Climahypocrite Leonardo DiCaprio Backs Cackles Harris Due To ‘Climate Change’

This is the same guy who takes lots of fossil fueled private jets and mega-yachts all over the world, right? In fairness, he does own a lot of hybrid and plugin hybrids, which he has at his high carbon output megamansion

Leonardo DiCaprio Endorses Kamala Harris and Bashes Trump for Ignoring Climate Change: ‘He Continues to Deny the Science’

Leonardo DiCaprio has endorsed Kamala Harris for president.

In a video posted to Instagram, the Oscar-winning actor discussed the damage of recent hurricanes Helene and Milton, saying “these unnatural disasters were caused by climate change.”

“Donald Trump continues to deny the facts. He continues to deny the science. He withdrew the United States from the Paris Climate Accords and rolled back critical environmental protections,” DiCaprio said. “Now he’s promised the oil and gas industry that he’ll get rid of any regulation they want in exchange for a billion-dollar donation.”

It’s easy for Leo to deal with all the government mandates and price of living increases: he’s rich. No one is going to restrict what he has to say. No one in government is going to tell him he can’t fly wherever he wants.

As the Post article notes

With less than two weeks until Election Day, Harris has received the support of many high-profile entertainers including Taylor Swift, Oprah Winfrey, Meryl Streep, Chris Rock and George Clooney.

Funny how all these rich folks come out for Kamala, who said she’s going tax the bejesus out of rich folks (just like Biden did, Hillary did, Obama did). It’s almost like they don’t believe that will happen. Just like when Biden and Obama didn’t. Nor force them to pay their fair share to deal with Hotcoldwetdry.

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6 Responses to “Climahypocrite Leonardo DiCaprio Backs Cackles Harris Due To ‘Climate Change’”

  1. Doom and Gloom says:

    Covid has rendered Hollywood INSIGNIFICANT.

    Hell these people are hardly eating. Most of the movies and TV series being made are by Independent studios, Amazon, Netflix, AMC, etc…etc.

    Disney is almost bankrupt, constantly having to cancel their planned movies and what movies they make are so woke that the backlash is incredible.

    I can’t wait for Musk and his co-billionaire buddy to buy Disney so they can get back to making good movies.

    Woke Culture nearly canceled J.D Rowling because she dared to speak against it in passing during an interview. Her worldwide sales dropped to 7 million dollars a few years back. She apologized, and they didn’t care. So she doubled down and told them literally to go fuk themselves.

    This past year, her sales exceeded ONE BILLION DOLLARS, not 7 million. The world hates Wokism. It is only in the USA, where it still has a foothold, albeit flimsy and growing even more flimsy, as a tactic by China and others trying to destroy the USA.

    More and more actors are coming out of the political closet in Hollywood because Tinsel Town has lost its glitter. You have the Tom Hanks holding on by fingernails and led by raving lunatics like Robert DeNiro while these young kids wanting to Make it, could honestly give a shit about politics.

    Buh, Bye Hollywood. I personally don’t even care if you exist anymore. The world has fired you and replaced you with Amazon, AMC, HBO, etc.

  2. ruralcounsel says:

    The P. Diddy tapes have made a lot of Hollyweird vulnerable to blackmail. So no surprise that a lot of them are now coming out for Kamala and Walz.

  3. Mad Celt says:

    Guy seriously needs a hobby. May I suggest stamp collecting?

  4. Kye says:

    “Now he’s promised the oil and gas industry that he’ll get rid of any regulation they want in exchange for a billion-dollar donation.”

    If that pussy DiCaprio actually said that (which I haven’t seen on video) it’d another lie. It’s also a ridiculous lie but that hasn’t stopped them so far. I see ads stating Trump “wants to eliminate Social Security” and others that say he wants to cut it by 28%. I’ve seen ads stating Trump wants to “give tax cuts to millionaires” which is just a rerun of the bullshit Elwood constantly floats which is of course nonsense. And their biggest lie that Trump wants “to ban abortion even in cases of rape and incest” which is a lie and well beyond any presidents power. Again nonsense.

    These are just the top three lies that have been made SOP here in a democommie attempt to tell the lie often enough until it becomes fact. There are other incidental lies like trump will draft women, ban homos, and arrest leftists. In fact there is almost nothing in demo ads that are truthful. I can’t see how they can do that.

    I can see the democommies are almost at the point of exploding on TV. They seem unhinged (not as bad as Elwood but unhinged nonetheless).

    Constantly calling Trump “literally Hitler” only proves they don’t know what the word “literally” means. Plus calling us all Nazis, fascists, white supremacists’ or Christian nationalists is just projection of their own desires and proclivities. But they may get votes from the dummies out there.

    Now they are trying to draw a line from the Bund meetings in the 1930’s and a Trump rally at Madison Square Garden. It’s funny, like nobody else can ever use MAG because Nazis used it 90 years ago. It’s like saying Trump supporters can’t walk in Skokie, IL because the neo-Nazis did in 1977. Just ignorant and stupid.

    The more I watch the speech and actions of the democommies and their Party this election the more I realize how this nation has been balkanized by the left and how urgent it is that Trump win. If only to see if all theses crazy leftists actually go nuts and take to the streets or if they give up the constant divisive language. Finally.

  5. Dana says:

    I was actually more interested in our host’s beginning:

    In fairness, he does own a lot of hybrid and plugin hybrids, which he has at his high carbon output megamansion

    Charles Barkley shared a story about his rookie year in the NBA, in which he was asked by Julius Irving, “How many cars do you own?”

    Mr Barkley replied, “Six.”

    Dr J responded, “And how many cany you drive at one time?”


    “Then why do you need six cars? That money you’re making now? It has to last you a lifetime!”

    So Mr Barkley downsized. Fortunately, he was good enough to have a long career in the NBA, and even more, he has the talent and charisma to continue on as a television analyst.

    Mr DiCaprio? Having multiple cars like that screams ‘impulse buyer’ to me, and the last person from whom I’m going to take advice is an impulse buyer. Yeah, he’s wealthy enough to afford impulse buying, but so many people, including our government, are not. Our governments have the cash flow, aided by huge borrowing, to impulse buy, but it must inevitably lead to a huge correction.

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