Worse Off Under Biden-Harris Than Trump”

  1. drowningpuppies says:

    In 2024 if you’re planning on voting for democrats after the complete shit show of the last 3.5 years…
    you are clearly too fucking stupid to live in a free society. https://www.thepiratescove.us/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_bye.gif

  2. Doom and Gloom says:

    52 percent is not a high number at all. As I pointed out to my wife, who is excited that Trump might win again……Black men don’t vote. They might support him but don’t typically stand in line and vote.

    Black women will and do and his number with them is much lower.

    I see the same stupid optimism that the Right exuded leading up to the 2020 election. They ignored the warnings by the MSM that Trump would win election night but that the Dems would roar back after all those mail-in ballots were counted.

    There is no way this nation will let Trump back in the White House despite one poll that everyone is ignoring it seems.

    Gallup released its final poll on the presidential election a couple of days ago, and it has been astoundingly accurate in predicting the results. It has predicted and nearly mirrored the final numbers of the last three elections, for sure, and many before it, though not quite as closely.

    The predictor of who will win is Self-Identification. In the most current poll, the country self-identifies as Republican +7. This translates to a Trump national win of 7 points. They were within 1/10th of a point in 2016, 2020, and 2022.

    If you average the polls for October, when pollsters begin telling the truth to stay in business, this number will decline to Trump +3. Still, the Democrats need a Dem +3 to win an electoral college presidency, so Trump +1 or Harris +1 is great news for Trump.

    So stand by for news. Compared to previous elections, the R’s are trouncing the D’s in early voting, especially in NC, where folks hope no one votes. Arizona is killing it for Trump in early voting.

    Everything looks like 2020 is aligning up all over again. The D’s told their voters to go FF themselves and installed Kamala so they could say, Harris is just an extraordinary black woman with substance and style when they pull a rabbit out of the hat after wading through a sea of polls showing Trump winning in 2024.

    I have been preparing my wife for bad news. She won’t listen.

  3. Dana says:

    The Democrats will claim that hey, the stock market has hit new highs, which is true, and that actually affects working-class Americans’ retirement accounts, but it’s not really something that most Americans see and feel in their bones. The Democrats will claim that hey, unemployment is low and jobs are going begging, which is true, but the jobs that are going begging are the low-paying, entry-level jobs that people don’t want. The Democrats will claim that everything is peaches but the cream, but that’s not what people actually see when they have to buy groceries or pay their bills. The Democrats will claim that wage increases have more than kept up with inflation, and that’s true, THIS YEAR, but people can see that they are poorer overall since Joe Biden took office.

  4. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    The 48% probably include the 1 million who DIDN’T die from the Trump pandemic. https://www.thepiratescove.us/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_bye.gif

  5. H says:

    We aren’t hearing much about the fraud associated with early mail in ballots since Trump has decided that is not a problem.
    Mr Teach has stopped saying that mail ins are fraud, I think his objections may resume that Italian satellites are controlling the Dominion electronic voting machines.
    Will there be voter suppression? In 2000 when the election was decided by 538 votes in FL, voters in heavily Dem urban areas had to wait up to 4chiurs to vote because the GOP FL legislature limited the number of polling places in Miami

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