Doom! Last 10 Years Were The Hottest Ever!

That is, if we go by the hyperventilating, doomsaying NY Times headline

Earth’s 10 Hottest Years Have Been the Last 10

How many Warmists will read that and say “see! I knew it! Doom!”? Heck, it’s really more to influence the casual anthropogenic climate change believer into getting more hardcore. Because so many will never get by the headline. Anyhow, let’s hit the article for the second problem

With the addition of 2024, yet another record-hot year, the past 10 years have been the 10 hottest in nearly 200 years of record-keeping, the World Meteorological Organization reports.

“That’s never happened before,” said Chris Hewitt, the director of the W.M.O.’s climate services division. It marks the first time since record keeping began that all of the 10 hottest years have fallen within the most recent decade.

200 years, eh? There are very few records truly going back that far, and what records there are are limited to specific areas. How much of the US were populated in 1825? Even so, 1825 was in the Little Ice Age, which ended around 1850. So, it should be no surprise that the world slowly got warmer, about 1.6F since 1850.

Really, the rest is just boilerplate doom and gloom, we’ve seen it again and again and again.

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6 Responses to “Doom! Last 10 Years Were The Hottest Ever!”

  1. DCE says:

    Remember the BEST survey that found that once ‘pristine’ weather stations are now smack dab in the middle of areas that are now covered in asphalt and concrete or are located next to heat generating equipment (HVAC) and so on? It’s the Urban Heat Island effect which is skewing temperature readings.

    If one looks only at pristine stations those ‘unprecedent’ temperatures disappear.

    • Elwood P Dowd says:

      That is untrue.

      How is the Urban Heat Island effect causing the Argo system to indicate the upper one mile of the oceans is warming?

      The Argo program currently supports a global array of roughly 4,000 robotic profiling floats that measure the temperature and salinity of the upper 2,000 meters of the ocean. Some “dive” down to 6000 m (about 3.6 miles deep!!).

      Rather than to deal with the evidence, Deniers are better off attributing global warming (scam) to dishonest leftist scientists faking data. Just go with that to avoid these embarrassing contradictions.

      • DCE says:

        So we can ignore the findings of the BEST survey? How much of the data you referenced was collected 25, 50, 75, 100 years ago?

  2. Elwood P Dowd says:

    Relax Teach! Why worry what these losers are writing? You won!

    The most powerful man on Earth, ever, King Donald the First is shutting it all down. He is stopping all US funded global warming (scam) research. He is shutting down the research stations. If you don’t measure CO2 and the temperature, global warming (scam) will stop!! Duh.

  3. Jl says:

    “Hottest ever” . Even by the early 1900s the US and Central Europe were really the only areas with temp station coverage, so almost impossible to have a global average temperature to compare it to. The Argo program only began in 1999-2000, and before that the method used was ships dipping buckets into the ocean, which was highly inaccurate

  4. Jl says:

    “Democrats say fire at Tesla facility likely caused by climate change…”

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