Hey, how about all those federal employees who are dead weight learn to work in the caregiver industry?
The caregiving industry relies on immigrants. These workers fear deportation under Trump
A homecare worker wakes at 3:30 a.m., showers, and prepares for a more than 10-hour day of attending to her clients.
She cooks. She cleans. She replaces catheter bags. She bathes her clients, checks their blood pressure, and ensures they take their medication. When she wraps up her shift at the home of a disabled U.S. Iraq War veteran at 4:30 p.m., she is off the clock but returns to the house of her first client, a 92-year-old woman with dementia who lives alone, and cooks her dinner.
She earns $18.50 an hour and is provided no health care benefits. She loves her job but worries President Donald Trump’s crackdown on immigration and plans for mass deportations could threaten her ability to do it.
“Not all immigrants who come here cause harm. Most are here to contribute,” the homecare worker told USA TODAY in Spanish through a translator. “It’s sad and disheartening to see how immigrants are being treated.”
The homecare worker has asked that her real name not be used for fear of being targeted for deportation. USA TODAY has confirmed the homecare worker’s identity, agreed to provide her anonymity, and will refer to her as “Julia.”
No, not all illegals come to cause harm. Many have been beneficial. Agriculture. Housing. Caregivers. But, they are here illegally. If you break the law you break the law. And it doesn’t help their cause when so many Demand housing, money, healthcare, food, education, and more, all while refusing to learn the language, refuse to assimilate, fly the flags of their home country, and denigrate Americans and America. I’ve long said we should have a much better temporary visa system.
Julia is one of many immigrants living in the country with no clear path to citizenship. She came to the U.S. 23 years ago from El Salvador as a Temporary Protected Status holder after an earthquake wreaked havoc on her home country. She now faces growing uncertainty as Trump targets others with similar legal but fragile immigration statuses, a focus that could disrupt the caregiver industry which is heavily dependent on foreign-born workers.
Temporary. Operative word. But, you know what, I do not blame them, I blame the politicians, judges, and bureaucrats for refusing to send people back.
Julia is one of many immigrants, both with legal status and without, on which the U.S. caregiver industry depends. Foreign-born workers help address the growing need for care given the nation’s aging Baby Boomer population.
Well, hey, perhaps the education system should stop teaching stupid subject and educate the kiddies in worthwhile subject. It is funny, all these youts say They Care, but, all they do is protest and demand, but, rarely get out to help.

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President Elon told Larry Kudlow (FOX) that “entitlements” (i.e., Social Security and Medicare) makes up most of the federal spending’ AND is used by Democrats to ‘attract and retain immigrants to the US and turn them into voters’. Elon said there is $700 BILLION in waste fraud and abuse in Social Security alone!! That’s over half the program!!
He may be the world’s smartest idiot! To his credit, if he imagines it, he says it.
Oh my. King Donnie has said he will NOT make cuts to Social Security and Medicare.
“The question is, which is to be master — that’s all.” – Humpty Dumpty
If King Donnie allows it, there will be an election 3 Nov 2026 where all House members will be on the block. Thirty-three Senators, too.
Sorry Rimjob but you’re not making any sense again.
Mr Teach: I’ve long said we should have a much better temporary visa system.
The Repubs own the White House, the Senate, the House and the high court. Why can’t they “git ‘er done”?
The whole deportation program is failing, big league. It’s just a political sideshow. Everyone agrees that violent criminals need to be arrested and deported but that’s hard work. It’s easier to roust kids in schools and fruit pickers in fields.
Most of the 11 million (some say 66 million) illegal immigrants contribute.
Again Rimjob’s not making any sense.
Deportation program failing?
After 2 months?
How’s that genius?
The distinguished Mr Dowd wrote:
There is an element of resistance to all immigration in the GOP, enough so that no such system would pass without Democratic votes. :(
Sadly, Mr Dowd is partially correct in this, but he’s also partially very wrong. No, not “everyone agrees that violent criminals need to be arrested and deported,” as is witnessed by the universal opposition to the Laken Riley Act by the Democrats. Heck, with the George Soros-sponsored, police-hating and criminal-loving prosecutors that have been elected — and even Mr Dowd has mentioned the one in St Louis, who was eventually deposed — we see violent criminals arrested but given lenient sentences, if the charges are not dropped entirely, and no cash bail. We have ‘sanctuary’ cities and states which refuse to honor all immigration holds, including on violent criminals. And we just emerged from four miserable years in which the Biden Administration didn’t give a f(ornicate) about deporting violent criminals. José Antonio Ibarra, who murdered Miss Riley, already had a previous arrest record:
How much less resistance to immigration would there be had the Biden Administration worked hard just to get the “violent criminals” arrested and deported, as our savant from St Louis has said was supported by “everyone”?
There’s a bit of truth to what Mr Dana typed. Clearly there has been a breakdown in our criminal justice system when we permit those charged with a violent crime out of detention. Not only immigrants but all. Mr Dana understands why this happens – to many crimes and too few resources. Deportation might work in some cases, but how many persons have been kicked out but re-enter? A speedy trial and imprisonment is a better solution.
Unfortunately, we will always have sociopaths and psychopaths committing heinous crimes – rapes, assaults and murders.
Dowd opined: The Repubs own the White House, the Senate, the House and the high court. Why can’t they “git ‘er done”?
Because it takes 60 votes in the Senate(obviously, the GOP only has 53 senators in the Senate), and the Dems who rely on the welfare state for votes won’t change a thing, Including the waste, fraud, and Abuse that keeps them in power.
So the wily Repubs will have to persuade 7 Dem Senators. Wow. Compromise.
Actually, most red states are ‘welfare’ states, requiring funds from the wealthy blue states.
The ‘Muskovites’ keep talking about waste, fraud and abuse – im fact their leader, Elon – claims Social Security has $700 BILLION in waste and fraud!! That’s over 50%!!
He has been unable to prove ANY of his waste, fraud and abuse charges.
His car company is doing so poorly he has the President of the United States making commercials for him from our White House. His rocketships (to save humanity!!) keep blowing up! His Xwitter has become a money sucking cesspool. He has at least 14 children with several different women. Fortunately, he spent close to $300 MILLION to get trump elected and has over $20 BILLION in contracts with the US military, NASA and other agencies. That’s a pretty good return on his investment.
Another good catch-“300 million to get Trump elected..”
As opposed to Soros paying 200 million to buy various radio stations, and millions spent to get soft on crime DA’s elected in several cities, to name just a few of the things done on behalf of dems? The difference would be…….what?
So the right wing fanatics were right again. Democrats support immigration because the want low-paid servants to care for them.
No, you right wing fanatics are wrong again. We support immigration for voters.
Don’t ‘caregivers’ such as home health aides have to pass background checks? What companies send employees into other people’s homes without checking up on them? So then, how do we have illegals working in that field?
Employers are supposed to fill out an Immigration Form I-9, which requires documents to prove every employee is here and able to work legally. Either the employers are skipping this, or the applicants are presenting fraudulent documents, both of which are felonies.
Illegal immigration is not a one-and-done crime. To support themselves, they have to obtain and present fraudulent documents, Social Security numbers, and/or taxpayer ID numbers. These are felonies, and they are persistent felonies.
If a company willfully ignores proper filling out of the Form I-9, that company has committed a felony, for which the boss, the owners, and the individuals or HR departments not doing their jobs properly are committing felonies.
The real way to crimp illegal immigration? Send some of these employers to prison! Find them, gather the evidence, put them on trial, convict them, and send them to federal prison. Do that a few times, and the rest will quit doing that s(tuff).
Mr Dana is correct. If Republican politicos were serious they would turn in the employers/owners/operators of the businesses for prosecution, but that very rarely happens. That only a literal handful of employers have been prosecuted, with millions of illegal workers here (many for years), is telling. MAGA elites are using the unpopular immigrants as a political football. They don’t want pictures of white men in suits and ties being handcuffed and led away.
In many cases the immigrants have become integral contributors to their company and community. Tossing them will obviously be disruptive, but Mr Trump’s secondary objective is disruption, so what’s a little more!! (He uses disruption to keep American’s off balance as the plutocrats loot the country).
The complete impotence of Congress cannot be fixed with a phosphodiesterase 5 inhibitor. They are like abused wives, wanting to please their Big Daddy so they don’t get slapped again.
Oh, now Congress is suffering from the abused wife syndrome?
Seriously Rimjob do you ever think these things out before posting?
Baha! Lolgfy Loser!
Reporting illegals at work used to be the law, but Dems thought that it was racist. So stopped it.