Leftist Groups Rally Against Police Cracking Down In AOC’s District

It was not that long ago we learned

How much time does AOC actually spend in her own district? Does she know what’s going on? Does she care?

Groups rallying against police crackdown on prostitution in AOC’s ‘Red Light’ district

A rally is taking place in “Squad” member Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s district on Tuesday, when pro-migrant and pro-sex worker groups will call for police to stop clamping down on illegal prostitution and illegal vendors operating in the area.

A nearly two-mile stretch along Roosevelt Avenue in the migrant-heavy neighborhoods of Elmhurst, North Corona and Jackson Heights in Queens has become known as a “Red-Light” district — parts of which encompass Cortez’s 14th District, where those described as scantily dressed migrant prostitutes solicit sex during all hours of the day and night. Illegal street vendors clog the sidewalks to cook hot food in the open while other vendors push everything from used clothes to pots and pans or tools.

Some residents compare it to a “Third World” country and have repeatedly called for the city to take action on the ongoing crisis

Last week, New York City Mayor Eric Adams launched “Operation Restore Roosevelt,” which aims to crack down on miscreant behavior over the next 90 days and bring back law and order to the commercial strip.

However, the crackdown is being met with opposition by groups like Make the Road New York, an advocacy group for illegal and legal immigrants; DecrimNY, which seeks to decriminalize sex work; and Red Canary Song, which advocates for migrant massage workers and sex workers.

I wonder how many members of these groups actually live in the district, and especially in the area that’s essentially a Third World shithole?

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7 Responses to “Leftist Groups Rally Against Police Cracking Down In AOC’s District”

  1. Doom and Gloom says:

    Does AOC know? YES.

    Does AOC care? NO…she condones this action. The left want to overrun the system. This is why they are letting millions of illegals into the country. To over run the system.

    There is a name for this. Clowerd and Piven.

    The left had used this for a long time, beginning back in the 70s when they overran the bathrooms at the airport and forced the government to kowtow to their demands. It has been a large part of the left’s playbook since then.

    Anyone VOTING FOR A DEMOCRAT is a lunatic who has bought into the KOOL-AIDE that the right is what is dangerous to this country.

    NO, the right is dangerous to the left’s playbook of destroying and fundamentally changing this nation into a socialist country that will ultimately end up being the hellhole every other socialist nation has become.

  2. H says:

    Typically 2 bedroom apartments there sell for over 400000 dollars. You can check zillow

  3. Dana says:

    A rally is taking place in “Squad” member Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s district on Tuesday, when pro-migrant and pro-sex worker groups will call for police to stop clamping down on illegal prostitution and illegal vendors operating in the area.

    Does that mean there is legal prostitution in the lovely Miss Ocasio-Cortez’s district? https://www.thepiratescove.us/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_wacko.gif

    I will admit that I have some difficulty with the idea that it can be illegal to do for money something perfectly legal to do for free.

    • Professor Hale says:

      I will admit that I have some difficulty with the idea that it can be illegal to do for money something perfectly legal to do for free.

      Let me help clarify that for you. Those women are not entrepreneurs or seeking a better life. They aren’t even “sex workers”. They are sex slaves. They are working off debts imposed on them by migrant gangs and they have no choice about how they do it. Sex slavery has tripled under the Biden/Harris/Democrat to be named later administration. There are now more slaves living in the USA today than there were at the beginning of the civil war of 1861. The only difference is that back then, there was a very active abolitionist movement set on freeing them. No one speaks for the modern slaves. Once again, the Democratic party is the party that defends slavery in all its forms. While their members squabble over slavery that happened 160 years ago, they enable slavery that is happening all over America today and call it “trade”. For Democrats, literally slavery is freedom. Modern slaves have no hope of being free from their masters. There will be no war to free them. They are Biden/Harris slaves.

  4. L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon! says:

    At some point the American people are going to have to stand up. They cannot speak up in a system designed to ensure their silence without eventually breaking the law. We have seen this in city and county commissions and board of educations across the nation concerning actions they have taken to harm or otherwise corrupt the decency of children. Suddenly, and without justification, except self-preservation and continuance of their unnatural policies, the government has arrested citizens for the crime of exposing their criminal activity to the eyes of fellow citizens. The laws they pass and the justifications for their actions are illegal, the people writing and passing those laws or policies are violating everything that makes civil coexistence possible.

    The judges ruling that election integrity measures are unlawful are singlehandedly abrogating the laws that ensure free and fair elections, which compounds the errors of the past in the false belief that some portions of the population are too stupid and backward to avail themselves of voting regulations, a racist and bigoted perspective that should have been met with the greatest of ridicule when first trotted out as an argument to make cheating in elections easier. In order to address where any of that might be true, it would have been better for those who believe this to dedicate themselves to educating those it believes to be mentally wanting (as there is no other excuse) rather than to open the whole system up to vulnerability. This logical loop-de-loop is how communists are able to systematically disenfranchise the majority. They only need resort to such actions, because they are unable to convince the majority to believe in their disastrous and ill-thought out policies, often long after those policies have proven themselves to be illogical and harmful.

    Taken all together, the people know they are being cheated of their rightful representatives in government. The communists engaging in it don’t care and are, like James Comey and Mark Milley, at least brave enough to risk prison and execution for treason to achieve it. It’s like a badge of honor to them to die for the communist cause and unless we match their bravery, unless our republic is as sacred to us as communism is to them, we will be conquered fully in the next Democrat administration. That is, if we are not already conquered and just to stubborn to admit it. L. Davis Oct 18, 2024


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